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I want the Bad at Maths discount

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  • I want the Bad at Maths discount

    SC drives a dual-fuel car, he puts in around $60 of gas, $25 of petrol and grabs $5 of food in the shop. Pays by credit card, wanders off...

    ...and comes back almost screaming that I've just ripped him off.

    SC: "You added that up wrong! There's no way that adds up to $90! Just for $60 of gas and $25 petrol, that's not $90."
    Me: "Um... ok..." (thinking that would mean there's a problem with the tills and we've been ripping everybody off for 4 months) "what did I charge you?"
    SC: (hands over reciepts) "Look, $60 gas, $25 petrol, $5 food... that's not $90."
    me: (looks at reciepts, the total is $90 and some cents, the amex docket shows the same amount was charged to the card). "I'll double check that..." (mentally confirms the total, picks up calculator to double check)
    SC: "You don't even need a calculator to work it out!"
    me: (typing into calculator) $60.XX gas... plus $20.YY petrol... plus $5 drinks..." (and the total is the same as on the reciept)
    SC: (looks at it) "But.... Well.... I guess that's OK." (storms out).

    Funniest part... he claims "you don't need a calculator" when he obviously does!

  • #2
    Aaaaand he wins the award for being a douchebag! *hands him trophy shaped like a butt plug*

    Is it just me or is the heat making everyone crazy edible?
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      Quoth fireheart17 View Post
      Is it just me or is the heat making everyone crazy edible?

      By now I think there are actually less crazy people around than earlier in the week. I think either people have realised that everyone else is hot and bothered and there's nothing we can do about it, or the crazy people died from heatstroke.

      Yesterday I actually climbed into the reserve ice freezer at work. My excuse was that I had to to get the last few bags of ice that were still there in the bottom, but really it was just to cool down a bit.


      • #4
        Heat? *blink* Oh wait, I forgot, you guys are in Australia.

        And hah, I get that all the time. "That's supposed to be XX! You charged me YY!"

        "I didn't, sir. *grab out calculator and punch in numbers* See? It comes out to XX."

        "Oh. Um. *scoot off*"


        "Yout shorted me a dollar!!!"

        *notices it stuck to the underside of the receipt* "It's on the other side of the receipt."

        "What?!?" *check* "Oh. Um. *scoot off".
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


        • #5
          Quoth edible_hat View Post
          SC drives a dual-fuel car, he puts in around $60 of gas, $25 of petrol and grabs $5 of food in the shop. Pays by credit card, wanders off...
          Dumb question probably, but what's the difference between petrol and gas? I've always assumed that petrol is gas. I'm in Canada, btw, and we generally refer to gasoline as "gas" here. Some cars also run on diesel gasoline, which we usually refer to as "diesel".


          • #6
            Quoth BigBird View Post
            Dumb question probably, but what's the difference between petrol and gas? I've always assumed that petrol is gas. I'm in Canada, btw, and we generally refer to gasoline as "gas" here. Some cars also run on diesel gasoline, which we usually refer to as "diesel".
            I'm guessing hydrogen or somesuch.
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              Ah, you have met with the Idiot Pythagoras (Safe for work. Other pages of this webcomics might not be, though.)
              "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


              • #8
                Over here "gas" means LPG - usually a mixture of propane and butane - not petrol. The car in question has been modified to use LPG (which is cheaper, but takes up more space), but still has a petrol tank as well.


                • #9
                  I'm trying to work out what he thought the total was in his head, but I can't even pretend to be that stupid.

                  I'm surprised actually that I haven't heard of more asshattery during the heat, I kno I've been about ready to kill people, wouldn't it be nice if they did all die of heatstroke?
                  If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


                  • #10
                    Quoth fireheart17 View Post
                    Aaaaand he wins the award for being a douchebag! *hands him trophy shaped like a butt plug*
                    If he's as good at common sense as he is at math, he'd probably mistake that trophy for an ear cleaner.

                    Is it just me or is the heat making everyone crazy edible?
                    You have heat down there? I'll trade you our currently 33F weather for warm anytime.
                    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                    • #11
                      Quoth BigBird View Post
                      what's the difference between petrol and gas? I've always assumed that petrol is gas.
                      No, petrol is a liquid. LPG is gas.


                      • #12
                        Quoth fireheart17 View Post
                        Aaaaand he wins the award for being a douchebag! *hands him trophy shaped like a butt plug*

                        Is it just me or is the heat making everyone crazy edible?
                        I think that needs a comma, cuz technically, heat does make things more edible
                        And maybe its just part of SC-lack-of-logic, but wouldn't it make more sense if the douchebag award was a douchebag instead of a buttplug?
                        "If you find yourself fantasizing about throwing actual users into a blender, please get help... they're heavy." - Tom Dickson


                        • #13
                          Quoth froglet View Post
                          And maybe its just part of SC-lack-of-logic, but wouldn't it make more sense if the douchebag award was a douchebag instead of a buttplug?
                          We're using SC logic for the award.
                          If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


                          • #14
                            Quoth Nyoibo View Post
                            We're using SC logic for the award.
                            Well done!

                            You win 10 internets!


                            • #15
                              Technically LPG (liquid petroleum gas) is (mostly) a liquid when in it's tank. But that's because it's under pressure, which pushes it through the phase transition. However it is sufficiently volatile to become a gas when the pressure is released, and there is plenty of gas in the space above the liquid.

                              Hence you can tell how full an LPG tank is by swilling it.

