A lady called looking for "a few" books. Normally it's no big deal for me to walk around and find books for people, but I was getting slammed with booksellers so it was kind of annoying. Nevertheless I found them all for her. They were all school texts (Dante, Machiavelli, etc.) Next she proceeds to quiz me on the condition of the books, the price, etc. I'm getting a little miffed because it's taking a lot of my time and I have three sellers staring at me impatiently plus a store full of customers. And, seriously, we're a USED bookstore, so if condition is sooo important then maybe you should consider calling Borders or something. She also seemed confused by the tax amount I quoted her and asked what our tax rate is which I thought was weird (hint: it's the same as the rest of California). But I help her anyway, whatever. Then she asks me to put them on hold for her daughter who is at SDSU (the state university). I was really surprised that a mother was calling up bookstores looking for her child's COLLEGE textbooks. It could have been that the daughter was somehow disabled or otherwise unable to get her own textbooks, but then why would she be living by herself on campus? I really really wanted to confront the lady about it but I didn't even have the time (also that would have been rude I guess
). If I ever have a kid, I hope to god I do a better job than this lady so that my college-aged offspring has the ability to SHOP for themselves. I'm a junior at SDSU myself and it pisses me off how many spoiled brats waste their education and skip class to booze it up and do mountains of coke on daddy's dime while my friends (and myself I daresay) work like dogs to make it through this crappy state university. UGH! Sorry, rant over
