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You're the one That Messed It ALL UP

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  • You're the one That Messed It ALL UP

    So at Pier One, we get a lot of great customers but some bad ones. I had two ladies almost wanting to disfigure my face because the setup wasn't to their liking. I informed them that some other customers said the same thing but I was just a lowly employee that just did what I was told (in a nice way). They said that it was stupid and igonorant and whatever else they said that I would do something to the store. They weren't getting that I have nothing to do with corporation. Anyone else have the same trouble?

  • #2
    Well, my company, WHShit, likes to reset the shops all the time. When I first came to work in the company, we had head-height shelving. Then we changed to overhead shelving, which is very high and sometimes (especially with magazines) it is difficult for short people (like myself...I am 5'3) to reach. Many a customer complained to me about this. Funny too....customers who were a slight bit taller than me used to ask me to reach a magazine or book for

    Since working here, we have also rearranged the shelves 3 times. They like to completely move everything. So, where there used to be stationary, now there are greeting cards, ect.

    I have only been here for 2 1/2 years now, so that is more than once a year that they have rearranged the shop. It is confusing to customers and to staff...not to mention annoying trying to move all of it around when there is no staff and lots of work to do.

    Since the last move I have had sooo many people come to me complaining about the new layout. What can I do about it? Nothing! I always tell them that if they have a complaint, I can give them the number or address to Head Office, but they never take that advice. They just go on and on to me or my co-workers about how displeased they are. I wish they would realize that it is not going to do any good!
    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


    • #3
      Well,I don't work in a store but the company I work for does have policies and sometimes our members think that the policies suck and of course, it's all my fault. Then there are the ones that bitch at me but then say, "Oh, I know it's not your fault, I just need to vent, sorry." Yeah, great, thanks a bunch!
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        I had a customer complain to me once about a policy, and when I asked if he'd like our corporate number so he can talk to somebody who can actually DO something about it, his response was, "I'm too busy; I don't have time to call!"

        Though I have not (to date) actually said this, I am always thinking, "So if it's not important enough to YOU to do anything about it, what makes you think I'M going to?"

        Next customer who brings this up, though....
        "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
        -- The Meteor Principle

        Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


        • #5
          Yeah, idiots used to come into Kinko's all the time and want to complain to me, even after I'd told them they needed to either fill out a comment card or speak to the manager.

          They used to do it at one of the TV stations I worked at, too. I was a lowly master control operator, and before we got an answering service, the phone would ring back in the control room, which was really, really distracing. 19 out of 20 times it was a whackjob of some flavor or another complaining about the programming, or the advertising, or the quality, or whatever. Like the program director runs it by me first before he sets up the programming schedule, right?

          I've been bitched at because the President said something that pissed people off (after a newstory).

          And if that weren't bad enough, I've seen them complain about same to OUR JANITOR.

          It gets better yet. One woman called me up to bitch about a DIFFERENT STATION. Read on:

          Idiot: I want to complain about something I saw on 60 Minutes.
          Me: Ma'am, we dont' air 60 Minutes. You need to call WLTX, this is WOLO.
          Idiot: I know, but they aren't answering their phone.


          • #6
            god help us when a seasonal drink is pulled or a regular/semi regular one is discontinued; the masses go wild...

            yes, we pulled it, knowing that the fanboys and fangirls would foam at the mouth upon hearing it, because we're such bastards.

            there's nothing we love more than getting bitched at because drink/item/add on a, b, or c is discontinued for whatever reason.
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              I admit to being addicted to Gingerbread Lattes when they're available. However, I don't go all huffy when they're discontinued. I just buy a bottle of the syrup and make them myself.

              I'm hooked on Japanese food/candy, so I deal with that regularly (something I love getting discontinued for whatever reason); Pretz, Pocky, etc have seasonal flavors. No longer available? No biggie, I find something else That's a great way to get people to try tons of flavors, although I can't help but wonder if anyone has complained to Glico about salted prawn Pretz not being available in the winter (it was the Summer 2005 flavor).

              I did get yelled at once upon replying "no" when asked if JRR Tolkein was going to be signing books (when the "movie" editions of the trilogy were released--new covers is all) I told her that if she wanted to bitch out our promotions manager, go right ahead (what I would have done to be a fly on the wall when and if that ever happened; she took no crap from anyone).
              "I am quite confident that I do exist."
              "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


              • #8
                I had to register just to reply to this....I was briefly on the last forum before the most recent crash

                JRR Tolkien is dead dude.

                That's all I had to say, carry on.


