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MORE Subway rants

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  • MORE Subway rants

    The Tigress and I have already covered a lot about the annoyances of working at Subway, but right now, i'm gonna vent about stuff that happens to me every day!

    People who think the $5 footlong is $1.
    Yes, this happens. There is another deal called the $1 footlong sidekicks, and if yo useriously think that this makes a footlong a dollar, then you need to get the hell out of this school and back to an elementary school where you can learn how to read, as well as learn basic logic. HOW would we have a $5 footlong and a $1 footlong at the EXACT SAME TIME?! We souldn't make a dime off of that, esepcially since all the gold-diggers have started loading up on the Chicken Bacon Ranch. Seriously we can make a lot of money by NOT making the chicken bacon ranch a $5 footlong....

    "I had a $5 footong!"
    WHAT KIND DAMMIT?! We need to know for inventory purposes, and he needs to know down there because we cannot make a sandwich if we don't know what's giong to go IN it! The people who don't specificy on numerous occasion are the worst. One time someone just said $5 footlong numerous times so we just left the bread blank. Turns out...HE WANTED JUST BREAD!!!! -_-

    "Does the five dollar footlong work on six inches?"
    ...READ THE DEAL!!! It says "Five dollar Footlong". If you want to get two six-inch sandwiches of the exact same kind, that is allowed. (Piggybackers have benefitted greatly from this deal.)

    "Does the Five dollar footlong work on Wraps/Flatbreads/Salads?"
    ...again, read the bloody deal! If it says "Five dollar flatbread", then it works on flatbreads. If it says "Five Dollar footlongs", then it only works on FOOTLONGS.
    -Why don't yo uhave footlong flatbreads?
    This one's okay, but that doens't make it any less annoying for us, or the customer.

    People who say 'no' when I ask if they want a meal deal and then take chips and a drink anyways.
    Just because our Soda Fountain is self-serve, that does NOT give you an excuse to steal things! The chips are NOT free. We have had th same boxes of raisens since 2008 because people kept stealing them. You paid for a sandwich, and the only thing you can take for free is a plastic cup for water and water ONLY!

    People who say they paid for a cup for water when they fill it up with soda
    That's not free, fyi. I said the cup is for WATER. That is NOT for SODA. Only our employees can take soda in a water cup, because they WORK here. Besides, 99% of people don't know our water cups have lids so don't come crawling to us when you fill it to the very brim and spill it when some Urbanite College student bumps you without saying "Excuse me".

    People who say 'yes' when I ask if the ywant to make it a meal deal and then they DON'T take the chips or a drink and come back and say we overcharged them.
    Seeing as you seem to just think "yes" is the correct answer to "What kind of cheese would you like?", you'd think every question is a 'yes' or 'no' answer, right? wel lthis is one of them! If you want a meal deal, answer 'yes' or 'no'. this may be my fault since I may ask "Would you like to make that a meal deal?" and they think that just the sandiwhc is a meal, but at least 80+% of the time this happens is when I ask "Would you like Chips and a Drink with that?".

    More...more...more...MORE DAMMIT!!!
    Recently we've been yelled at for the copious amounts of olives and pickles we've put on some of our sandwiches. So I put th subway regulations, only 6 of each for a footlong and that's apparently not enough. so they just ask for more, more, and more until we wind up emptying half the tin on there. Geez, do you want some meat with that olive sandwich? Then the manager says "don't put so much on there!"

    more..More...more...HEY THAT IS TOO MUCH!
    ...when you say 'more', i just put another regulation on there.

    Having to tell six people in a row that we're out of herbs and cheese.
    This is part of my job...but that doesn't mean it's any less annoying.
    The single most POPULAR kind of bread is the Herbs and Cheese. Meaning we're gonna run out of that before almots anything else, and of course, since they don't know we're out or the Herbs and Cheese is currently inedible due to being out of the oven or doughy, they ask for it anyways. It gets annoying when yo uhave to say "we don't have herbs and cheese".

    When we only have one kind of bread left
    Because guess what kind of bread absolutely nobody requests?

    Are you guys open yet?
    ...there are three people in line, it is 9 AM, the Gates are up, it states that we open at 7 AM on numerous signs for people wanting an application, and to top it off, some of th epeople who ask these come here EVERY DAY at the exact same and ask if we're open.

    People who think we open at 6 AM.
    Fortunately I haev NEVER had to deal with these, but some people seem to be inside the student centre at 6 AM and sneak in the gate opening that's about 18 inches for one person to move the chip rack around and turn the soda fountain on. But, in a subway in a strip mall or standalone (if they exist), some people actually come in through the BACK DOOR at 6 AM and place orders. or even the front door, which is usually unlocked in one of the Subways in town because it's in a strip mall and the back door opens up to a loading dock which is used daily by a Grocery Store, so it is actually more convenient to go through the front door.
    ...also, since there are other mall subways that report 6 AM orderers, how are you even getting INTO The mall building? The doors aren't unlocked until 9 AM! You can't get in before them legally!

    whatever goes on it...HEY WHERE ARE THE VEGGIES?! WHERE'S TH ESAUCE?!
    we don't have anything that goes on most subs. Only recommended stuff. The staff has different recommendations.
    Kangaroo Squee!

  • #2
    Quoth Digitalpotato View Post
    or standalone (if they exist),
    i've actually seen a few stand alones in Salt Lake... at least one even has a drive through
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      I love Subway. We are offered chips or cookies with our meal deals.

      We have 2 in town, one downtown and one of the 4-lane, in Wal-mart. I have been behind people who seem to not know how to read or answer a simple yes or no question. I can feel your pain.
      "Oh, very good....Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent.'" Severus Snape


      • #4
        Which is the least popular bread?


