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Check Your Damn Bags and Get Back to Me. *Longish*

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  • Check Your Damn Bags and Get Back to Me. *Longish*

    First real post! So let me fill you in on me a bit. I am RED Well... for you I guess.... any way. I work at Ross Dress For Less.... aka...purgatory, limbo, my own personal eternal root canal... the list goes on. That's a bit harsh I guess... I do like my job for the most part.... but honestly... If I could break a few noses... I'd be alot more fun! I work almost everywhere in the store... Fitting room... floor associate, front end cashier... stray kid round up crew (a fabricated position my supervisors have unofficially given me because for some reason the little bastards are afraid of me....)

    My first story starts like this.......
    I was rounding off the end of a pretty good day.... I had managed to escape the droning monotony of the fitting rooms and got stuck in the box.... which I usually hate but I was in a great mood and none of the registers tried to break on me for once. All my customers had been patient when I had the $600 dollar purchases that take forever and a day to complete. They had been understanding when the line got backed up and I apologized for not being able to call another cashier since she was on her lunch. And a few of them even told me to have a Wonderful day... not good....WONDERFUL!

    It was 9:40 and the store had been closed for 10 minutes (9:30). Meaning... the doors were locked, the customers were gone(which is fabulous at means we didnt have to chase anyone out) , and we were just starting to till out all the registers... and wouldnt you know it. This lady calls. And me being Front End that night had to field the call... I hate answering the direct line to all that is nasty in the world! aka phone! nothing good EVER comes from that fucking black plastic monstrosity..... .Off Track...sorry
    ANYSNIT! Apparently WE had forgotten to bag up some boots and jewelry she had purchased. Of course she had "thoroughly" checked ALL of her bags and they were ABSOLUTELY not in there. oh nooos!
    Okay! So here is the readers digest of what happened.

    SC: Voice over plastic monstrosity....><
    Me:...we....yeah.....Who else
    SV: Supervisor...who took the call for all of 3 seconds and then left it to
    DA: Door agent....also..."He who stands and does nothing"

    SC: SO I checked all of my bags and its NOT in there! I mean I was there just like 20 min ago.
    Me: Are you sure you went through all your bags? (god forbid I hint that you MIGHT have missed something)
    SC: OF Course I checked the Damn bags! I'm sitting right here looking at them and I'm telling you the boots and the jewelry are NOT in there!
    Me:Well my supervisor did your transaction I'll let you speak with her
    SV:mmmhmmm.....mmmhmmm.... Okay... let me put you on hold while I look to see if we have the bag. *hold* I know I gave her that bag... I liked those boots!
    Me: so? What do we do about it? (while looking around CS. Because if anything was left up there with in the last hour it would still be up there.... guess what... big shock.... No boots)
    SV: Hey DA go run the security video for the last 25 minutes before close.
    DA: *looking dazed and lost* Sure... *finishes what ever he was doing and slowly starts walking toward the back of the store*
    SV: RED Get her name and ## so we can call her back "If" we find anything.
    Me: Okay. *unholdify* Hello Mam. We are having our security personal and front end staff look for you lost items right now. If I could please just get you name and ## so we can call you back when we find them that would be great, I dont want you to have to sit on hold while we search.
    SC: No no. Its okay, my daughter is going to come back and find it for me right now.
    Me: I'm sorry mam. but we are closed for the evening. But if you would like, we open at 9:30 tomorrow mor-
    SC: NO! NO! Unacceptable! I paid for those things!! I was there just 20 fucking minutes ago! I want my PROPERTY now! (they love using terms of it matters)
    Me: *in my best sickeningly sweet, perfectly polite voice* I know it is inconvenient mam. But we cannot allow anyone in after business hours. I do apologize but the doors are locked.
    SC: Well then MISS (you could tell it would have been capitalized) YOU are going to go and unlock them right now! (she went on ranting like this for a moment or two I dont remember all she said because I was silently pleading with my Supervisor to handle this customer... she of course was ignoring me)
    Me: *okay...I'm done being nice.... polite yes...nice...fuck it. So I cut off her tiraid* No, mam. I am sorry to say I am most definitely NOT going to unlock the doors. Even if I could. Which I cannot.
    SC: Now listen to-
    Me: Mam. You may come in tomorrow after we open and try to find any items you left, if they are here. However, we cannot open the doors after business hours because it is illegal for us to do so. If you have a complaint you may call Our store manager, his name is C_____ and he will be in tomorrow morning.

