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Ugh. What kind of logic is THAT?

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  • Ugh. What kind of logic is THAT?

    It has been a while since I graced your pages with any stories. Actually. I only did it twice. It they weren't even a good stories. But since then, I had left my job that had caused me many a-headache, and I haven't had to deal with a customer since. It's wonderful.

    Now. I'm digging through my memory here, but I wish to depart some rather frustrating things that happened last year around the November and December months.

    Odd-Logic. Old Lady.

    Now, I don't have anything against old people. I don't. I just have something against people who can't use common sense when doing something.

    Now, in the place that I worked, there were only two cashes. And while we were just a dollar sto- erm. Excuse me "extreme retail" store, we got a LOT of people at times, and there usually was a huge lineup for both cashes.

    Now. One line was particularly long, and I was using my super-fast cash skills to get through people as quickly as possible.

    Then an old woman came up with a few items. It went something like this :

    OW: I can't believe how long this lineup is. It's ridiculous. People shouldn't have to wait like this.
    ME: I apologize, we're going as fast as we can.
    OW: -harumph- *shoves the items on the counter*
    ME: *picks up the first one*
    OW: Oh. I forgot a bag. Where are they?
    ME: Ah. The gift-bags are down in the center isle. Want me to hold the items aside till you come back?
    OW: *looks at me like I'm a complete moron* No. YOU go get it.
    ME: ... Sorry ma'am, but I cannot get it for you. I have to deal with the line of customers.
    OW: What? -I- was here first. Go. Get. Me. My. Bag.
    ME: I CANNOT. There a very long lineup. It is unfair to other customers.
    OW: This is stupid! I'M YOUR CUSTOMER. I'll never shop here again! *huffs and stomps out of the store. Never to be seen again*

    I'm sorry lady, but what had made you have such a bad day? Yes, you're old. Yes, you're a respected senior. No. I'm not your monkey to grab your things as you see fit. First of all, we have lots and lots of bags to choose from. Second of all. There's a huge-ass line! Did you not SEE it? Other people are just as frustrated as you, and they'll get MORE pissed off if I did your bidding. I wonder what strange land makes you think you can get a cashier in the middle of a huge rush to go get things for you like they’re your shopping monkey.

    More Odd Logic

    Some days it's rather unbearably slow. Very slow. It just drags on and on. But I have to say up front and watch the cash machines. Because... leaving them is rather stupid. It's neat though, since I can generally help people up front with their purchases.

    One lady, however, had a little weird logic about how this worked. Generally it's. See a price. See if it is worth the price. Buy if like it and like the price.

    Not. See the price. Bargain. Get pissed when I cannot give you a deal. No. I don't want to be fired.

    SC: *looking at collectable Canuck towels* Excuse me, these are 50 cents more than ____ store.
    ME: Ah, really? There are two different sizes there. That might be the med-
    SC: No. These are the same ones.
    ME: I see. That's the price we have them as in this store.
    SC: If I buy 3 of them, can you give me another 3 for free?
    ME: ... What?
    SC: *speaking as if I'm stupid* Can I get 6 for half off?
    ME: No... I can't do that.
    SC: Why not? I shop here all the time! This is stupid. These are way too expensive otherwise.
    ME: I apologize ma'am. But I cannot change the pricing of these. My manager has the ability, but I do not.
    SC: Whatever. *leaves the store*

    I just... what? What? BWAH? You want them to be HALF OFF? I'm sorry, but there's no mystery sale that only happens if you ask. Maybe if they were torn... or if they were stained or something really weird... MAYBE. Maybe if nobody wanted to buy them and they smelled like the plague we'd sell them to you for the cheap. But... no. Sorry. No. Half off does not make sense. Maybe if you asked for .50 off… Bah. No. You don't deserve it. >_> (And they were over 4 dollars, so you know.)

    You're being awfully discriminatory. BUT YOU'RE DOIN' IT WRONG.

    It's one thing to be rude to people for being something they don't want to interact with. Be it race or gender. But getting it WRONG is even more insulting.

    AM - Awful Man
    GF - Awful Man's girlfriend (not so awful)
    ME - Me
    OC - Other cashier

    AM: *walks up to my cash. Pauses. Looks me up and down* Ugh. You're too white, male and geeky. *goes to other cashier*
    GF: *gives him a dirty look* If someone said that to me, I'd kick their ass.|
    AM: *ignoring her*
    OC: *ringing him through - didn’t seem to notice either*

    Nothing else transgresses; the man's girlfriend keeps giving him a dirty look though. When they were done, and about to go through the door, I said, because I was so pissed off.

