Exactly how the title sounds. 3 years ago I work in a Stride Rite shoe store. Children. My last day, I was closing and a customer came in with her son. He didn't look so well, and she brought him anyways.
As I was talking to her at the check out, the kid says he isn't feeling well. She says, ok, one minute. In that one minute, he pukes all over the bench and the floor, so my last night was spent cleaning up the child's puke. (Stupid lady should've let the kid stay home if he wasn't looking or feeling good, like he was really flushed and kinda sweaty. )
As I was talking to her at the check out, the kid says he isn't feeling well. She says, ok, one minute. In that one minute, he pukes all over the bench and the floor, so my last night was spent cleaning up the child's puke. (Stupid lady should've let the kid stay home if he wasn't looking or feeling good, like he was really flushed and kinda sweaty. )