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A day in the life......

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  • A day in the life......

    Earlier this week, I had a day that seemed as if the very gods had conspired to just irritate, annoy, and bother me.

    It begins

    It started off with the cable company. I thought it would be a simple matter to go in there, get a copy of my bill (which I had not received in the mail) and go about my business--specifically, getting to work.

    Silly me.

    I should have known that it would take two employees well over ten minutes to figure out how to print out a bill that already existed and hand it to me. I wish I was exaggerating. Perhaps the Comcast employees have taken Bill Slowski's attitude too much to heart.

    The Death Wish

    As both a cyclist and a motorist, I have respect for the one when I am the other, and vice versa. In other words, I pay attention and try to have some vague courtesy towards cyclists while driving, and try not to get in the way when I am riding. But apparently not everyone is like this. Some, it seems, have an utter death wish.

    After leaving the cable company, I was heading to work. At an intersection, I had a green light, and I was going to turn right. The car in front of me turned right. The light had NOT just changed, but was plainly green. Which means for the other direction it was red. Meaning, if you're paying attention, that flying across the street in front of me on a bicycle would be a bad idea.

    Or so those of us with actual electric activity in our cerebral cortexes would think. But then, I shouldn't have been surprised. Because not only did this scrotum monkey come flying across in front of me, he was going breakneck speed in the wrong bloody direction! He was coming up the side of the road that I was about to turn right on, against traffic, and blasted in front of me right as I was about to turn right. So he's not only going against the traffic and blowing a red light, he is also, apparently, trying to get killed. Well, as I love my truck far more than I respect his death wish, I was able to slam on the brakes quickly enough to prevent making him the roadkill pancake du jour. I was also able to slam on the HORN, but it didn't seem to phase him on his continued quest towards whatever his destiny was. (Note: Mercury the Messenger was NOT a cyclist, just an ass goblin on a bike.)

    I'm almost read....what the....?

    To add to my misery, Boss Man inexplicably opened the doors fifteen minutes early. Which kind of threw my schedule into, as they say, a cocked hat.

    Why? WHY?

    My mood was not helped any by the presence of my least favorite coworker, who I shall call Turd. Why Turd? Well, you know that feeling you get when you step in dog crap, but don't realize it initially, and then you figure out that that horrible smell attacking your nose is actually coming from the bottom of your shoe, and is caked into the tread? Yeah. That's the feeling I usually get when I have to work with this sock puppet. Combine incompetence, laziness, a bad attitude, and a generally unpleasant disposition, and you will have Turd. (Keep him. Please.) In addition to his usual sourness, Turd this day decided to bring me a tray of clean glasses, since he could not be bothered to actually carry the glasses like most humans, and then leave the tray for some time on my bar, long after I had removed said glasses. Until, of course, I put the tray back where it belonged. (Sadly, not in his rectum, where I WANTED to put it.) A minor annoyance, to be sure, but combined with his winning personality, enough to pucker my face like the proverbial nails and chalkboard.

    Puff Puff

    Why oh why would you walk into an establishment smoking a cigarette and then, once you are already there, only then ask "Can we smoke in here?" If you know enough to ask, wouldn't it make more sense to walk in and ask without the cancer stick, or ask at the front door before you and your tobacco cloud have already befouled our air?

    This happened not once, but in two entirely separate incidences.

    How Not To Get a Job 101

    1. Be one of the above clueless smokers.
    2. After settling in for a couple of drinks and some munchies, ask for an application. Nothing says "Hire me!" like having a cocktail while you fill out the application.
    3. Make sure you tell the bartender serving you that you've been a waitress for years.
    4. Despite the above alleged experience, when the bill comes, leave less than a 10% tip.
    5. After paying the bill and leaving an inexcusable tip for an alleged waitress, order one more cocktail for the road, and leave NO tip for that one, despite it being one of the most labor intensive drinks known to man.
    6. Do all of the above with the only person in the establishment who has had any contact with you, so that when you come back with your application, they will surely remember you.
    7. Bonus points if said employee happens to be in good with the hiring manager. Really good.

    This was how my Tuesday began. And people wonder why I drink.....

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Ugh, I remember once working at the Norwegian restaurant, a tourist couple came in.

    The man was smoking a cigarette as they walked in the doors, and proceeds to ask "Alright if we smoke in here?"

    My jaw about hit the floor, considering I was a naive little 15 year old girl at the time and I'd assumed he'd seen the NO SMOKING sign on both front doors.

    I answered sheepishy "Nooo...."

    He raises his eyebrows, mutters something like "Mhhmmm ehh.." and slowly turns around, slowly walks towards the door, STILL smoking and puffing away!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      The last story reminds me of an incident that happened to me....

      I was making a food delivery <not pizza> to a some business. Had various paper bags, styrofoam containers, etc.
      A woman comes out to pay and I asked if she needed me to set it somewhere.
      She told me just to give it to her. She hands me the check first.
      I give her all the stuff and she's balancing it all quite well and says "I guess all those years of waitressing really came in handy!"
      I get outside and look at the check. It was for the exact amount of the order.

