So, a few months back (going on about 6 now I think), my deli got a new manager. Our old manager was the type to sit her ass upstairs all day and not do a lick of work. Then complain and yell at us for work not being done. She was also the type to take the customers' side instantly, without letting you tell yours.
Now, the new manager, let's call her D. She is the exact opposite of everything my old manager was. She's down on the floor working her butt off, working overtime and taking the blame if we mess up somehow, so we don't get in trouble.
For the last few months She's been settling in. I thought she was a cool manager already, just because she's a hard worker. But, it turns out that she hates stupid people. She will NOT take crap from a customer. She WILL talk back at them. She takes her employees' sides in everything. (Our deli actually has people that will admit when they are wrong, so she's not taken advantage of).
Sorry for the long back story. I know this is in the Sucky Customer thread. It's here for a reason, I promise!
/back story
So, D and I were working the counter. Two 15-16 year old girls came up, during a weekday and about 1 in the afternoon. Only one of them talked through the entire scene, the other just made faces.
Me: Me of course :P
D: Manager
SC: Stuck up kid
SC: Hey! How much is the chicken salad?
D: *Was in the middle of something she couldn't pause* It says the price on the sign right next to the bowl.
SC: I shouldn't have to look, it's your job to tell me.
D: No it's not, it's the sign's job to tell you. Which is the point of them being there.
SC: *Cat buff face* Well how much is half of a pound then?
D: Half of whatever it says on the sign.
SC: *Her attitude starts getting worse* I don't know my math good, you need to tell me!
D: If you don't know basic division you really need to pay more attention in school.

*The girl gives her the cat butt face once more, then gets half a pound of it anyways.*
<3 my new manager.
I have more examples, but I'll post them later. this is getting too long already.
Now, the new manager, let's call her D. She is the exact opposite of everything my old manager was. She's down on the floor working her butt off, working overtime and taking the blame if we mess up somehow, so we don't get in trouble.
For the last few months She's been settling in. I thought she was a cool manager already, just because she's a hard worker. But, it turns out that she hates stupid people. She will NOT take crap from a customer. She WILL talk back at them. She takes her employees' sides in everything. (Our deli actually has people that will admit when they are wrong, so she's not taken advantage of).
Sorry for the long back story. I know this is in the Sucky Customer thread. It's here for a reason, I promise!
/back story
So, D and I were working the counter. Two 15-16 year old girls came up, during a weekday and about 1 in the afternoon. Only one of them talked through the entire scene, the other just made faces.
Me: Me of course :P
D: Manager
SC: Stuck up kid
SC: Hey! How much is the chicken salad?
D: *Was in the middle of something she couldn't pause* It says the price on the sign right next to the bowl.
SC: I shouldn't have to look, it's your job to tell me.
D: No it's not, it's the sign's job to tell you. Which is the point of them being there.
SC: *Cat buff face* Well how much is half of a pound then?
D: Half of whatever it says on the sign.
SC: *Her attitude starts getting worse* I don't know my math good, you need to tell me!
D: If you don't know basic division you really need to pay more attention in school.

*The girl gives her the cat butt face once more, then gets half a pound of it anyways.*
<3 my new manager.
I have more examples, but I'll post them later. this is getting too long already.