I thought I'd join the club lol mainly cuz I hope it will make me feel better to rant 
*note that these apply to fast food customers*
1) please don't purposely leave your money on the counter for me to pick up cuz you find it funny and please don't give me the catbutt face when I do that with your change.. you started it!
2) don't just demand your university discount in some snotty tone in my drive thru... especially when you're driving a car that's worth more than 5 years of my wage.. honestly you aren't saving THAT much!!!!(yay a whole TEN %.. at our prices that's an average of 50cents an order)
3) don't come up to me and ask "what's on the menu" ... when the damn thing is RIGHT ABOVE MY HEAD!!!!
4) You're right, I'm a terrible person for asking you to leave my lobby because you decided underage drinking would be SO much fun and even more so if you emptied the fruits of your labour in my lobby
5) it would be appreciated if you didn't sit at the window rooting through your bag of food making sure you have everything when there's massive amounts of cars behind you at least have the decency to pull into the lot for that.
6) You're right again.. I AM most definitly a terrible and horrible person for calling the cops on you when you threaten to wait outside for the night staff to get off so you can beat the crap out of them.. for no reason at all.. do you feel like a big man saying threats like that?
7)I'm sorry I don't speak your foreign language.. do NOT scream at me in it either.. saying it louder will not help me try to figure out what you want
8) really.. I am actually sorry your food is taking so long.. I don't know if you've noticed or not, but there are THREE employees working..THREE!!! and it's a 230am bar rush. We can only go so fast. please don't demand that I bump your food in front of everyone else who has been waiting just as long
9) you came in the restaurant, asked for your food to go, THEN sat in the lobby beside a garbage can, then just left everything on the table for me to clean up..
10) that condescending tone you use to fast food employees? the one that says you think we are too far below you on the social ladder.. good luck when you're applying for a job in the future and my CW taking his bach of business is the one doing the interview...
11) That cheesey joke you just used.. and when I didn't laugh you said I must be too dumb for.. guess what.. I've heard it HUNDREDS of bloody times.. it wasn't even funny to begin with ( I get a lot of people-"and to drink?" .."do you guys have beer*chuckle/guffaw/laugh/etc*"
12) I can't believe you just walked in my restaurant, up to my counter, listen to me ask "hi what can I get for you tonight" .. and STILL you just have to ask me "are you open?" *facepalm* (plus there's a neon sign saying "open 24hours" )
13) I'm sorry I or one of my CW's messed up your order.. mistakes happen and I can fix them no problem I can also do extra (refund+new food+coupons for future visit).. however I am less inclined to actually do so when you are throwing a temper tantrum and insulting everyone here
14) *warning* this is my all time pet peeve and it will contain some language
YES!!! Your stupid fucking mcchicken sauce is in the bag!! stop bloody asking me!!!!!!
*note*= almost every single person asks this if it's in their order.. personally I'd be more worried that I didn't get my sandwich or fries instead of some ten cent pack of "mayo like substance" <-- says that on the box for real
ok sorry that was pretty long but it's been building and I kinda feel better now lol

*note that these apply to fast food customers*
1) please don't purposely leave your money on the counter for me to pick up cuz you find it funny and please don't give me the catbutt face when I do that with your change.. you started it!
2) don't just demand your university discount in some snotty tone in my drive thru... especially when you're driving a car that's worth more than 5 years of my wage.. honestly you aren't saving THAT much!!!!(yay a whole TEN %.. at our prices that's an average of 50cents an order)
3) don't come up to me and ask "what's on the menu" ... when the damn thing is RIGHT ABOVE MY HEAD!!!!
4) You're right, I'm a terrible person for asking you to leave my lobby because you decided underage drinking would be SO much fun and even more so if you emptied the fruits of your labour in my lobby
5) it would be appreciated if you didn't sit at the window rooting through your bag of food making sure you have everything when there's massive amounts of cars behind you at least have the decency to pull into the lot for that.
6) You're right again.. I AM most definitly a terrible and horrible person for calling the cops on you when you threaten to wait outside for the night staff to get off so you can beat the crap out of them.. for no reason at all.. do you feel like a big man saying threats like that?
7)I'm sorry I don't speak your foreign language.. do NOT scream at me in it either.. saying it louder will not help me try to figure out what you want
8) really.. I am actually sorry your food is taking so long.. I don't know if you've noticed or not, but there are THREE employees working..THREE!!! and it's a 230am bar rush. We can only go so fast. please don't demand that I bump your food in front of everyone else who has been waiting just as long
9) you came in the restaurant, asked for your food to go, THEN sat in the lobby beside a garbage can, then just left everything on the table for me to clean up..
10) that condescending tone you use to fast food employees? the one that says you think we are too far below you on the social ladder.. good luck when you're applying for a job in the future and my CW taking his bach of business is the one doing the interview...
11) That cheesey joke you just used.. and when I didn't laugh you said I must be too dumb for.. guess what.. I've heard it HUNDREDS of bloody times.. it wasn't even funny to begin with ( I get a lot of people-"and to drink?" .."do you guys have beer*chuckle/guffaw/laugh/etc*"
12) I can't believe you just walked in my restaurant, up to my counter, listen to me ask "hi what can I get for you tonight" .. and STILL you just have to ask me "are you open?" *facepalm* (plus there's a neon sign saying "open 24hours" )
13) I'm sorry I or one of my CW's messed up your order.. mistakes happen and I can fix them no problem I can also do extra (refund+new food+coupons for future visit).. however I am less inclined to actually do so when you are throwing a temper tantrum and insulting everyone here
14) *warning* this is my all time pet peeve and it will contain some language
YES!!! Your stupid fucking mcchicken sauce is in the bag!! stop bloody asking me!!!!!!
*note*= almost every single person asks this if it's in their order.. personally I'd be more worried that I didn't get my sandwich or fries instead of some ten cent pack of "mayo like substance" <-- says that on the box for real
ok sorry that was pretty long but it's been building and I kinda feel better now lol
