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  • Mini-SC's

    Alright, three little kids come in and I was damn close to strangling two of them. one of them starts climbing on the counter, i told him not to, (btw, this was like 8:30, they came without parents and its not somewhere were young kids should be that late) they ask for a cinnamon roll, but then when i tell them they say nevermind, so i figure they dont have money, so they ask for a donut. I get it for them than they ask for a large ice cap
    I ask them how much money they have, since I wasnt gonna make one then have them not pay. The mouthy one looks at me and says "He has like ... sixty three dollers, so just do your job and get it for us ... mitchell" I reply with "My name is Michael, perhaps if you were old enough to read you'd have gotten it right" I get it for them then the kid asks for another boston cream.

    While I am getting it the mouthy one keeps going on about how hes dying of boredem. Then my co-worker comes out which was good since I knew that she'd join me so I wouldnt have to worry bout getting bitched out by anyone. She says that they're awefully young to be out this late and its past their bed times.

    The mouthy one again goes off and says IM 12!!! I know im young but im in Gr. 7!! (Im thinking alright, i'm 15 and shes 52, do you want a cookie? Hit puberty than talk) Then he says that his bed time is 10 o'clock, the younger one says he's 10 and his bed time is 9:30 (this one wasnt bad, he was quiet the whole time except for when he was deciding what he wanted to eat) Then the fat one says he's 13 and will be in highschool next year. I was going to make a remark about how well their parents raised them, but I decided againt.

    The mouthy one again went off about how hes small but really is 12. I just wanted them out of the store. The fat one asks for a chocolate croissant. I get it for him and the total comes to 6.66 (I find it funny, just because Halloween and these were obviously devil children) Then he pulls out 7 dollers and says "Is this enough?" "I say yes then ask him again if he's sure he's in gr. 8. He says yes then I go to get the money and he wont let go so i ripped it out of his hand. The young one also pushed him and told him to give me the money.

    Then afterwards I get him the change and the mouthy one keeps saying about how im in training (they havent given me my new name tag yet) and how im new and how im a bad server and how im slow etc. etc. Then the fat one points at the straws and says "what are those" I say straws then again ask if hes really in gr. 8, then he asks what the're for, I tell him to leave, he does.

    I dont think I did this justice, since when reading it over it didnt sound anywhere near as bad as it was. Honestly, if there werent other customers in the place and there werent cameras everywhere I would have yelled quite a few obsinities at these kids ensuring they would never return.

  • #2
    Mmmm...they're right at that age when they start discovering how cool it is to act like a jackass, I remember being 13, good times. But they, like most other cocky little shits, will learn a valuable lesson in high school when they decide to mouth off to upperclassmen.


    • #3
      There's no curfew out for minors? And I thought if they were under a certain age or not with their parents you could kick them out?


      • #4
        Quoth Mizzikiel View Post
        The mouthy one again goes off and says IM 12!!! I know im young but im in Gr. 7!!
        Congratulations to him. I was also 12 when I was in 7th grade. Big deal. Does anyone want to know that I graduated from high school when I was 17?
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          same here; i was 12 too, but i don't scream it every chance i get. wtf is up with kids these days and why is there NO curfew? we've had groups of kids out as late as 10:30 pm with no parents in sight (and this is in a bad area of town).
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            Most areas there is a curfew. But I know in my town the curfew was 10:00 for all those under the age of 17. So at 8:30, we would still be able to be out and about.
            Even if there is a curfew where you are, it would depend on if the police actually enforcing it. I remember being 14 and going to the movies- we would be wandering around outside the shopping center where the theater was well after 10, waiting for our ride...cops never even spoke to us. (Of course, we didn't act like little shits either)
            I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

