from slapping people 
i had 2 real sucky customers tonight
cw: S
sc: stupid customer
i see my coworker S is dealing with a customer for a little bit. but since hes smart, and competent i trust he can handle the customer (unlike V)
lady has a coupon for buy one get 1 free on a 3 pack of Lindt truffles (yummy!)
heres the problem, kinda goes like this
sc: "see i bought some the other day" (it was a much larger size, it was a bag)
S: "right, but its for this size buy one get one free" (explaining its buy a 3pack get a 3 pack free)
SC and S argue for a bit, i hear her say
"you're wrong, i know im right"
cue him calling me for help.
i look at the coupon and it CLEARLY states you buy the 3 pack (this size) and get a 3 pack (same size free)...simple
i show her. and point to it on the coupon, which was very legible.
sc: "oh i didn't see that, you shouldve pointed that out to me!!eleventy!!"
me thinks (did you also want me to point out to you that you have a mustache?)
sc: :"i dont want it then"
it was in bold dark print. did you stop reading at the line above it? moron
Here's my number 2 man, his name....number 2
Lady comes in to pick up her converter box (damned things) We have a list so we got some in, she was called, and here she is to pick it up.
heres the scene
cw: V (damnit)
sc: rude lady biatch
sc" its supposed to be 39.99"
V: "its not, it was never that price, it was at least 49.99 then the coupon ($40 gov't)
sc goes on how its 39.99 blah blah
so i come up and listen and ask if she has the old flier, or if she knew what week it was so that i could see if we still had it, or if she had a rain check.
so she has a rain check...for 49.99 (win for us right? wrong)
she goes on to explain that she came to our store during the 2 day sale, (which was the last sunday and monday in Jan. ) and was told she'd be put on a list. fine
she goes to another store that friday (the 30th, way after 2 day sale) and gets the 49.99 rain check. which is what she showed us, and without a flier or anything i can ONLY honor the rain check.
she STILL wanted me to give it to her for 39.99 and shed get it for free. all this over 10 bucks right?
yes she was put on a list. but it doesn't mean that because you are on the list you are getting it for 39.99. the list doesn't say what price or what day you were written down. who ever told you that you were getting 39.99 shouldve given you a rain check at our store.
there's nothing i can do. im not modifying it to the wrong price
after her telling us how were wrong, we don't know what were doing, we dont understand, how we were rude, motions a few gestures that i had no clue what they meant, she leaves. she said shes coming back tomorrow to talk to the manager, who i dont even think will be there.
turns out it was on sale for $40. but since she has no proof, and neither did we, i cant do anything...i saw the raincheck from a different (more smart) customer
i didnt bother to tell her she had a red string dangling from her forehead the whole time

i had 2 real sucky customers tonight
cw: S
sc: stupid customer

i see my coworker S is dealing with a customer for a little bit. but since hes smart, and competent i trust he can handle the customer (unlike V)
lady has a coupon for buy one get 1 free on a 3 pack of Lindt truffles (yummy!)
heres the problem, kinda goes like this
sc: "see i bought some the other day" (it was a much larger size, it was a bag)
S: "right, but its for this size buy one get one free" (explaining its buy a 3pack get a 3 pack free)
SC and S argue for a bit, i hear her say
"you're wrong, i know im right"

cue him calling me for help.
i look at the coupon and it CLEARLY states you buy the 3 pack (this size) and get a 3 pack (same size free)...simple
i show her. and point to it on the coupon, which was very legible.
sc: "oh i didn't see that, you shouldve pointed that out to me!!eleventy!!"
me thinks (did you also want me to point out to you that you have a mustache?)
sc: :"i dont want it then"
it was in bold dark print. did you stop reading at the line above it? moron
Here's my number 2 man, his name....number 2
Lady comes in to pick up her converter box (damned things) We have a list so we got some in, she was called, and here she is to pick it up.
heres the scene
cw: V (damnit)
sc: rude lady biatch

sc" its supposed to be 39.99"
V: "its not, it was never that price, it was at least 49.99 then the coupon ($40 gov't)
sc goes on how its 39.99 blah blah
so i come up and listen and ask if she has the old flier, or if she knew what week it was so that i could see if we still had it, or if she had a rain check.
so she has a rain check...for 49.99 (win for us right? wrong)
she goes on to explain that she came to our store during the 2 day sale, (which was the last sunday and monday in Jan. ) and was told she'd be put on a list. fine
she goes to another store that friday (the 30th, way after 2 day sale) and gets the 49.99 rain check. which is what she showed us, and without a flier or anything i can ONLY honor the rain check.
she STILL wanted me to give it to her for 39.99 and shed get it for free. all this over 10 bucks right?
yes she was put on a list. but it doesn't mean that because you are on the list you are getting it for 39.99. the list doesn't say what price or what day you were written down. who ever told you that you were getting 39.99 shouldve given you a rain check at our store.
there's nothing i can do. im not modifying it to the wrong price
after her telling us how were wrong, we don't know what were doing, we dont understand, how we were rude, motions a few gestures that i had no clue what they meant, she leaves. she said shes coming back tomorrow to talk to the manager, who i dont even think will be there.
turns out it was on sale for $40. but since she has no proof, and neither did we, i cant do anything...i saw the raincheck from a different (more smart) customer
i didnt bother to tell her she had a red string dangling from her forehead the whole time