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No Refund for You! (It's finally happened!!!)

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  • No Refund for You! (It's finally happened!!!)


    About 90% of my posts are about returns. Well, they're starting to really get out of control now, because of the economy, people are just basically grabbing everything in their house they bought from us and trying to return it for a quick buck.

    My store manager came down and talked to us the other day.

    He spoke of the returns he's seen over the years, and the abuse, especially recently. He said because of the amount that people are returning lately, we're going to have to let managers know of anything "out of place".

    We asked if this meant what we hoped it meant.

    He said yes.

    He pointed out we do not have a "lifetime" return policy, only a "100% Satisfaction Guaranteed" policy. Meaning for the LIFE OF THE PRODUCT, we guarantee you'll be happy with it, if not, we'll return it. Obviously the person that had that shirt for 3 years was 100% happy with it.

    Basically, the store manager told us that he's had enough of the abuse, and it's going to stop.


    A collective cheer grew inside of me as he spoke these words....

    and then it turned into this.

    It begins...

    This is how bad it got

    I had at LEAST 3 people this week try to return stuff with NEGATIVE shopping histories over $3000.

    Which means, they've returned $3000 of stuff this year AT THE VERY LEAST.

    It could mean they've bought $2000 and returned $5000. The positive is drowned out.

    It got THAT bad before they stopped this.

    But it was funny to see the one person with her DVD/VCR player from 2005 claim that she was a "good" customer, and therefore should get her refund. (She didn't get it.)

    The New Mrs. H

    I had a woman called Mrs. H who got herself a ban from the return counter for outrageous returns (2 year old half used olive oil is a good example of how bad it got).

    Recently, there's been another woman pulling the same crap. Completely destroyed toys her kids wrecked from 2 Christmases ago, old clothes, the works. We're calling her "The New Mrs. H".

    Well, she's going through a divorce now, according to a CW. She's returning ALL of his clothes. At least several things a DAY. All from years and years ago.

    She came up to the desk with a whole CART full of things the other day, and thank God my manager was there. She called the store manager, who refused all but about 3 things (which were only bought the week before, so it was okay). She was not happy about this, and started thrusting each refused item at my manager asking why we couldn't refund it.

    SC: WHY can't you refund THIS? (holds a jar of salsa)
    MGR: It was a two pack, and you only have one jar. You bought it in 2007. We are NOT returning that item.
    SC: WHAT ABOUT THIS?! (a old shirt)
    MGR: Its from 2004. It's heavily worn, used, stained. I can't. *repeats the bit about satisfaction for product life*

    It went on like this. She eventually got the names of everyone there and transaction numbers, swearing with threats of calling corporate (which has our back 100% in cases of abuse like this, so no worries )

    She then left with this:

    SC: You have no idea who you're dealing with. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE SPENT IN HERE?
    MGR: Well, when you factor in your returns, you've spent $100 since last year, according to your account. (burnnnnn)

    $100 a year is a VERY VERY LOW AMOUNT. Normal customers average thousands and thousands a year. She was returning a LOT.

    %*&# YOU

    Also changed was that people who were not members of our building are NOT permitted to come in AT ALL without signing up to become a member. Not even to see "if they liked the place". This may seem like a bad idea in writing, but the amount of theft recently was getting RIDICULOUS, and since this policy was imposed, our theft rate has dropped significantly. VERY significantly! I was not happy with this change at first, but since it's working, I am all for it!

    Now, we're not unreasonable, if someone absolutely insists they want to see the place before they sign up, we're supposed to give them a tour of the building.

    Of course, this new policy, is leaving me with some interesting conversations with people when they come in to get the "one day pass" that no longer exists...

    Typically it starts with a

    Person: Can I get a one-day pass?

    Then I go

    Me: *explains how non-members are not permitted in the store, and how if you sign up and you don't like it, you can get a full refund of the membership*

    And then it ends with a

    Person: Okay, thanks. *leaves*

    or a lovely

    Person: Alright, I'll sign up. *does so*

    and then the fun and occasional


    or some variation of that.

    One such variation was a hearty and swift

    SC: &*%# YOU!

    with so such warning or anything of that manner before they stormed out of the store into oncoming traffic.