    ME: Sir. I am white. And I AM a geek. But I most certainly AM. NOT. A. MALE.

    He ignored me, left, and the girl looked like she wanted to drop kick him Chuck Norris style. I don't know why, but I was positively infuriated. He said it with such a disgusted tone too. Like I was some white-geek trash that he hated in high school. Sorry.

    Girlfriend of this dude? Please. PLEASE could you have dropped kicked him in front of the store?

    Enjoy these stories. I’ll dig up some more later. When I get home or something. I’m not sure if I WANT to dig that far into my brain. There might be horrors untold in there.
    Woman: *points to row of glue-sticks* Is this where your glue-sticks are stocked?
    Me: Why yes... yes that is.

  • #2
    For some reason, I didn't see the "NOT A MALE" comment coming. Caught me blindsided and I almost broke rule #1. Congrats.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      And if that GF has a brain cell in her head that functions, she'll dump him and find someone who is actually a decent human being.
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #4
        Quoth Azumizai View Post
        ME: Sir. I am white. And I AM a geek. But I most certainly AM. NOT. A. MALE.
        Are you single and within commuting distance of me?

        Take it however you like, serious, joke, fun, whatever.


        • #5
          Quoth Azumizai View Post
          ME: Sir. I am white. And I AM a geek. But I most certainly AM. NOT. A. MALE.
          I have been at my current games store for several months now and can think of probably SEVEN occasions where an in-store customer has called me "ma"am".

          This despite the fact:

          - No women were working at the time
          - I have a goatee
          - I have a very deep voice

          Seriously, WTF??
          "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


          • #6
            WTF is TOO white?


            • #7
              I think "too white" is the kind of complexion vampires have. Or people who try to get a suntan by looking at pictures of the sun on their computer screen. (Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.)
              "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


              • #8
                Quoth Stryker One View Post
                WTF is TOO white?
                Homicidal monk white?


                • #9
                  Quoth Stryker One View Post
                  WTF is TOO white?
                  Albino white

                  No offense to those who are albino.


                  • #10
                    Quoth MoonChild2007 View Post
                    Albino white
                    nah, it's so white that when you stand next to an albino, they look like they've got a tan.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Stryker One View Post
                      WTF is TOO white?
                      Look at the background of this post. I work with a girl who has skin roughly this shade.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Samaliel View Post
                        I think "too white" is the kind of complexion vampires have. Or people who try to get a suntan by looking at pictures of the sun on their computer screen. (Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.)
                        Or an Irish Quebec geekette.
                        Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                        "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Azumizai View Post
                          OW: -harumph- *shoves the items on the counter*
                          ME: *picks up the first one*
                          OW: Oh. I forgot a bag. Where are they?
                          ME: Ah. The gift-bags are down in the center isle. Want me to hold the items aside till you come back?
                          OW: *looks at me like I'm a complete moron* No. YOU go get it.
                          I'd get that at the game store.

                          Me: "Well, the computer says we should have [obscenely expensive Warhammer item], it would be downstairs in the Warhammer area."
                          SC: "You go get it for me."
                          Me: "I cannot leave the register right now, I have other customers in line."
                          SC: "NO! I'm a customer too!"

                          Typically then someone either in the line or browsing would give them a verbal filleting. It was a small store, never did the SCs realize that almost every exchange at the counter could be heard on the rest of the floor.
                          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                          • #14
                            girl looked like she wanted to drop kick him Chuck Norris style
                            ... better yet why is she dating him...

                            best way to judge your boyfriend/girlfriend ... see how they treat other people who aren't you. if they're like AM in the original post, you probably need to rethink your choice.


                            • #15
                              Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
                              And if that GF has a brain cell in her head that functions, she'll dump him and find someone who is actually a decent human being.
                              And if history is any guide for us, we know that that probably won't happen any time soon!

                              Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                              an in-store customer has called me "ma"am".

                              - I have a goatee
                              - I have a very deep voice
                              I too have a deep voice. Though I have a goatee now, I didn't at the time of this incident. And my hair was a little long. So I can kind of see what happened. To wit: kid comes up behind me at the restaurant I was working at and said, "Excuse me, ma'am?" At which point I turned around, intentionally made my voice even deeper than it is (no mean feat, I might say) and said, "Yessssss?"

                              I am pretty sure that that kid still has nightmares about the strange she-beast that forced him to change his shorts that day at the pizza joint all those many years ago. Even though by now he has got to be close to 30.

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

