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Return woes...

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  • Return woes...

    Story 1:

    A couple of days ago this guy comes into the store. I'm on the phone with someone from Palm and trying to help this lady with some tech support when he comes up to the counter. My co-worker J went to help him and that's when the barking started. First he wanted to return a product which is fine, but this genius didn't have his orginal receipt or packaging and only had a credit card for the return. Red lights flared up in both mine and J's forhead, so J calmly told him that she can't do the return because he doesn't have a receipt. Then, the crap started to hit the fan. Now, J is not a big person and he was quite a bit bigger than her. He started yelling about our policy and then started to get in her face and tower over her over the counter.

    Now, I don't like it when some a-hole tries to intimidate my employees so I told the person I helped that I was sorry and stepped in to defend J. He didn't like me butting in, but I held strong and told him what our return policy is and that we don't accept any returns without a receipt. He then said that I should take care of what I need to and he'll talk with me about it in a bit. So I help the customer, finish my phone call and then deal with Mr. A-hole. He then starts into me that I need to take it back because everyone else does without a receipt as long as you have the credit card. I proceed to tell him that even though they do, I don't. We go on about this for a while until he starts pointing out how it needs to be posted everywhere so he can read it. I just stared at him and told him that its on the bottom of the receipt and its clearly marked there. If he read the receipt when he signed it (its on there right before you sign), then he would have known about the return policy, but nooooo no one ever reads that or needs their receipts to return anything anymore (well golly gee batman, I didn't know that).

    He starts getting really frustrated with me, asks for my name and he asks for my president's mailing address so he can write him a letter. In turn, I give him my DM's address. He then proceeds to call me David and I'm pretty mad so at that point I tell him, "You know, if you're going to write my boss a letter you should get my name right its Toolbert. T O O L B E R T. Spell it right so you can tell him about forgetting your receipt." He gets furious with me and storms out of the store. I tell him to have a nice day as he gets out. J and one of our other co-workers K start laughing at how ridiculous this guy was and then he comes back to yell some more. He calls me a horrible manager (for following my return policy) and then leaves.


    Story 2:

    The second story involves a woman who purchased a Treo from me like 2 months ago and wants to return the device. It seems she's having a problem with her sim card tray and I know its a super easy fix (just replace the tray). So she looks at me and says "Can't you do that for me?" I just gave her a stern look and explained to her that its out of my warranty and she needs to call Palm and order the part. Of course she gets indignant with me and I try to calm her down. Her boyfriend/husband then joins her ranting and says that I should do it because its my product and my duty as a retailer to replace her product for her. So now I've got two muppets yelling at me in the store about a small part that would fix her phone. Then, they both decide that I've done nothing for them (except tell them exactly how to fix their problem) and that they should have never purchased the unit at all. *sigh*
    Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!

  • #2
    Wow, sounds like you had to deal with a couple of doozies there. From Story 1, it doesn't matter if the other stores take back the item without the receipt - that's their policy, not yours. It's sad that some people don't understand that. I'm glad he left the store without getting anything free.
    Story 2 - oh boy . . . did you have the part they needed magically hiding behind your back? Two months . . . how long were they expecting to you to replace the parts that break on their phone?
    This area is left blank for a reason.


    • #3
      I wonder what would happen if I use this topic as an excuse to rant about treos, and ask toolbert for cheap palms and tech support.
      I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

      "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


      • #4
        don't make me hurt you bliss lol
        Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


        • #5
          I absolutely can't stand SCs who think that there's a Universal return policy that applies to every store. Such stupid logic. These are the same people who try to use Lowe's coupons at Home Depot and ship FedEx from a UPS office.


          • #6
            Quoth CrazedClerk View Post
            I absolutely can't stand SCs who think that there's a Universal return policy that applies to every store. Such stupid logic. These are the same people who try to use Lowe's coupons at Home Depot and ship FedEx from a UPS office.
            There actually are some UPS offices around here that will ship Fedex. When I heard it, I thought it was kinda funny. They told me it was to at keep the people coming into their shop. People that come into their shop usually buy a ribbon a box or use the copiers anyways so it is just a ploy to get more customer traffic.