    Weird though, not one person has insisted enough to get a tour.
    Last edited by Nakajo; 02-22-2009, 08:34 AM. Reason: sp issues
    "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey

  • #2
    Wow, your store is able to keep records of how much a customer spends? I wish my store could do that!! (Today we had a guy try to return an item he bought three years ago - but he insists it broke a few hours after he bought it, so he's entitled to a refund. Grr)


    • #3
      Quoth GiftShopGirl View Post
      Wow, your store is able to keep records of how much a customer spends? I wish my store could do that!! (Today we had a guy try to return an item he bought three years ago - but he insists it broke a few hours after he bought it, so he's entitled to a refund. Grr)
      I do believe that this is a membership store, like Costco or Sam's Club, so you need to have your card in order to make these purchases/returns, and therefore are able to track.


      • #4
        Quoth GiftShopGirl View Post
        Wow, your store is able to keep records of how much a customer spends? I wish my store could do that!! (Today we had a guy try to return an item he bought three years ago - but he insists it broke a few hours after he bought it, so he's entitled to a refund. Grr)
        OP works at a wholesale store where customers are required to have membership so I'm betting that's how they keep track of them

        Brilliant work...yay for the wholesale store finally growing some balls!
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #5
          Wow I've never actually been to a place that required a membership. Maybe like at Sam's where it helps with the prices but not as a must. Weird. Does it cost a lot to join?

          And damn, I think in my entire life, I've only returned like three items... And I think two of which were my fiance's items.


          • #6
            Interesting how the occassional SC gets upset about supposedly being called a thief when you only suggested getting a membership to gain access. You didn't even imply thievery, which leads me to believe they wanted to steal in the first place and got upset about a nonexistent accusation because they were already thinking it. Hmmm.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              They are just starting to allow us to deny returns that are over the Old Navy 90 day return.

              I have refused returns before stuff form 2002 yep just before X-mas 2008 some chick tries to return stuff in a gift box from 2002 still with the gift receipt in the box.. "I was cleaning out my closet and found this" I told her well you should have dropped it off at goodwill since we can't take it back.

              SC: I have a receipt for it.
              ME: Its from 6 years ago, sorry no longer in our inventory system
              SC: It has all the tags on it
              ME: Its not in the system and you had plenty of time to return after it was given to you, it wasn't worth you time them so now unfortunately this is now a learning experience for you. You need to read receipts and follow the directions on them otherwise you lose.
              ME: NEXT IN LINE!

              It used to be we would take just about anything back and we still do for the most part, but three year old jeans that have been "walk hemmed" instead of you spending the $10 to have them hemmed up.

              But since I do the "Damaged" stuff the store returns its insane the stuff some of the clerks take back, the jeans being a rather minor foul.


              • #8
                Quoth Nakajo View Post
                $100 a year is a VERY VERY LOW AMOUNT. Normal customers average thousands and thousands a year. She was returning a LOT.
                For the four of us, we spend enough to pay for the more expensive membership with the rebate check.
                Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                HR believes the first person in the door
                Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                Document everything
                CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                • #9
                  Quoth Nakajo View Post
                  This is how bad it got

                  I had at LEAST 3 people this week try to return stuff with NEGATIVE shopping histories over $3000.

                  Which means, they've returned $3000 of stuff this year AT THE VERY LEAST.

                  It could mean they've bought $2000 and returned $5000. The positive is drowned out.

                  It got THAT bad before they stopped this.
                  I don't understand this. Aside from the obvious financial implications, how the hell can you buy $2000 worth of stuff but have $5000 worth of stuff to return? Are they just hoarding several years worth of stuff that they buy from you and returning it all at one time or are you folks accepting returns from other stores?

                  And more importantly, why the frack did it take all this time for your store's management to figure out that this was bad and that your return policy was being taken advantage of?
                  Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


                  • #10
                    I'm trying to figure out how the company stays in business with a return policy like that and how it's been abused. Do you guys have enough honest customers that spend bajillions to balance it all out?

                    Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


                    • #11
                      Quoth Alpha Strike View Post
                      I don't understand this. Aside from the obvious financial implications, how the hell can you buy $2000 worth of stuff but have $5000 worth of stuff to return? Are they just hoarding several years worth of stuff that they buy from you and returning it all at one time or are you folks accepting returns from other stores?


                      Quoth Alpha Strike View Post
                      And more importantly, why the frack did it take all this time for your store's management to figure out that this was bad and that your return policy was being taken advantage of?

                      It actually wasn't too bad until the US Economy went down the shitter. Then people started just cleaning out their houses and returning for a quick buck. But we've always had people that abused the electronics policy, but...

