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You were saying, madam?

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  • You were saying, madam?

    **PLEASE NOTE: I am going to mention attachment selling, service plans, and profit/loss on clearance product because it is relevant to this tale. I would appreciate it if this does not devolve into another argument about who that really benefits and claiming it's not sucky. I will not respond to those arguments this time.**

    This happened a couple weeks ago but I neglected to post it.

    A woman came in and was looking at a laptop that was a clearance floor model. Now, for better or for worse, we are under direction from the home office to not mark down the displays unless the customer asks us to, and then to mark them down no more than 5%, with threats of dismemberment if we mark them down more than that.

    Well, before I could even get to that, she demanded I sell it to her for 50% off the already reduced clearance price. It was originally $1000, and was out at $850 after rebate. So even if she bought it at the marked price, we'd lose money. No way we're gonna give her an additional 50% off.

    I told her we could do 5%, and in an attempt to get past that issue, started trying to talk about our service plan and what else she'd need witht he computer.

    SC: NO! I don't want any of that stuff! I just want 50% off on this! I mean, everyone's been banging on it like this *starts whacking keyboard*

    Me: PLease stop hitting the computer.

    SC: How do I know that for $850 it won't break in a month?

    Me: If you're concerned about that, you don't have to buy it.

    SC: Floor models should be 50% off, period. That's the way we used to do it

    (And what did you sell? Cheap watches?)

    Me: Ma'am, I'm sorry but I simply can't do 50% off. If you'd like to discuss this with a manager, our GM is right here (points her towards GM, who rather conveniently was talking with the OpsMan a few feet away).

    GM: What's up?

    *woman pleads her case*

    So then the GM does something AWESOME

    GM: Well, Dave knows what he's doing and I trust his judgment on this, so I'll leave it up to him.

    SC: So....?

    Me: Again, all I can do is 5%.

    SC: So....what your saying'd rather not make a sale?

    (Well, thing is, we aren't talking about a sale. We're talking about highway robbery, and that's something I would rather turn down.)

    Me: I just can't do 50%.

    She wandered off, mumbling something about how things worked when SHE was in retail, and how we'd never sell it without at least a 50% markdown.

    Two days later a guy came in, fell in love with that laptop, and bought it without asking for even the 5% markdown. AND he bought software, a 3 year service plan, a Gold setup package, anti-theft protection, and more. It all came to $1300. All without asking for a penny off (though I did sneak in a couple extra coupons for him).

    I just wish that snobby woman had come in the next day to see if I'd "come to my senses" so I could laugh in her face while flaunting a copy of the receipt for that sale.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Oddly enough, I get that at the hotel I work at a lot. "Guests" want me to give them a 139$ a night room for $50 because of the bad economy. Uh... no? If I do that, my ass gets fired!
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      What a fucking cheapskate. Bet she got the idea from one of those "How To Get Great Deals" articles in the newspapers or some magazine.

      Quoth Dave1982
      SC: NO! I don't want any of that stuff! I just want 50% off on this! I mean, everyone's been banging on it like this *starts whacking keyboard*
      You gotta love it when somebody claims an item is damaged enough to be deeply discounted, but good enough not to be discarded.

      Quoth Dave1982
      SC: So....what your saying'd rather not make a sale?
      "Not to you."

      Making a sale is highly overrated sometimes, especially when you have to break policy to do it and wind up losing money.

      Quoth Dave1982
      She wandered off, mumbling something about how things worked when SHE was in retail, and how we'd never sell it without at least a 50% markdown.
      $20 says she never worked a day of her life in retail.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Rave and rant

        In the computer course I did at the local college some time ago, we had one subject about the business side of computing. We were supposed to learn about contracts - read, writing and enforcing them, but the flash rat who was teaching us tried to turn us into sucky customers.

        The example he used was buying a refrigerator, but it could have easily been anything at all.

        He said that if we wasted a lot of the salesman's time, we could then get a big discount just by threatening to go somewhere else. His reasoning was, "If the salesman has invested a lot of time answering your questions, then he has to make a sale to get something back. He will make that sale at almost any price."

        I was lucky. Unlike the other students I had over 10 years selling computers in my own business. And I made my own rules. Sucky customers who wasted my time, were also wasting their own time. As soon as I knew they were time wasters, they were sent on their way to the cheap (and nasty) opposition.

        I expressed this view in class and got the "O Rly" look from the teacher. That made me explain to him - "I'd rather go broke with my feet up watching TV, than working for some entitled sucky customer who thinks they own me after they spend a few dollars. If I send them to my opposition, then they can waste their time while I get on with helping my profitable customers. That worked for me for over 10 years. I didn't sell many computers, but according to the manager of one of my suppliers, my profit margin was about double of the other distributors and my real customers were very happy."

        He tried to tell me that would not work in a large store selling white goods. I asked if he knew anyone who tried it?

        I then got the chance to express my view of how to buy something like that. You treat the sales staff as if they were your equals. You politely ask once what discount they can give you and accept what they offer. You waste as little of their time as you can, asking the necessary questions about your purchase. Once you have found a good salesman you give them all your business and continue going there as long as the price is fair and the service is good.

        If you do see the same item cheaper somewhere else, you can politely tell them, but I always add that I prefer to shop there because of their service, and I know they make up for the cheaper price with free deliveries ETC.

        Strangely the only person there who disagreed with me was the teacher.
        Last edited by Broomjockey; 02-02-2009, 02:39 AM. Reason: wtfery


        • #5
          Oh, I hate it when customers show you how "damaged" product is by banging it around. With DVDs, the disc will sometimes come loose and rattle around. The more it rattles, the more scratches to the disc. I'd get customers asking for some ridiculously low price because of the so-called damaged DVD. When I'd politely tell them no, invariably I'd get the "Are you sure?" rattle rattle rattle "Cause this may be defective" rattle rattle rattle. Enough. If it was defective, I know you'd return it in a heartbeat. Go AWAY.
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            Well, you know that someone's "highway robbery" is another person's deal of a lifetime.


            • #7
              Quoth Dave1982 View Post
              threats of dismemberment if we mark them down more than that.
              Ouch! Draconian measures!!


              • #8
                Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                "Cause this may be defective"
                In that case I can no longer sell it at all and it must be destroyed!
                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                • #9
                  *starts whacking keyboard*
                  Me: PLease stop hitting the computer.
                  SC: How do I know that for $850 it won't break in a month?
                  This said after she proves she can't refrain from hitting it....

                  I don't think the warranty covers punching the computer when you have a hissy fit.

                  and grats on the sale!

                  Now there's ways to haggle price, but usually that way (done best with cars in my opinion) is to be polite but firm in what you want, and what you expect to get if you pay full price. ...with a car there's more leeway, but with a computer?... no, someone else is going to want it.

