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I was an SC today

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  • I was an SC today

    I was out with my daughter running some errands after a playdate, and decided to stop at Applebee's for lunch. I just didn't feel like making anything. So, I asked for a seat by the window if they had one available- the hostess happily obliged.

    Then the waitress came over. Now, I don't know who pissed in her wheaties, but she gave off bad vibes all over the place. I told her we were ready to order immediately- when dealing with a toddler or preschooler, it's really best if you get their order moving along. This was the absolute slowest waitress I've ever encountered, and she looked about mid-20's without any noticeable disabilities that I could discern. I gave her the benefit of the doubt- maybe she just had a crap load of SC's to deal with. So, I'm all smiling and joyful when ordering.

    I ordered iced tea. She plopped down my glass kind of harshly and she put the spoon in it. (I always thought you put the lemon on the side of the glass and put the spoon to the side- but who the hell am I?). You never put the lemon in the glass, why should I have to dig into my own drink just to squeeze the lemon wedge? (I didn't complain) She forgot the straw. Tried to flag her down twice as she walked by, and she kept on going. Finally snagged another waitress to get me a straw. So, the food comes- and this isn't her fault at all, but it annoyed me nonetheless. They brought out the kid's meal in a paper lined basket. To me, serving food that way to a small child is a recipe for disaster, so I asked for a small plate for my daughter. She took FOREVER to get back with it. I'm here with a hungry kid, by all means take the scenic route. By that time my iced tea is almost gone, I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt one last time so I waited to see if she would notice..........nope. So I flag her down- actually had to stick my arm in the aisle- and asked for more iced tea. Had to ask for EVERYTHING. Even ketchup. Ketchup! We both had orders of fries, and it didn't occur to the rocket scientist to bring ketchup. I asked for some extra napkins. She brought one napkin. One. Napkin.

    As soon as she served us our food, she brought out the check. How stupid is that? What if we ordered something else? And no, it wasn't the end of her shift.

    Then.....the icing on the cake- I put out a $20 with the bill. She came by (funny how fast she came by when there was money on the table and yet she was going at a snail's pace when I wanted a tea refill) and she said she'd be back with our change. I said, thank you (indicating that yes, I do want change, no I'm not going to give you a $10 tip). She took so long coming back with our change, I seriously was starting to think she was trying to stall to see if we'd give up and just leave her with a 100% tip. Get real woman.

    So she finally came back and gave me the change. Her tip was reflective of the service we received (about 12%- when the service is good, I usually tip at least 20%).

    On the way out, the manager asked how our visit was, so I was very nice but honest. I said that perhaps she needed a mentor to show her how to waitress, she was slow and oblivious. The manager apologized and that was fine, I wasn't going to throw a fit or demand a free meal- I just thought she might want to know.

    The one thing I just do not get- if the service is slow, tables take longer to turn over and there are less tips, didn't she want more tips??
    Last edited by Mighty Girl; 10-27-2006, 04:15 AM. Reason: clarification

  • #2
    I dont think you were an SC today. I just think you got stuck with a waitress who wasn't working to the best of her ability on that day.

    Olive juice you too.


    • #3
      You couldn't have been as bad as I've been the last couple of days. Yesterday, take the time to run through a three-phone-number maze to find the right postal entity to gripe to about the mailboxes on my building (carrier had neglected to secure his/her access panel at the top of the row of tall, narrow boxes. Tenants remove mail via door at bottom of box).

      Today, spend about five minutes between bus and train calling transit complaint line with three gripes:
      Today on the bus, VERY rowdy teens roughhousing, screaming obscenities, etc., and driver doing NOTHING, despite such factors as presence of small children.
      Yesterday on train, WHY was the AC on *high*? It's October, and it's not THAT warm here. I froze on the way home yesterday. (Today wasn't *quite* so bad, but I still fail to see the point in running the AC that high in the weather we've had lately.)
      The major PITA of my week has been the morning bus ride. Usual plan is get off train, get on bus, relax for a little while, get off at stop across the street from current workplace. This week, we've had a different driver every morning, none of them familiar with the route, and this one has its tricky features, even without the detours caused by roadwork - detours that NO driver had been informed of until hitting the dead end one creates (thankfully, there is a parking lot nearby that is big enough to allow a bus to turn around). I've been at least a couple of minutes late every day this week. The only time, fortunately, that my supervisor commented was to greet me when I bombed in at 7:05 by saying she'd been concerned about whether I was OK, since I'm normally on time.

