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Visitor Parking is reserved;"Misty in the Parking office said I could park here"

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  • Visitor Parking is reserved;"Misty in the Parking office said I could park here"

    "Misty" works in the Parking office. That office is over over the faculty/staff garage & the student lots. The Parking office is located on a different floor than Visitor Parking/Community Relations. Staff members may park in Visitor Parking as long as there an non-reserved spots available. When the garage is reserved, all staff members have to park at the staff lots.

    This particular staff member pulls up to the window when the garage is reserved. This is the second time she has pulled up to the window when the garage was reserved. The first time it happened, I informed her that the since the garage was reserved, all staff members would have to park at the staff lots.

    me: "Hi, how may I help you?"
    staff member: "Misty in Parking just spoke to me & said I could park in the garage."
    me: "I'm sorry, you could park if it was not reserved, but it is reserved, & all staff has to park at the staff lots."
    staff member: "Well.. Misty in the Parking office said I could park in the garage. I'll call her. Who does she need to speak to?"
    me: "extension 7868"
    *that is "Kim's" extension*

    She rolls up her window & calls "Misty". I close the window to the booth. I could here her 1) tell "Misty" "The girl at the booth said the garage is reserved, & she won't let me in & then 2) she asks "Misty" if she wants to speak to me. She taps on the window & says "Ma'am." I open the window.

    staff member: "Can you speak to Misty?"
    me: "I'm sorry, but I have to follow department guidelines. I can only speak to my boss. She has to call extension 7868."

    The staff member tells "Misty" this & backs up after "Misty" speaks to her.

  • #2
    sounds like they were trying to pull a fast one and get around the rules... but being told "talk to 'kim'" meant their tricks weren't going to work


    • #3
      I really like how you phrased this one in the "Don't blame me, blame the department guidelines" approach. Especially directing her to call your boss who won't take any of this bull (unless they whine. She seems to give into whining ) I'm not sure why you haven't gone insane yet. Or are we your outlet?
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        I'm not sure why you haven't gone insane yet. Or are we your outlet? [/QUOTE]
 is my outlet. There are times when the client supervisor, the customers, & the parking company manager over the account drive my crazy. When I get frustrated, I call the office to let them know I am going on a short break, I go to the bathroom in the basement area since it is not used that much, make sure no one is inside the bathroom, & I scream. That's how I get rid of my frustrations. I get back to the booth, & I let the office know I'm back.

        I never received any formal training for this job, & so I get many ideas from this website.


        • #5
          I have seen a faculty member complain that they got towed because they parked in a flower bed. We have faculty lots, commuter student lots, off campus student lots(Sophomore,Junior), on campus student lots(senior) and visitor lots.

          The fac/staff lot closest to their building was full so instead of finding out the next closest fac/staff lot they drove over the curb and parked in a flower bed next to the main door.

