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2:15 is really past 2:00, sir...

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  • 2:15 is really past 2:00, sir...

    Okay, I don't have a lot of good tales, and hey, even this one isn't exactly an epic. It was strange, and involved a drunk guy trying to get more alcohol.

    2:15 AM:

    Drunk Guy walks up to counter with a bottle of booze.

    Me: Sorry, sir. I can't sell that to you. It's past 2:00.

    DG: *gives me a look like, "come on"*

    (At this point, it is apparent to me that he is indeed too drunk to begin with. His eyes and mannerisms, not to mention odor, would have made me deny the sale anyway.)

    Me: Sorry, sir. It's too late. Even if it weren't, you appear to be too drunk anyway and I wouldn't sell it to you. (Hey, perhaps that wasn't the best thing to say, but I was being honest with him and I have a responsibility to NOT sell alcohol to obviously drunk people)

    DG: *sarcastically* Well, then can I get a pack of The Boss (not a real cigarette brand). It's not too late for me to get one of those, is it? Am I too drunk to smoke too?

    Me: *walks to counter and gets The Boss for DG*

    DG: *still in sarcasm mode* I suppose you'd like to see my ID.

    Me: Yes, I would.

    DG: *Provides out of state ID* It's on the back, can you read it?

    (Note: He was talking to me as if I were an idiot, not as if the ID were actually unreadable.)

    Me: Yes I can, and I won't even sell these to you if you keep up with the sarcasm, so watch your attitude.

    DG: *tune changed slightly* Okay.

    *we go through the rest of the transaction and I give his change back*

    Me: Have a good night.

    DG: Okay, you too ma'am...or sir *peers a bit closer in his drunken haze*...or whatever they call you these days.

    (Hint: Look at the name tag, idiot! My name is gender-specific.)
    Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...

  • #2
    Quoth Iris Kojiro View Post
    ...(Hint: Look at the name tag, idiot! My name is gender-specific.)
    Is that a Croatian name?
    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3
      Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
      Is that a Croatian name?
      Nope! My name is as American as baseball and hot dogs. ^_^
      Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


      • #4
        Hi GenderSpecific! I'm Alloftheabove
        The report button - not just for decoration


        • #5
          Quoth iradney View Post
          Hi GenderSpecific! I'm Alloftheabove
          Bah! I can't believe I didn't get Sheldon's joke right away. I think my brain is turning into mush from working all the time and dealing with minor (and occasionally major) strains of idiocy.
          Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


          • #6
            And to make matters more interesting, you chose Gremio as your icon, a character that, until fairly late in the game, is never referred to as 'he' or 'she', and the only real way to know it's a he is to play all the way through and recruit all 106 other stars... Yes, I'm a Suikoden fan. Own all 5 games, plus Tactics.
            Dealer hits... 21. Table loses.

            This happens more often than most people want to believe.


            • #7
              Suggestion: Next time just stick to the "it's too late to sell" line. No need to unnecessarily exacerbate a situation by adding the "you're too drunk" line in there, too. It's one thing if it is within the selling hours, of course, but once it is past 2, just stick to your guns on the "past hours" part, and you won't need to say anything else. Because, really, after 2, their sobriety or inebriation is a moot point. And while this guy fell into line (for the most part), the next potato head may not be so compliant, and may get rather aggravated and even violent by being told he is too drunk. Even if he is.

              Yes, I live in a drinking town. How did you know?

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                i suspect he was just being a prick because you wouldn't sell him booze.

                i'd say if he comes back jsut turn him back out the door


                • #9
                  Quoth Jester View Post
                  Suggestion: Next time just stick to the "it's too late to sell" line. No need to unnecessarily exacerbate a situation by adding the "you're too drunk" line in there, too. It's one thing if it is within the selling hours, of course, but once it is past 2, just stick to your guns on the "past hours" part, and you won't need to say anything else. Because, really, after 2, their sobriety or inebriation is a moot point. And while this guy fell into line (for the most part), the next potato head may not be so compliant, and may get rather aggravated and even violent by being told he is too drunk. Even if he is.

                  Yes, I live in a drinking town. How did you know?
                  I have no arguments with that, Jester. You're totally right on that count, and since the inebriation thing was a moot point after the cutoff time, I really should not have said that. I think I did it because he was aggravating me with the look he was giving me after I originally told him he was too late. Not trying to justify it, of course. (Though a good part of me felt that he was going to be sarcastic throughout anyway simply because he was denied on the basis of time).

                  Oh and believe me, I've read your posts about the bars you work at and the tales involving booze. ^_^ I definitely know you live in a drinking town.

                  Tuxian: I also own all five games plus Tactics, though I've only played through the first game and a good chunk of the way through the second. I've been so busy that I don't get a chance to play the collection I've amassed over the last few years.
                  Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...