      I don't *think* I'm PMSing, but this does not seem to be my week. OTOH, both at Subway and at the nice little taqueria that furnished nachos a couple of days ago, the service was great, so maybe it balances out.
      Last edited by Seanette; 10-27-2006, 04:37 AM. Reason: minor punctuation/smilie correction
      "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

      "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


      • #4
        I didn't see any sign of you being an SC in your post.

        You were only asking for what would be routinely given, especially with what type of meal(s) you ordered.

        I mean seriously, if she had a issue with giving you a napkin, let alone anything else you requested, she is in the wrong line of work. Or even to the fact that she had a problem with the request itself.

        You handled it properly.

        I only wish all dissatisfied customers behaved that way.

        Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'

        Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.


        • #5
          Wow - did you go to the diner I went to last week?

          Waitress take our orders. Says "yeah right" to the orders of diet coke. (Thank beeyotch but what if I were a diabetic and carefully counted the carbs and cals I could have that day.) My friends said she didn't think anything of the comment but I took offense to it.

          Never brought me the pork roll I ordered with my belgium waffle. Never came back to see how food was. Never came back for refills. Came out only to plop the check on the table and walk away. The bill with tip was only $20. I wanted to buy more food (at least I wasn't charged for the missing pork roll) and I wanted to buy dessert for the both of us as well as take home dessert for hubby. The bill would've been at least $30 min after we would have been done which would've meant a higher tip for her. She was a cranky ol lady for sure.

          BTW, it was maybe nearing 10:30-11pm at night and I think there were maybe 5 customers in the entire diner.

          Back OT (sorry!) you were not a sucky customer at all. At least you said something to the manager. I didn't even bother b/c the girl that looked to be in charge spent most of the night smoking in front of the entrance. Which I find funny that NJ law is you can't smoke within 50 feet of an entrance to a building - but whatever. The waitresses had to keep going outside to get her b/c apparently she was the only one who could ring up customers bills. I just know I won't go back there again.

          You know, I have never - EVER received good service from Applebees. Not in the past 12 years. I'll go maybe once every two years, group from work chooses that as the spot to meet or whatever. I figure the whole staff must've turned over how can it still be bad...but it always is. I even went to the brand new one that opened a couple towns away from me maybe 2-3 years ago (crap I can't remember) and that's when I had the plastic stuff blended into my daquiri drink and almost passed out from choking. I seriously hate Applebees with a passion.
          If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.


          • #6
            So would you mind pointing out the part where you were a sucky customer? If you honestly think it was sucky to complain to the manager, think again. Sometimes the employee really is the one at fault, and in this case, its quite obvious. Frankly, it would have been stupid if you didn't complain, given the awful service.
            A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
            - Dave Barry


            • #7
              You were not a sucky customer - by no means! There's a difference between how you handled it and how a SC handles it. You did not yell, scream, bitch, moan, and DEMAND free stuff. EVEN THOUGH - in this case - you deserved it. Really. The fact that you went to the manager and politely spoke of your experience - YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN SOMETHING - a Gift Certificate, your money back - SOMETHING. You had a bad experience. If you would've not said anything and just sat there and put up with it - you would've let this girl walk all over you.

              SCs take a bad experience molehill and make it into a free stuff mountain.
              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


              • #8
                A SC would have screamed get me the F'ing manager now, a Good Customer (hereafter refered to as GC) would calmly let the manager know on their way out so the manager is informed that people are getting shitty treatment in his/her restaraunt. If they are a good manager they want to know about it before it escalates and hits a Secret Shopper or a DM level and really causes trouble.
                My Karma ran over your dogma.


                • #9
                  Quoth Luna View Post
                  You know, I have never - EVER received good service from Applebees. Not in the past 12 years.
                  First, thanks everybody for the reassurances. Especially because I was with my daughter, I don't want her to have an asshole for a role model so I do try to be polite and diplomatic.

                  Second, Luna, now that you mention it....I must have been on something or eternaly optimistic b/c I can't recall getting good service either. In fact, when I worked for the heating/air cond. company, my friend and I would sometimes go to Applebee's (it was close and decently priced, plus they had the lightning lunches so we could get back to work on time). At least half the time, we got our meal for free because we ended up waiting at least 30 minutes for it.

                  I can tell you that they'll be serving ice in hell before I try again- well maybe not that long. I stopped going to the Olive Garden about 7 years ago due to bad service- especially if you got the soup/salad/breadsticks deal, they would totally stall and bring you as little as possible- and just last week the hubby and I took our daughter there and we had absolutely impeccable service (which earned the waiter a 30% tip).