    *now at this point I am quite pleased with my level of self control... cause I have very little.... and am fully expecting and hoping for her to rant some more so I can have an excuse to hang up on her.... instead... I hear this meek voice over the other end of the phone...*

    SC:*timid and obviously embarrassed* No. Cause you know what... just found those items....
    Me: Well I'm very glad to hear that miss... I hope you have a wonderful evening now.
    SChaving to get the last word in and make it NOT her fault) Yeah, cause YOU GUYS put them into the green bag.... that's why I couldn't find them. Silly you.... Night! *CLICK*

    I laughed.....and went home.
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2
    The stupid is strong in that one.

    Also Cookies are with Evil Queen, Brainbleach is with....good question OK, WHO had the brainbleach last?
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      *usurps evil queen and leave cookies for Red*


      • #4
        *moves S&D out of the way and takes the cookies* As part of her Majesties royal court.... Have some cookies.

        I think WorkHorse had it last. Jester does the bartender deal but instead of sympathizing....well lets just say truth hurts sometimes.


        • #5
          ....I found the brain bleach... apparently someone left the empty bottle down in the jokes section so I got a new bottle.

          Oh I love when people pull that stuff, had it happen to me at the PC store I worked in. CU could not find her keyboard... reason: when she brought in her pc for repair she brought it ALL.... and forgot that she has a trunk of her car.. oi.
          Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
          pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


          • #6
            Quoth fireheart17 View Post
            Brainbleach is with....good question OK, WHO had the brainbleach last?
            *tosses bedsheet over entire pallet of brain bleach.

            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              *tosses bedsheet over entire pallet of brain bleach.


              I did not have the brainbleach.


              But I DID get into the booze-table. Woog~.
              Now a member of that alien race called Management.

              Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


              • #8
                Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post

                I did not have the brainbleach.


                But I DID get into the booze-table. Woog~.
                Long as it wasn't the Scotch Basement.

                Halloo, Red. I always cringe when we have a Ross story, cause I love that store. Shopping there, that is.

                I promise to never torment your fellow Ross Slaves with SC-ness.
                "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                • #9
                  Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
                  I work at Ross Dress For Less.... aka...purgatory, limbo, my own personal eternal root canal...
                  Nice description!

                  I'm Joi, btw. I don't have any mind-altering liquids to offer, but I am the controller of a bad-tempered miniature Dalek, so if you ever need anyone exterminated, just ask. Oh, and the Dalek also delivers random holiday candy.

                  "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                  My pony dolls:


                  • #10
                    Open question to all: Why didn't anyone tell me about my comrade-in-arms?!

                    Welcome Red. This is like, the third welcome I've given you, lol

                    [happy to have a fellow Ross-er]


                    • #11
                      Uh....WorkHorse was supposed to do it but since he's in no shape to it *flees*


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the welcome!!!
                        "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                        • #13
                          Not all of Ross customers are bad.... I love most of them in fact..... it's kind of like that rhym...

                          When they are good they are very very good....
                          But When they are bad...they are HORRID!
                          "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                          • #14
                            Quoth Aethian View Post
                            Uh....WorkHorse was supposed to do it but since he's in no shape to it *flees*
                            Get back here!! [takes off in pursuit]


                            • #15
                              Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
                              Nice description!
                              but I am the controller of a bad-tempered miniature Dalek, so if you ever need anyone exterminated, just ask.

                              Hehehe.. .. thanks I'll remember that
                              "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

