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"The attendant inside the booth is ignoring me"

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  • "The attendant inside the booth is ignoring me"

    This fun incident happened last August on a rainy morning around 8 a.m. The garage was reserved at that time.

    "Kim" called me around 8 a.m. to let me know that the President's office called her to let her know that a guest will be arriving to someone in the at office, & that this particular guest could park in on of the President's spots. The office also told her the name of the guest.

    Another guest going to a dept. in that office, but not the President's office arrives, but her name is not on the event list. According to "Kim" I could make an exception if she was specificaly going to the President's office, but she would have to call that office to get permission for her to park in one of his spots. Since that guest was not specifically going to his office, I had to tell her the garage was reserved & that I could not let her park in the garage. She told me she was a freelance photographer & that she could not do her job if she could not park in the garage. It was still raining outside. So I call "Kim" to let her know what was happening, & she said she would have to call the President's office. I told the guest at the window what was happening.

    In the meantime a car pulls up behind the guest at the booth window. According to "Kim" I have to stay inside the booth. I cannot go outside the booth to let the guest know it will be a while before he/she is able to park in the garage, provided he/she is on the event list. It was still raining outside.

    So I sit inside the booth waiting for "Kim" to get back with me. A couple of minutes pass, & no phone call. I call "Kim" to ask if she was able to reach someone in the President's office & to let her know there was a car behind the guest at the window incase that guest was on the event list & complained about the wait. "Kim" told me that guest would have to wait, & that she was still waiting for an answer from the President's office. That particular guest walks up to the booth window, & I open it. I could tell she was irritated. She asks me what is going on. I & the other guest at the window explain to her what is going on. She rolls her eyes & walks back to her car. "Kim" finally calls me to let me know the President's office gave her permission to let that guest park in one of his spots. I let the guest into the garage. The irritated guest drives up to the booth window. She was the guest the President's office called about. I let her in the garage.

    "Kim" calls me about 2 minutes later to ask if she was able to park. I told her yes. She also asks me if I let her know why there was a wait. I told her that she walked up to the booth window & asked what was going on, that I explained to her what was going on, & that the guest at the booth window also explained to her what was going on. She told me she received a phone call from the employee in the President's office which this particular guest was here to see. That employee told "Kim" that the guest called her to let her know "the attendant inside the booth is ignoring me." "Kim" told the employee she was on the phone with someone else who works in the President's office trying to get permission for the guest in front of her to park in one of his spots & that I would assist her after she was able to park.

  • #2
    it sounds like your bosses have too many retarded rules

