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a double scoop of suck

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  • a double scoop of suck

    Owner: Dave, I had an inquiry on my property. Here is the guy's name and number. Give him a call.

    I call the guest, no answer, I leave a message

    I call a second time, I leave another message

    I call a third time, still cant get through, I call the owner back

    Owner: Dave, you're lying because I just talked to Mr. Smith and he says nobody called

    Me: I did call him, sir

    Owner: well I need you to call him but he wants to be called at 3:30

    I call at 3:30. I get the guest this time

    Guest" Yea can you call back at 6

    Me: you could call us back

    Guest: no, I would like you to call me at 6

    My coworker calls at 6, they dont answer, I leave a message

    I call the owner. Owner says call him the next day at 4 PM

    We call the next day at 4 PM.

    Guest: yea call me at 6

    Me: this will only take a second

    Guest: I dont have a second, I am busy, call back at 6

    I call at 6, no answer

    I call the owner and the owner flips out.

    Owner: you were supposed to call him at 6. He says he got a message on his machine at 6:15 Cant you people do anything right? I am sick of this shit. I want you to call him right now. He is waiting on your call and call me back.
    I call him

    Guest: well it's about fucking time. What part of call at 6 didnt you understand?

    Me: did you get my message?

    Guest: yes I did

    Me: but you didnt call us back?

    Guest: no why should I? This is your deal

    Me: ok well if you give me your card number, I will get it booked for you

    Guest: you know what, I am so mad, I dont even want this anymore. Just cancel it

    I call the owner

    Guest: what the hell do you mean he cancelled? If you had called when you were supposed to, this wouldnt have happened. GD you, Dave. I am calling your manager and I hope you get fired and end up on the streets and starve to death. Do you know how much money you cost me? Huh? I asked you a question.

    Me: sir, I am very sorry

    Guest: sorry doesnt cut it, asshole

    Me: sir this call is over

  • #2

    The 'too lazy/important to dial a phone number' people drive me nuts. Why is it such a bloody burden to pick up the receiver and punch a few numbers into the phone? It's not like we're asking you to engrave your request in a massive boulder, then haul it up to our doorstep so we can see it.

    We're asking you to push eleven buttons so that you can talk to us at a time that's convenient for you.

    Eleven buttons. Seven if it's local. More if it's international, sure, but not that many.

    Is it really such a hardship?
    Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams


    • #3
      ok really you should have started to document the calls you made.
      that way you can show it was the idiots fault


      • #4
        Every time I read these threads, I really wish I had enough $$$ to have these people's problems instead of my own. Hopefully the money wouldn't come contaminated with stupid.
        Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


        • #5
          I'd send the bill for all the long distance calls to the owner.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            Good god. It doesn't take that much energy to dial a phone number. Sounds like he wanted a reason to get pissed off at you
            Out of retail!


            • #7
              Wow, what the f. Who expects to be called at exactly..ohwait. gah.
              I expected there would be some ice cream involved.


              • #8
                wow the owner's as big of an entitlement whore as the rental customers are.


                • #9
                  I'd have told that guy in the end "Look, I can't force him to be your customer. I did what both of you told me to do. He changed his mind at the end because he's as much of a prick as you are. Deal with him yourself and leave me alone. You're done. Good bye!"
                  Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


                  • #10
                    This guy needs to work on the other side of the counter/phone for a while. What a self-important jackass.
                    Hopefully he'll realize the error of his ways when he's old and alone and his kids never come to visit.
                    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



                    • #11
                      What kills me is the Owner knew that you had called him, and had apparently talked to him after each call attempt you made. Either the owner was following up with the guy (And knew the secret of how to get him on the phone), or this guy was calling the owner.

                      ... Which means this guest was getting called when he asked to be called, was getting the messages, and rather than call you back to book, he called the owner to bitch about it and request another call. Which would lead the owner to call you to request another call, and the merry-go-round starts again.

                      The simplicity of calling and booking himself seems to have escaped him.

                      I suspect, however, this runaround served a purpose. I suspect Owner knew Guest personally, and had been bothering him to rent his property. Guest did not really want to rent the property, but didn't have the testicular fortitude to say 'piss off'. So he told Owner 'Get your company to give me a call, and I'll make a booking'.

                      He then engineered a runaround, so that in the end, it would look like it was due to your company's incompetence, and he could weasel out of booking by being 'So upset by the poor service'. Hence it gets Owner off his back about renting his crummy property.
                      Check out my webcomic!


                      • #12
                        VRS, you never cease to amaze me, both with the quality and the quantity of suckage delivered by your customers.

                        Are you re-telling the worst experience from the past few decades in rapid fire, or is your company some kind of super-magnet for suckiness by the truckload?
                        I still miss my ex.
                        But my aim is getting better.