                • #9
                  Let's see... I've been bitched at because of prices going up, store policy, product selection, and one time I caught hell from some nasty, bitchy old woman because her brand of soap was discontinued. It was discontinued twice, actually. First, the company stopped carrying it, because of supposed poor sales. Apparently enough people complained that it got brought back, but then a few weeks later, the manufacturer discontinued it. But I'm getting off the subject here...

                  I had just returned from a vacation, only to discover that the people who were supposed to maintain my aisle while I was gone did a piss-poor job of it, and that's actually being generous. We're talking empty shelves and full bays. It's supposed to be the other way around, people! Worse yet, a lot of the stuff that had been ordered in my absence were extreme slow-movers, and should not have been ordered. I think some of it was still there when I quit the following year.

                  My one friend, who had been on vacation with me, and was about the only other person I trusted with my aisle, worked day shift and was nice enough to start on my aisle once he was done with his (they had FUBARed his as well.) Still, there was a lot to do when I got in, and I was scrambling around like a madman trying to get it somewhat presentable while I was there.

                  That's when the old bitch showed up. I was stocking a shelf close to the end of the aisle, when she just stood there and glared at me. Not so much seeing her as much as I felt her evil presence, I turned around to see what she wanted, and before I could say anything, she said in a nasty, snotty tone, "Who orders this aisle?"

                  I was about to explain that normally I did, but I had been away, and it hadn't been taken care of, but she started again. "I buy such-and-such brand of soap here all the time, and now I can't find it! Where is it?"

                  Normally I don't take pleasure in telling someone their item was discontinued, but I could barely contain the shitty grin that time. As soon as I gave her the bad news, she sputtered and stomped off.

                  I wonder if she tried to complain to the manager, or even corporate. Like I said, the manufacturer discontinued it, so there wasn't a whole lot anyone could do.
                  Sometimes life is altered.
                  Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                  Uneasy with confrontation.
                  Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                  • #10
                    I had someone the other day in customer services - a member of the public demanding to know why her local shop could no longer get a certain brand of deodorant. She's allergic to all mainstream brands, which is something we come across regularly in our line of work, since we cater to such problems. However, I looked it up and the following conversation took place:

                    "Looks like the company discontinued the set."

                    "That's what my local shop told me, but I thought I'd better make sure."

                    ? "Er, fair enough..."

                    "So, you don't have any in stock?"

                    "No." Things like this tend to go on clearance in the next catalogue, and clearance items go out of stock very quickly.

                    "Do any of the shops you supply?"

                    "I have no way of knowing."


                    For Freya's sake... "I can tell you who bought it recently before it went out of stock."

                    "Do they do mail order? I must have this!"

                    "I'll give you their phone numbers. From there, you're on your own."



                    • #11

                      Quoth Meegz View Post
                      So at Pier One, we get a lot of great customers but some bad ones.
                      Did management ever find their pet cobras? (When I was a kid, Pier One always had signs in the basket section about not having seen their pet cobra for weeks)

                      Quoth hsigrunt View Post
                      JRR Tolkien is dead dude.
                      Tolkien is dead, but the screen writer should still be kicking. BTW, if anybody happens to know him, please tell him Anne246 is doing well, and can be reached through me. (Yeah, I know him, but have lost touch with him.)

                      Back to your regularly scheduled thread...
                      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                        I had someone the other day in customer services - a member of the public demanding to know why her local shop could no longer get a certain brand of deodorant. She's allergic to all mainstream brands, which is something we come across regularly in our line of work, since we cater to such problems. However, I looked it up and the following conversation took place:

                        "Do they do mail order? I must have this!"

                        I can actually understand the desire... my wife has a similar problem, so most of our household toiletries come from health food stores... and I was bummed when Nature's Gate stopped producing their shampoos. Still, it's not like she's not likely to find other deoderants that fit the bill, since she should know where to look.


                        • #13
                          can you ask the captain to slow the ship down? all this rocking is really annoying!

                          :quote:god help us when a seasonal drink is pulled or a regular/semi regular one is discontinued; the masses go wild... :/quote:

                          when I worked at a supermarket cheese balls and funjions were discontinued for about 6 months due to a problem at the factory, the looks and comments I got were enough to make me want to stop asking "did you find everything ok?
                          "Ride the spiral to the end, it may just go where no one's been. Spiral out, keep going..." -Lateralus


                          • #14
                            Acts of Congress are apparently my fault, see also the new pseudoephederine law... do they complain to thier senator? Their representatives? THe ones who VOTED for it? nope, it's all my fault, Pharmacy Techs run the world don'tcha know.....
                            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                            • #15
                              When I worked at walmart, I had the same problems. It would always be my fault, if a customer walks by a bunch of carts, and doesn't grab one. It would be my fault, if the store didn't have something in stock. I stopped listening to customers, after my first day. And I worked there for 9 months.
                              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

