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Helicopter parents.... (sorry, ranty)

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  • Helicopter parents.... (sorry, ranty)

    A lady called looking for "a few" books. Normally it's no big deal for me to walk around and find books for people, but I was getting slammed with booksellers so it was kind of annoying. Nevertheless I found them all for her. They were all school texts (Dante, Machiavelli, etc.) Next she proceeds to quiz me on the condition of the books, the price, etc. I'm getting a little miffed because it's taking a lot of my time and I have three sellers staring at me impatiently plus a store full of customers. And, seriously, we're a USED bookstore, so if condition is sooo important then maybe you should consider calling Borders or something. She also seemed confused by the tax amount I quoted her and asked what our tax rate is which I thought was weird (hint: it's the same as the rest of California). But I help her anyway, whatever. Then she asks me to put them on hold for her daughter who is at SDSU (the state university). I was really surprised that a mother was calling up bookstores looking for her child's COLLEGE textbooks. It could have been that the daughter was somehow disabled or otherwise unable to get her own textbooks, but then why would she be living by herself on campus? I really really wanted to confront the lady about it but I didn't even have the time (also that would have been rude I guess ). If I ever have a kid, I hope to god I do a better job than this lady so that my college-aged offspring has the ability to SHOP for themselves. I'm a junior at SDSU myself and it pisses me off how many spoiled brats waste their education and skip class to booze it up and do mountains of coke on daddy's dime while my friends (and myself I daresay) work like dogs to make it through this crappy state university. UGH! Sorry, rant over
    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron

  • #2
    I'll join in with you on your rant. My husband's ex-wife is a "helicopter mom" with their child. I can see the beginnings of her son being heavily dependent on her in his lifestyle .... She denies, denies, denies ... but honestly ... how long does a young (11 year old) lad need in "getting used to the new house" (i.e., they just moved into a home) -- in other words, for a few months, she allowed him (and his little sister) sleep on her bedroom floor because the children are terrified of the dark and scary things.


    But yeah, as for the mom that is calling for books for her daughter ... is the daughter so busy that she can't call herself? It's not like the person on the other end of the phone is going to bite ...
    This area is left blank for a reason.


    • #3
      As far as potential disabilities go, I'm not saying everyone would be the same, but I have witnessed a student at my university who is blind walk up to the service counter at out main book store, rattle off by memory the titles and texts that he needs and the book store employee went and got it for him. He asked how much, pays in cash with no other help and then left. All I'm saying if he can be that independent I can't imagine other disabilities that wouldn't at least be able to find out what text's they need on their own and then place an order or go in and pick them up on their own.


      • #4
        Quoth Chanlin View Post
        As far as potential disabilities go, I'm not saying everyone would be the same, but I have witnessed a student at my university who is blind walk up to the service counter at out main book store, rattle off by memory the titles and texts that he needs and the book store employee went and got it for him.
        They say that if one sense is "disabled," the others compensate for it. That is, they become sharper.

        One of my then-gf's friends was like that. "Tara" was completely blind. She could get around, but only with a cane, or by holding onto someone's hand. Even though she couldn't see me, she knew when I was around...the Old Spice gave me away

        Then there was my piano tuner. He was blind enough that he couldn't drive himself to jobs. Someone always had to take him, and help him set up his equipment. But, he wasn't totally blind--he missed walking into the stack of newspapers inside the living-room archway at my mother's. But, from what I understand, because of his vision, becoming a piano tuner was extremely difficult. Even so, he did an awesome job...he not only tuned my piano, but found that one of the pedals had been set up the factory! That told me that he knew what he was doing...meaning I always called him first, and passed his name along to people. Sadly, he passed away from a lengthy illness awhile back

        Last but not someone I read about in a classic car magazine. Even though he'd lost his sight, and could no longer didn't stop him from restoring a 1970s Ford Escort. Looking at the photos, it was unbelievable! Turns out that he could feel flaws in the bodywork simply by running his hands over it. Not surprisingly, any repairs were done to a high standard--the car itself is spotless!
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #5
          That's such an unwinnable situation being caught between glaring customers in the store and customer on the phone with a million questions.

          Does your boss give you any leeway to put off phone customers so you can take care of face-to-face customers first?
          The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

          The stupid is strong with this one.


          • #6
            Quoth Dips View Post
            That's such an unwinnable situation being caught between glaring customers in the store and customer on the phone with a million questions.
            Agreed. At least at my old job the managers were okay with us ignoring the phone when we were getting slammed or were short staffed. Some of them would even go so far as to leave the phone off the hook for however long we needed to catch up. (Of course folks would complain later that they could never get through to us but we could truthfully tell them that we were just busy with other customers!)
            Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


            • #7
              Quoth Mnemjian View Post
              A lady called looking for "a few" books. Normally it's no big deal for me to walk around and find books for people, but I was getting slammed with booksellers so it was kind of annoying. Nevertheless I found them all for her. They were all school texts (Dante, Machiavelli, etc.) Next she proceeds to quiz me on the condition of the books, the price, etc.
              I just tell them that I can't do their browsing for them over the phone.
              Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


              • #8
                Quoth protege View Post
       didn't stop him from restoring a 1970s Ford Escort.
                There are obviously some mental issues in that decision.
                Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                • #9
                  Quoth Mnemjian View Post
                  She also seemed confused by the tax amount I quoted her and asked what our tax rate is which I thought was weird (hint: it's the same as the rest of California).
                  The rate varies from county to county. Up here, sales tax is higher because of certain infrastructure work that's being done. We're at 8.75%. I think San Francisco is higher.
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    Quoth Chanlin View Post
                    As far as potential disabilities go, I'm not saying everyone would be the same, but I have witnessed a student at my university who is blind walk up to the service counter at out main book store, rattle off by memory the titles and texts that he needs and the book store employee went and got it for him...
                    I've met (and am friends with) a few people with disabilites that can do most everyday things better than me, but the blind man at the bookstore takes the cake for me. Just cause you know he has some really cool system set up for "reading" them


                    • #11
                      Quoth SteveZim1017 View Post
                      Just cause you know he has some really cool system set up for "reading" them
                      The Uni offers services for this. Mostly its converting the text from a non-e form to an e form or voice recording that can be listened to.


                      • #12
                        I've only shopped for textbooks on my campus, but don't most college bookstores have the books sorted out by class? I mean, you already have to know what classes you are taking, so it isn't that hard to find the section in the store. My parents came with me to pick up books for this semester, but that's because they like the store. I got everything I need in, like 5 minutes, and charged it to my student account. I can only assume that the daughter couldn't be bothered to take time out of her alcohol studies homework to pick them up herself.
                        All Hail Blortash, King of the Time Traveling Space Bears, who comes to us from Future Year 3032, known to us Earth Mortals as Regular 3032.


                        • #13
                          Quoth wagegoth View Post
                          The rate varies from county to county. Up here, sales tax is higher because of certain infrastructure work that's being done. We're at 8.75%. I think San Francisco is higher.
                          Thanks for that info! That's pretty useful to know. It probably explains the confusion
                          "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron

