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Murphy's Law is alive and kicking.

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  • Murphy's Law is alive and kicking.

    As evidenced by my spectacular day today at work.

    #1: Had some customer get angry about me not 'customizing' her coffee. Uh...? I was told when there's a coffee carafe in the lobby, to just give the customer their coffee cup and let them make it themselves. Did that for this customer. Oops, she gets angry, talks to my manager, who tells me I'm supposed to add the cream and sugar for every customer. Turns out, this customer was actually a manager about 5 levels above the store owner. Well, f*ck.

    #2: Had someone get angry when she told me she wanted a plain grilled chicken sandwich, and I had to clarify what kind of sandwich she was looking for. See, we have four of five different chicken sandwiches, 'plain' in the grill menu just removes sauce and condiments. (for instance, a 'plain' cheeseburger would then be: bun, cheese, meat, more bun, no pickle, no onion, no ketchup or mustard) So, consequently, each sandwich would have a different version of 'plain', as cheese could be involved with some, but not on others. Not to mention the different types of cheese available. This woman, however, just refused to believe that there were differences in the sandwiches, and "a plain grilled chicken sandwich should be the same no matter what you're building it from!"

    #3: Had a guy come in just about an hour before I left, and ordered. Then asked for a 'large water cup'.
    "Um, we only have one size of water cup, sir."
    "Well, what about last time I was in? You gave me a larger water cup."
    "No, I didn't sir. Mike might've, but I certainly did not." (See? That manager who got in trouble for arguing with me was a bad influence)
    "Well, then, give me a large drink cup."
    "Okay." *add a large soda to his order, give him the total*
    "Whoa, that's way not right! What'd you do?"
    "I put a large drink on there, as per your order?"
    "No, a large water cup. You shouldn't be charging for water!"
    "Dude, I have one size for complimentary water cup. Anything else is on your dime." (Not what I actually said.)
    "Well, could I get three water cups? I just don't want to be making extra trips to get water..."
    *I turn to ask the manager if there's a limit to free water cups per customer, he says no, so I ring up three water cups*

    #4: Had a lady whom I rang out her order, and gave her change, then started to pull her order together, when she suddenly pipes up. "I gave you a twenty!"
    M: *blink, blink* "Um... 'MoD, could you pop open my drawer?"
    *Manager does so, I look in the tens slot, and, what do you know, there's no twenty there* "I'm sorry, ma'am, but you paid with a ten, as I know for a fact that it is what I rang you up for paying with, and where I would've put your money when I rang it. Seeing as there isn't a $20 there, it was indeed a ten. However... MoD, can you count down my drawer, make sure I'm on the money still?"
    "No, don't do that just yet, I'll ask my husband what bill he gave me when he comes in. I could've sworn it was a twenty."
    *her husband comes in, she confirms that it was indeed a ten. She just wanted to let me know that (no apology, though)*

    #5: F*cking preteens! I swear! Our store has a policy of writing customer's names on their receipts so we don't have to call out their order when it's ready. So, anyway, I had a group of three preteens who looked like they stepped right out of South Park (I swear! One of them had a toque, one had the dog ear hat... everything) They were buying small things individually from each other. When I asked one for his name, he told me he was 'Harry Johnson'. Ha, ha... That's sad, Harry. Your life must suck. I wrote Harry on his receipt. And continued with orders, until he came through the line again, to buy something else, also very small, and I asked his name again, and again he said 'Harry Johnson'.
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    Quoth Juwl View Post
    #1: Had some customer get angry about me not 'customizing' her coffee. Uh...? I was told when there's a coffee carafe in the lobby, to just give the customer their coffee cup and let them make it themselves. Did that for this customer. Oops, she gets angry, talks to my manager, who tells me I'm supposed to add the cream and sugar for every customer. Turns out, this customer was actually a manager about 5 levels above the store owner. Well, f*ck.
    Don't you hate when they change the rules for certain people and make you look like the bad guy? They used to pull that stunt on me all the time at the Drug Store From Hell.

    Quoth Juwl View Post
    They were buying small things individually from each other. When I asked one for his name, he told me he was 'Harry Johnson'. Ha, ha... That's sad, Harry. Your life must suck. I wrote Harry on his receipt. And continued with orders, until he came through the line again, to buy something else, also very small, and I asked his name again, and again he said 'Harry Johnson'.
    "Ah, yes, Tiny Johnson."
    "No, HARRY Johnson!"
    "Trust me son, Tiny suits you better."
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      Quoth Juwl View Post
      As evidenced by my spectacular day today at work.

      #5: F*cking preteens! I swear! Our store has a policy of writing customer's names on their receipts so we don't have to call out their order when it's ready. So, anyway, I had a group of three preteens who looked like they stepped right out of South Park (I swear! One of them had a toque, one had the dog ear hat... everything) They were buying small things individually from each other. When I asked one for his name, he told me he was 'Harry Johnson'. Ha, ha... That's sad, Harry. Your life must suck. I wrote Harry on his receipt. And continued with orders, until he came through the line again, to buy something else, also very small, and I asked his name again, and again he said 'Harry Johnson'.
      Oh yeah, he's original. I would have asked if he knew how stupid he sounded by doing that. Of course when his order came up..

      "Kid who thinks he's funny by saying his name is Harry Johnson"

      I would have asked for ID. Then I would have asked his friends if he had none. Failing that, I would have asked for him to check his underwear, as I am sure mommy wrote his name on the waistband.

      I hate stupid kids.
      I did not sell my soul to Satan. He does have a long term lease with the option to buy.


      • #4
        Quoth Juwl View Post

        #2: Had someone get angry when she told me she wanted a plain grilled chicken sandwich, and I had to clarify what kind of sandwich she was looking for. See, we have four of five different chicken sandwiches, 'plain' in the grill menu just removes sauce and condiments. (for instance, a 'plain' cheeseburger would then be: bun, cheese, meat, more bun, no pickle, no onion, no ketchup or mustard)

        #5: When I asked one for his name, he told me he was 'Harry Johnson'. Ha, ha... That's sad, Harry. Your life must suck. I wrote Harry on his receipt.
        As for the plain grilled chicken sandwich, I'd have given her only the grilled chicken on a plain bun. I don't know if you have different types of grilled chicken, or different types of buns, but I'd have given the plainest of cheese, no condiments, just chicken and bread.

        As for the nickname, back in my "wild" days, my mid thirties when I first became involved in local online bulletin boards, my nickname became "Fuzzy" because I used to give (virtual) "big warm fuzzy hugs." When we would go out for our weekly get-togethers, I'd always give my name as Fuzzy. I'd get the funniest looks from new hires, but they almost always had a laugh about it.
        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


        • #5
          Quoth Primer View Post
          As for the plain grilled chicken sandwich, I'd have given her only the grilled chicken on a plain bun. I don't know if you have different types of grilled chicken, or different types of buns, but I'd have given the plainest of cheese, no condiments, just chicken and the funniest looks from new hires, but they almost always had a laugh about it.
          Ah, if it were only so simple. How I wish! I think Juwl and I must work with similar menus, as I have the exact same problems. Of course it would make sense to give them a bun with just chicken on it, but then they will want to know where the bacon and/or cheese is? I've also had folks use the word "plain" when they actually mean "regular"... such as I want a plain hamburger, when actually what they mean to say is simply hamburger (as opposed to the larger sandwich choice).

          Oh, and the 10 vs 20 dollar bill thing? Made me I had a similar thing happen, and one thing the lady said was that if we would just let her look at the bills in my drawer, she could identify the 20. She knew what it looked like! My manager pulled the drawer and checked it herself (no way was she gonna let the SC paw through it... can you imagine?) Of course there were no 20's with birthmarks or other distinguishing features. And the drawer was perfect
          The lady ended up calling later that day and she DID apoligize. She said she had ranted to her husband, who owned up to getting into her purse and taking her 20.

          And don't get me started about that darn customized coffee! Have you had the SC that asks for 20 creams and 20 sugars for a single coffee and then gets pissy because you put it in for him? One, you could mention you wanted it on the side to start with, and Two, what the hell do you need 20/20 for one coffee? Going home to bake a cake or something?


