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security with key-cards

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  • security with key-cards

    SC: woman with a group, but takes things far too personally. She had just come in the door behind the group she is with.

    Me: Hi.
    SC: *comes up to the desk looking around a bit, has clearly been drinking* What room is "so & so"in?
    Me: I am sorry. I can't give out room numbers, but I can dial them up and you can ask them. *smile*
    SC: Oh come on! They are in my group! We have been here for awhile!
    Me: It is AGAINST THE LAW for me to just give out people's room numbers. The best I can do is dial up the room for ya so they can tell you what room they are in.
    SC: Can you at least let me call up there & ask them?
    Me: (not gonna argue...idiot) Yeah, that is what I was saying. *dials phone* Here ya go *hands over phone*.
    SC: *waits on line* *gets snippy* Well, they prolly aren't up there yet! They are from *a state in the US*, so they are prolly talking a lot.
    Me: Oh, well they might be down the never know...
    SC: *looks down the hallway a bit* Uh, no... *I hand her the phone*
    SC: *No one answers, so she hands the phone back.*
    Me: We can wait a minute here & then try again.
    SC: I swear you can give me the number, I am in their group!!!!
    Me: I can't. I could get fired and fined. I had a girl last week say something similar & she got into a fight in the room I sent her to...
    SC: I swear I won't get into any fights!!!!
    Me: She said the same thing... We will keep trying, then. *dialed the phone twice*
    SC: Hello? Yeah hey I left my cell in the van... You have the keys? Great. *gives phone to me but as she walks away...* That was Jason's room, anyway... (implied like I got something wrong)
    Me: ????

    like 5-10 minutes later, SC comes in from outside.

    SC: *holds up key to the ceiling about 2 feet away from desk* WHY ISN'T THIS KEY WORKING!!!???
    Me: (let me use my jedi mind tricks....) I am not sure, but I can look.
    Me: Sure sorry, I do believe you, I have to be careful & secure always. I have to do this with everyone.
    SC: IT WOULDN'T WORK ON ANY OF THE DOORS!!!! (Often when they say ALL, they mean the one or two they tried...)
    Me: I am sorry, I am not sure what happened.
    SC: Yeah. *scoffs, and slams herself down on the desk counter like a spoiled little kid*
    Me: If it were near a cell phone or credit cards, they are erased easy... *go to hand card over*. Since you have someone rooming with you, it could also have been when they had a new key made that erased yours.
    SC: *snatches her key-card & stomps away*

    When you ask a question, expect an anwer. Don't get mad when you don't like the answers.
    When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---

  • #2
    Quoth thehippie777 View Post
    Me: I can't. I could get fired and fined. I had a girl last week say something similar & she got into a fight in the room I sent her to...
    So, the week before, you DID give someone the number of the room?
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
      So, the week before, you DID give someone the number of the room?
      Yes, I wrote about it awhile back. Here is the jist of it: Chick claims to be in a room with a guest listed in my system. She is beyond drunk, and claims with a particularly large group of rooms. She says her sister is staying in this room she named. I refuse to let her dial long-distance at our phones. She had tried calling the room multiple times, there was no answer. She grows very annoying quickly.

      Finally a group comes in & she appears to know them & walks off with them. This is while she INSISTED she get a cab, for which she waited like two minutes for & kept asking & asking where her cab was. I had to cancel the cab for her because she just wondered away.

      She comes back with another guy from the group I thought she knew. He also insisted that this room was the one she was supsta be in. I give her a key, finally. Next thing I know there is a fight in the room. There was a guy & a chick in there, and the chicks knew eachother at least. I had to call the cops. Come to find out, the guy who vouched for her DID NOT KNOW HER.

      I was beyond....angry...

      NEVER AGAIN. I don't care how annoying the drunk gets.
      When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---

