Ooh, two SCs today! Must be buy one, get one free. -.-
RM - Rude Man
PP - Penny pincher
Rude Man
This was a perfectly normal transaction at first, til the guy I was serving suddenly barked, "Smile, can't you?" Note: I don't really smile, not the way some people would call smiling. I never have done, even as a child. However, I always make an effort to look pleasant and talk in a nice, smiley tone of voice at work to rectify this.
The guy then continued, "Smile, you miserable bitch!" I was so shocked, I said nothing; however, my collegue Tracey said to RM, "That's extremely offensive and if you'd read the sign, you'd know that customers are not allowed to be rude to the staff." RM replied, "I wasn't being rude, I was being factual."
She replied with, "I don't care what you thought you were being, point is it's very rude to say things like that and we don't tolerate it here."
I gave RM his receipt and he left. Sadly, there are a lot of idiots around who revel in being rude to shop staff who can't say anything in return to them. That's why if I'm standing in a queue while shopping and some SC is bitching at a cashier, I will always step in and stand up for them, cuz I know how it feels.
Penny Pincher
A little later, this oldish man came up to the till. I started to say hi, but he talked over me. "I can't believe this! I finished filling up my car, and put the pump back and it clicked up one penny! Your pumps are all defective and I won't pay the penny! Don't you dare charge me for that penny, cuz I won't pay it!" To get rid of PP, I didn't charge him for the penny and he left, but honestly; the penny only went on cuz he put it there. I've filled up loads of times and accidentally added a penny, or got it on the dot; it's nothing to do with the pump, it's the person on the end of it. -.-
Oh yeah, and we also had three drive offs. -.- I could never get the hang of Wednesdays. (Slight misquote there; cookie for the reference.)
RM - Rude Man
PP - Penny pincher
Rude Man
This was a perfectly normal transaction at first, til the guy I was serving suddenly barked, "Smile, can't you?" Note: I don't really smile, not the way some people would call smiling. I never have done, even as a child. However, I always make an effort to look pleasant and talk in a nice, smiley tone of voice at work to rectify this.
The guy then continued, "Smile, you miserable bitch!" I was so shocked, I said nothing; however, my collegue Tracey said to RM, "That's extremely offensive and if you'd read the sign, you'd know that customers are not allowed to be rude to the staff." RM replied, "I wasn't being rude, I was being factual."

I gave RM his receipt and he left. Sadly, there are a lot of idiots around who revel in being rude to shop staff who can't say anything in return to them. That's why if I'm standing in a queue while shopping and some SC is bitching at a cashier, I will always step in and stand up for them, cuz I know how it feels.
Penny Pincher
A little later, this oldish man came up to the till. I started to say hi, but he talked over me. "I can't believe this! I finished filling up my car, and put the pump back and it clicked up one penny! Your pumps are all defective and I won't pay the penny! Don't you dare charge me for that penny, cuz I won't pay it!" To get rid of PP, I didn't charge him for the penny and he left, but honestly; the penny only went on cuz he put it there. I've filled up loads of times and accidentally added a penny, or got it on the dot; it's nothing to do with the pump, it's the person on the end of it. -.-
Oh yeah, and we also had three drive offs. -.- I could never get the hang of Wednesdays. (Slight misquote there; cookie for the reference.)