        • #5
          In Australia we have people dancing around doing what they call "The Subway Shuffle" to the tune of "I Feel Good" by James Dean. I bet that most of the Subways here are gonna have people attempting to dance/sing that.
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...


          • #6
            I love subway, but instead of feeling excited when I see the '$5 for any sub' commercial, I immediately think of the poor employees.

            Nothing brings out the SCs and EWs like a sale.

            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


            • #7
              I love Subway and love the $5 Footlong deal. Herbs and cheese is my fave kind of bread


              • #8
                Quoth Digitalpotato View Post
                esepcially since all the gold-diggers have started loading up on the Chicken Bacon Ranch. Seriously we can make a lot of money by NOT making the chicken bacon ranch a $5 footlong....
                I swear the Chicken Bacon Ranch and the Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki were over 50% of the sales for the day! I especially love when they get $10 worth of vegetables on their $5 sandwich. I swear customers go home and scrape off half of the vegetables so they can have a salad for their next meal!


                • #9
                  I forgot one big one....

                  I'll have a $5 footlong half BMT half Tuna, and with two kinds of bread
         stupid do you think we are? We allow you to split it into two 6 inches but they have to be the same kind. This of course only happened last year when we first started it and guess what, everyone actually learned...since they would put on about $10 dollars of veggies and screw us over anyways.

                  And Subway Girl, that sounds like the people back at those old self-serve Burger Bars my mom went to in Conneticut. You dont' really see those anymore because a bunch of old people would take the burger out of the wrapper and put in a million vegetables and would make themselves a free salad.
                  Kangaroo Squee!


                  • #10
                    Please do tell the least popular kind of bread.

                    Around here, I'd wager the most popular bread is the honey oat wheat bread.

                    I only like white bread, but if they are out (which they are A LOT! UGH) I'll just take regular wheat.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      Quoth Digitalpotato View Post
                      People who think the $5 footlong is $1.
                      Luckily we don't have this promotion at our Subway.

                      "I had a $5 footong!"
                      Same thing happens at mine. And I get the reversal of that problem. I ask them which sammich they want and they keep repeating "a 5 dollar footlong!" Which one, you idiot!

                      "Does the five dollar footlong work on six inches?"
                      I don't remember if I was ever asked this. But considering how stupid people are it wouldn't surprise me if it has happened.

                      "Does the Five dollar footlong work on Wraps/Flatbreads/Salads?"
                      Been there too.

                      -Why don't yo uhave footlong flatbreads?
                      It's only a matter of time before I'm asked this.

                      People who say 'no' when I ask if they want a meal deal and then take chips and a drink anyways.
                      Been there, done that.

                      People who say they paid for a cup for water when they fill it up with soda
                      This has probably happened at my store a lot, but I don't really get paid enough to honestly care. I figure it's money out of the owner's greedy pockets and not my own.

                      People who say 'yes' when I ask if the ywant to make it a meal deal and then they DON'T take the chips or a drink and come back and say we overcharged them.
                      This hasn't happened to me yet, but I wouldn't be surprised when it does.

                      More...more...more...MORE DAMMIT!!!
                      Same problem here, and it's ALWAYS the olives. Or pickles.

                      more..More...more...HEY THAT IS TOO MUCH!
                      That happened to me once with Dijon mustard.

                      Having to tell six people in a row that we're out of herbs and cheese.
                      Oh dear lawd. I could go on and on about the Herbs + cheese bread. Go figure that the most popular bread is also the one that's the biggest pain in the ass to make. It's rediculous how many people get Herbs + cheese. It's to the point where I can predict who will pick it. We've even had people walk out from not having that bread at the moment. <--not that that bothered me!

                      When we only have one kind of bread left
                      Honey Oat.

                      whatever goes on it...HEY WHERE ARE THE VEGGIES?! WHERE'S TH ESAUCE?!
                      I hate that. I end up telling them that you get "whatever you want" for sauce and veggies..
                      I could go on a whole rant about the Chicken Bacon Ranches. I seriously don't understand what is the big deal with that sandwich. At our store it's been slews of Chicken Bacon Ranches and Teriyakis.

                      We ran out of Pepperjack cheese yesterday and today a couple actually left when I told them we were out of Pepperjack. Apparently Pepperjack cheese is SRS BSNS.

                      As an employee I utterly HATE the 5 dollar footlong.
                      Last edited by TheTigress; 02-23-2009, 04:44 AM.
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                      • #12
                        Not sure about where you live, Tigress, but there was a huge joke on Blue Collar Comedy once about ranch dressing and people. I swear, there are people who will lick ranch dressing off of bricks and shingles and cars.

                        Myself, I personally hate the stuff, but just about everyone I know likes to have crackers, carrots, and bread with giant ice cream tubs of ranch dressing.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          Quoth blas87 View Post
                          Not sure about where you live, Tigress, but there was a huge joke on Blue Collar Comedy once about ranch dressing and people. I swear, there are people who will lick ranch dressing off of bricks and shingles and cars.

                          Myself, I personally hate the stuff, but just about everyone I know likes to have crackers, carrots, and bread with giant ice cream tubs of ranch dressing.
                          That's hilarious because it's true! Around here people are also ranch fiends. Sometimes I think they'd rather pay for a bottle of ranch and a piece of bread than the meat on the sandwich.
                          My Fur Affinity Page:
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                          • #14
                            I suppose I'm the same way with mayo at Subway....

                            Although I order the easiest sub in the world.....footlong turkey on white with cheddar cheese and mayo. That's it
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              I was a sandwich artist for 4 years and just had to share my favorite pet peeve:
                              SC: "I'll just have whatever comes on that."
                              or even :" Well, what kind of bread does that come on?"

                              Nooooo...see, you get to CHOOSE what you want on it. that's the beauty of Subway!

