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Let's see how far that attitude gets ya!!

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  • Let's see how far that attitude gets ya!!

    So I'm on the phone helping out a customer when this lady walks in. "A" asks what she can help her with and after a couple of minutes we get this:

    SC= our star the entitlement whore (she had the nastiest tone in her voice for the whole exchange)
    A= Co-worker
    Me= Super manager...

    SC: (in the nastiest tone) The doctor gets an hour lunch?
    A: Yes.
    Me: Is there a problem?
    A: She wants to get a vision test for her DMV form.

    I look at the schedule up on the screen.

    Me: Okay ma'am, our next available appointment is for 4pm.
    SC: I have to pick up my kids.
    Me: So would you like to make the appointment for another day?
    SC: No. Why can't she just do it now? It only takes five minutes.
    Me: Because she's getting ready to go to lunch. Now would you like to make the appointment for a different day?
    SC: Ugh. No, I'll just go to my own doctor.
    Me: Okay. You have a great day.

    SC walks away and I continue with some paperwork. A few minutes later she comes back.

    SC to A: Is there a manager here?
    A: (pointing to me) That would be her. (A loves this part)
    SC: (face just dropping) Oh. Well, do you have a boss?
    Me: Yes I do.
    SC: Well can I speak to him.
    Me: Sure. He'll be in on Thursday.
    SC: Well what's his name?
    Me: His card is on the counter. Have a great day.

    So SC took my manager's business card and left.

    And what's funny is had she come in and been nice about everything, I would've gone and spoken to the doctor. The doctor would have taken five minutes from her break and done the dmv check. But when you're nasty to my associates and then to me, you hit the "brick wall".

    Man how I hate entitlement whores!
    If you don't like my attitude, talk to the manager!!! Oh, wait, that would be me!!

    Yes, I'm the manager. I'm also known as "the brick wall".