If you only had a brain
Me: Thank you for calling blank pharmacy, this is Reirei how may I help you?
SC: Yes, I was wondering if you could tell me the cash price of lisinopril 40mg, 30 count?
Me: Let's see... It's $18.56 ma'am.
SC; What about with my insurance.
Me: Ma'am, you have to call the insurance company to find that out, sorry.
SC: You can't just check?
Me: No ma'am, sorry. As I said you have to call your insurace compay.
SC: Can't you call them?
Me: ...

SC: *sighs loudly* Thank you anyway then.
I hang up and go back to intake. About ten minutes later, the phone rings again.
Me:*the same speil as before*
SC: Can you tell me the price of lisinopril 40mg, 30 count?

SC: *sighs loudly again* Can't you just call them?
Me: Ma'am, I am sorry, but it is in violation of your privacy if I call them and ask them anything in regards to your account.
SC: Fine, thank you anyways... *hangs up*
An hour later...
Me: *same spiel as before*
SC: Can you tell me the price of lisinopril 40mg, 30 count?
Me: *thinking that she has to be kidding* Ma'am, it's still $18.56, is there anything else I can help you with?
SC: I got the number for the insurance company for you from the back of my card, are you sure you can't call them?
Me: No ma'am.
SC: Why not?

SC: ... Okay.*hangs up*

You can't be serious...
A guy walks up to the intake window with two bottles in his hand.
Me: How may I help you?

SC: What's the difference between vitamin 1 and vitamin 2?
Me: They are virtually identical in ingrediants, only vitamin 2 has some more extra for prostate health.
SC: Well, will... *pauses*
Me: Yes?
SC: Which one will...*pauses again*
Me: Sir?
SC: Which one will help me you know... *whispers* get an erection?

Ah memories....
I was talking to one of my former coworkers from the seasonal department and he reminded me of this one. This was a few years ago in the green house of the seasonal department.
Me: *watering plants*
Polite lady or PL: Excuse me miss? I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?
She and I start talking about starting vegetable seeding indoors, I am showing her some of the seeding sets when stupid rude b!tch comes up and litterally jams her cart in between us.
SRB: I need a sprinkler.
Me: Ma'am, they are right over there. *points to where they are very obviously displayed*
SRB: Show me.
Me: I'm sorry ma'am, I am helping another customer right now, but i can get another one of my coworkers to help you. *reaches for walkie attached to belt*
SRB: You're here right now, you help me!
Me: As I said ma'am, I am helping the lady right here, if you would like the wait a moment, then I can help you.
SRB: *SCOWLS* Forget it. I don't want your help. I can tell you are rude by your green eyes. *stomps away*

PL: Wow, you must really get some crazies.
