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OMG, white stuff on the ground!!! Eleventy!!!!

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  • OMG, white stuff on the ground!!! Eleventy!!!!

    It's a bit ironic that the postal code for the state in which I reside is. . .


    So, once again, we have received a whole whopping fraction of an inch of snow, and the usual mindwarped reaction is taking place all over:

    It's SNOWING!!!! We're gonna die!!!!!

    Hurry to the store, buy all the bread and milk!!!!

    Several years ago, we had an ice storm that brought down large numbers of heavy tree branches, causing power lines all over town to be knocked down. My friend, M, who dispatches service trucks for the town's City Public Works, was doing double duty by answering the phones (which were ringing nonstop by this point). She fielded numerous repeats of the same three SC questions:

    SC Question #1:

    Why is the power not working???!!!

    Underlying assumption: Why did you a-holes in the gubmint turn it off?

    Unspoken response: Why? Look out the window, Einstein!

    SC Question # 2:

    Is the power off everywhere, or am I the only one???!!!

    Underlying assumption: This is all a devious plot to annoy me!

    Unspoken response: No, it's just you, there are no ice-laden tree branches on top of snapped electrical lines laying in your neighbors' yards. BTW, the bright flashes and popping noises from outdoors are just an impromtu fireworks display, no need to be concerned, really! Go outside and play!

    SC Question #3:

    Well when are you going to turn it back onnnnnn???!!!

    Underlying assumption: You can't fool me, I know you can turn it back on whenever you want to, you're just being mean!

    Unspoken response:

  • #2
    In my previous apartment the power would go out often. After the second time I would just lay on my couch waiting for it to come back on but some of my neighbors who had lived there just as long as I have would go to their fuse box and flick the switches off and on then go outisde and ask everyone person they could find if their power was out too. It's like some people can not understand how something like this could happen and have to check with 10 other people before they believe it's not just them (although a lot of my neighbors were the type to miss paying a bill quite often)


    • #3
      Oh my, morons and power. The problems it causes in my store. Just in case you didn't notice all the traffic lights out in the area, etc, the dimly lit store and plastic taped over refrigerated cases. Yes the power is out. No we don't know when it will be on. Yes it is a pain in the ass, do deal with morons like you.


      • #4
        I live in SC too...and missed the snow storm down here for one in WV. I think some of my co-workers for subbing would've freaked if they had seen the conditions I drove in this morning...
        My NaNo page

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        • #5
          last year, we had rolling blackouts because the ONLY power supplier was trying to angle a way of increasing their rates without creating a huge hullabaloo. So they claimed "power shortage" and we had to have load shedding.
          Miraculously, the load shedding stopped after they got the rates increase approved. Shock Horror. -_-
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #6
            Quoth Shimatta View Post
            In my previous apartment the power would go out often. After the second time I would just lay on my couch waiting for it to come back on but some of my neighbors
            I have to admit, I did call my friend who lived in the same complex the last time the power went out. In my defense though, we don't really have very many outages. And that one, (I forget what happened) the sky was a brilliant clear the middle of late fall. That was only the second one for all of last year. (The one before that, I heard the transformer blow when lightning hit it. They're less than a mile from here.)
            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


            • #7
              $diety help them if they ever got this snowfall

              For a reference, I'm 6'3" Add 4" for the boots and the toque as it's polar bear cold here.

              "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
              I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


              • #8
                Quoth Dytchdoctir View Post

                SC Question #3:

                Well when are you going to turn it back onnnnnn???!!!

                Underlying assumption: You can't fool me, I know you can turn it back on whenever you want to, you're just being mean!

                Unspoken response:
                We had the same situation last year. I was without electricity for 5 of the longest days of my life (all my fishies died ).

                Anyway, the City made a command decision that the park x-mas lights were a high priority. There were eleventy power trucks working on the two parks in the city that had x-mas displays.

                I turned into a snarlin SC from hell. I was frothing at the mouth, I grew horns and thought my skin was turning green. But wasn't green, it was blue from freezing my a$$ off. ( I did have hot water thnk all that is holy, if I had to stinky and cold, all sorts of unhappy postalness would have ensued)

                BTW, I know it wasn't the power company's fault, the former City Council set the priorty.


                • #9
                  Quoth Bandit View Post
                  $diety help them if they ever got this snowfall
                  Snow bank at my house is around 3/4 that size, but because I only did half the driveway.


                  • #10
                    I don't remember losing power because of snow too often. Once at my parent's...

                    but their place - and my new apartment - are both in high-snow areas so... we're kinda use to it.

                    Now losing power because of a thunderstorm or hurricane? Yep. Even saw lighting hit the streetlight outside once when growing up.

                    and back when i was in virginia i lost power for a good week or so during hurricane isabelle. thankfully i had a gas stove and could still cook & make hot water for a bath. and i could read by candle light. mostly though it was just boring... like super boring.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Dytchdoctir View Post
                      It's a bit ironic that the postal code for the state in which I reside is. . .


                      So, once again, we have received a whole whopping fraction of an inch of snow, and the usual mindwarped reaction is taking place all over:

                      It's SNOWING!!!! We're gonna die!!!!!

                      Hurry to the store, buy all the bread and milk!!!!

                      I have said that same exact thing about our fair state.

                      Yeah, I got a call at 7:30am yesterday from a particularly smart assed friend who said, "Oh my God! Did you stock up on bread and milk!!??" (he was being funny, that's a running joke here in SC.)

                      In our defense, though, there's what, two snowplows in the entire state? Plus, none of us have Clue #1 on how to drive on snow.

                      Not that we had to do that yesterday, as it didn't stick to the roads, but still...


                      • #12
                        Next week we're doing the obligatory "It's-snowing-we're-all-going-to-die" comic, among others.

                        I live in Indiana, a state that gets snow every single winter. And yet, each winter, people freak out when snow is forecast and run out to buy milk and bread, because human beings can't live without those two things. I got snowed in one day in the last couple years.

                        People also forget how to drive in bad weather. Slow down and take it easy? F that noise!

                        I have driven in 11 consecutive winters in this state. Thusly, I know how the hell to drive in icy conditions. Other people, who have been driving longer than me, have not picked up this trick yet. And it's not like I have a 4-wheel-drive truck or anything, I have a malibu, and it functions very well in the winter.

                        I see so many SUVs in ditches. It's not hard to get them out. Unless you're stupid.
                        Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



                        • #13
                          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                          Plus, none of us have Clue #1 on how to drive on snow.

                          Not that we had to do that yesterday, as it didn't stick to the roads, but still...
                          That was actually a semi-joke in my substitute training...the coordinator told us she's be completely sympathetic if we didn't want to drive on a day that was threatening snow since she wouldn't be either. Myself and another lady from the North laughed and said to call us instead. You all are silly about snow.
                          My NaNo page

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                          • #14
                            Oh jeeze... During the blizzard of '93 we were without power for two weeks. TWO WEEKS! We cooked food on our woodstove and flushed the toilet with melted snow! We didn't complain because it was a fucking blizzard!
                            Check out my cosplay social group!


                            • #15
                              Here in Minnesota we get snow every year. Most years, we get lots of snow. You'd think that people would be used to snow in this state. But every snowstorm, DURING the storm, people are stocking up on everything and anything like it's the end of the world that we're getting 4 inches of snow. Then AFTER the storm, they go out and get into car accidents because they still think it's okay to go 60MPH down the 35MPH street.
                              Pit bull-

                              There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.