                      Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                      I'm trying to figure out how the company stays in business with a return policy like that and how it's been abused. Do you guys have enough honest customers that spend bajillions to balance it all out?
            's because of this exact reason why no one cared.

                      I had a guy once who purchased an $80,000 (yes, that number is right) garage and hot rod component kit off our website, and then came in and asked me when his rewards reset because he wanted to buy a second one.

                      But now that people aren't dropping so much money, the individual stores are taking these HUGE refund hits with not enough sales to make up for it. Rather than fire their employees to make up the difference (way to go Corporate!) they're now interpreting the return policy to it's true meaning rather than letting it slide like they have all these years.

                      And don't worry, it's not for everyone, just the repeat offenders and abusers. No one will blink an eye if your year old GPS breaks and you need to return it. They may perhaps refuse you if you're returning a 6 year old TV just because you want a new one.
                      "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey


                      • #12
                        Quoth Alpha Strike View Post
                        I don't understand this. Aside from the obvious financial implications, how the hell can you buy $2000 worth of stuff but have $5000 worth of stuff to return? Are they just hoarding several years worth of stuff that they buy from you and returning it all at one time or are you folks accepting returns from other stores?

                        Buy expensive item, say $1,500

                        Return item for store credit and buy bigger item for $2K

                        Return item "Didn't match the cat", decide that $1,500 item suits better

                        Return item at "No fuss refund" -1 day, cat's left them for someone who doesn't colour co-ordinate the kitty litter.

                        Take the bigger shiny now that it doesn't clash.

                        $5k returns for a $2K purchase
                        Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                        • #13
                          Memberships not needed

                          Quoth fireheart17 View Post
                          OP works at a wholesale store where customers are required to have membership so I'm betting that's how they keep track of them

                          Brilliant work...yay for the wholesale store finally growing some balls!
                          I worked at a computer store, we had no membership list, but still keep records on computer for all our customers. Since we knew how databases worked we could search our records by any piece of information available (name, address, credit card number, item purchased, date of purchase, etc. ). If it went on a sales slip (which was entered and printed out by computer) it was search-able.

                          And yes, we would catch customers all the time who claimed to spend thousands even hundreds of thousands thru us who's records showed that they personally only spent in the hundreds (if that much) in the last year or two.

                          If the company or institution you work for has spent big bucks with us, it does not mean that we would fall all over ourselves serving you if your name/sig never appeared on the purchase order or in the committee that placed the orders.


                          • #14

                            I would just like to add, my mom is one of those people who buys out of a Sears' catalog all the time and then dislikes 2/3 of what arrives.

                            I would not be surprised that my mom buys about $10,000 worth of stuff from Sears every year but returns over $6,000 worth in the long run. How Sears can make a profit with all the extra processing and shipping costs (both ways) is beyond me.

                            At-least when she buys from Regal they charge a restocking fee, I notice that even when she is not really happy with what she got from them that she sends back a far smaller percentage of the goods she orders.


                            • #15
                              Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
                              I would just like to add, my mom is one of those people who buys out of a Sears' catalog all the time and then dislikes 2/3 of what arrives.

                              I would not be surprised that my mom buys about $10,000 worth of stuff from Sears every year but returns over $6,000 worth in the long run. How Sears can make a profit with all the extra processing and shipping costs (both ways) is beyond me.

                              At-least when she buys from Regal they charge a restocking fee, I notice that even when she is not really happy with what she got from them that she sends back a far smaller percentage of the goods she orders.

                              What your mom is doing isn't that much of a foul really. I deal with internet returns all the time and the most common reason people return internet stuff:

                              It didn't fit well. That is a no harm no foul return.

                              A valid reason to return something I can't blame them at all for that. Its the SC's that buy that shirt in every color that is made and do that with every item they ordered cause they didn't know what color they would like when it got there or the ones that just went nuts and didn't look at how much all that stuff really costs. Yep most people return oddles of stuff cause they just ordered to much crap, "I didn't know it would cost so much!" Umm lady you picked it out and it showed you a total before you punched in your credit card!

                              My most famous on-line return was the "Flip Flop Lady" $300 in flip flops she ordered from on line, all these flip flops for something she was doing and then changed her mind about what type of party it was and returned them all to the store. And of course she tore up all the bags with the bar codes the flip flops came in so I had to hand key every pair into the system. All 120 pairs of them!