      I guess she forgot something about her waitressing days after all.


      • #4
        I work in a university town and the cyclists seem to have a death wish: cycling at night with only a 1" square reflector on the back, no headlight, and ignoring every traffic signal.
        Last edited by wagegoth; 02-09-2009, 07:24 PM.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          Quoth wagegoth View Post
          ...ignoring every traffic signal.
          I'm somewhat guilty of that last one. But then, I only ride during the day (would YOU ride at night in a town known for its drunks?), and would never ride the wrong way AND jump out in front of an oncoming vehicle to blow through a light illegally. I only blow reds and stop signs when I can see no one coming the other way. Yeah, it's illegal.

          Ticket me if you can catch me.

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #6
            despite it being one of the most labor intensive drinks known to man.
            Okay, now I'm curious what it is.


            • #7
              Quoth TheSnakeLady View Post
              Okay, now I'm curious what it is.
              I'm gonna guess 'Sex with an Alligator' or a Pousse Cafe.


              • #8
                Quoth Jester View Post
                Ticket me if you can catch me.
                Funny, seriously.

                My bro almost got a ticket for "speeding" on his bike... so yea, they can do that
                A swift blow to end defiance, a thousand voices silenced in fire.


                • #9
                  Quoth sms001 View Post
                  I'm gonna guess 'Sex with an Alligator' or a Pousse Cafe.
                  I'm not familiar with "Sex with an Alligator" . . . do I want to know what's in it?
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    It's been 3 years since I was a full time bartender, but if I remember right a Sex with an Alligator would be:

                    Pineapple juice

                    Equal parts if you're doing a shot, or a slight variation on the amounts for a drink.

                    When Jester says labor intensive, I'm automatically thinking an Old Fashioned, but not many people drink those anymore. Well, not unless they're in their 80's. So I'm thinking it's something in the "tea" family or a mary made from scratch.

                    Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


                    • #11
                      Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                      When Jester says labor intensive, I'm automatically thinking an Old Fashioned, but not many people drink those anymore. Well, not unless they're in their 80's.

                      Care to rethink and restate that statement? My mother orders them, not often but whenever she's out and not the driver, and she's nowhere near being 80.

                      I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                      Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                      • #12
                        Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                        When Jester says labor intensive, I'm automatically thinking an Old Fashioned, but not many people drink those anymore. Well, not unless they're in their 80's. So I'm thinking it's something in the "tea" family or a mary made from scratch.

                        My wife and I are far from our 80s, and we drink old fashioneds all the time. Having watched them being made, they do not appear to be a labor intensive drink.
                        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                        • #13
                          Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                          When Jester says labor intensive, I'm automatically thinking an Old Fashioned, but not many people drink those anymore. Well, not unless they're in their 80's.
                          Count me in with the group that drinks Old Fashions. It's that or a Brandy Sour (Apricot, please) because I know what's in them. A wee bit paranoid, yes.
                          Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                          Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                          • #14
                            I stand corrected then. It's not drank only by old people. In my defense, I don't think I've ever served one to someone without blue hair and/or dentures.

                            Compared to other drinks though, mashing/smashing/bashing the fruit, sugar, and bitters takes more work than simply grabbing another bottle of liquor or using a blender.

                            Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


                            • #15
                              Quoth Jester View Post
                              ...despite it being one of the most labor intensive drinks known to man.
                              Quoth TheSnakeLady View Post
                              Okay, now I'm curious what it is.
                              A mojito. Muddle the mint and the lime with sugar water, add ice, add the rum, shake the hell out of it, then top it with club soda. Muddling, while fun to watch, can be a pain to actually DO.

                              Quoth sms001 View Post
                              I'm gonna guess 'Sex with an Alligator' or a Pousse Cafe.
                              You lose. I don't even know what those are.

                              Quoth Sebine View Post
                              My bro almost got a ticket for "speeding" on his bike... so yea, they can do that
                              Yes they can. My coworker the marathon runner actually got pulled over on his bike the other day for breaking the speed limit. The speed limit was either 30 or 35.

                              I'm not kidding.

                              Considering we don't have any damn hills within hundreds of miles, this tells me that 1. this guy is really good, and 2. I am seriously out of shape.

                              Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                              if I remember right a Sex with an Alligator would be: Jager, Midori, Chambord, Pineapple juice...
                              Four ingredients is not labor intensive.

                              Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                              When Jester says labor intensive, I'm automatically thinking an Old Fashioned....
                              Muddling shit is labor intensive, so while that would qualify, you have the wrong drink, as stated above.

                              Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                              Compared to other drinks though, mashing/smashing/bashing the fruit, sugar, and bitters takes more work than simply grabbing another bottle of liquor or using a blender.

                              Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                              I don't think I've ever served one to someone without blue hair and/or dentures.
                              Whether or not they were old or young, I have to tell you, I have served very few Old Fashioneds. And when I say very few, keep in mind that for the better part of the last 22 years I have been waiting tables or tending bar, and in that entire time, I doubt I have served 10. Perhaps not even 5.

                              It may not be an old person's drink, but it is hardly a frequently ordered drink anymore in most bars.

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

