I work in a very busy pharmacy, as my previous stories have said. Tonight, I met a customer that litterally nearly made me blow my top.
So there I was, on intake, allways. A lady had just come up with her two year old's amoxicillin script and was anxious to start the baby on it so I gave her a fill time of 20 minutes as we are supposed to for emergincy meds, or meds for children if the parents need them quickly.
The next "person" comes up.
Me: Hello, thank you for coming to our pharmacy, have you ever been here before?
Asshat: Yeah, I just want a refill.
Me: Sure, I just need your name and birthdate.
Asshat: *gives them to me and tell me he want to refill his viagra*
Me: Okay sir, that will be forty five minutes.
Asshat: what? You just told that lady 20 minutes!
Me: I am sorry sir. That is for an antibiotic, and that is of priority.
Asshat: I have been a customer here since the store opened, I should be the priority, not some kid.
Me: I am sorry sir, but that is the rules. Antibiotics for children take are the priority.
Asshat: That is still bullshit.
Me: *I can feel my temper rising through my body* I apologize that you feel that way, sir.
Asshat: I want to speak to the pharmacist!
Me: *Looks over and sees the pharmacist is allready there* Here she is sir. *goes to the next window to help the next person while he's taking to the pharmacist*
Asshat: How rude are you girl? I was not done with you yet!
Me and pharmacist:

Asshat: She told the lady in front of me 20 minutes, and then told me 45. I have been a customer at this store since it opened. Tell her I am the priority.

RPhx: I am sorry sir, but for a this medication, I am going to have to tell you the standard wait time of 45 minutes.

Asshat: *makes catbut face* That is BULLSHIT. I demand to speak to your manager!
RPhx: *

Our Assitant manager comes, says the same thing, guy makes further catbut faces and expresses his displeasure through profanity. Assitant manager smiles like a trooper taking it like water off a ducks back. Mean while, guess what happens? His medicine gets filled *afer the anibiotics of course* and the clerk calls his name.
Asshat: About time! If you think I am not going to call your coperate number and telling them about this blantant disreguard for customer service, you are mistaken.
Assitant manager: You have a fantastic day sir!
Morale of the story:
Don't let the Asshats piss you off, then they win and they know it.
My pharmacist told me to tell another story too that happened on my day off.
A lady comes up to the consel window and hands the pharmacist a piece of paper with a medical office letter head and a sloppy sort of script on it asking if she could fill it.
RPhx:I am sorry ma'am. That is not a legal perscription.
SC: Why not?
RPhx: *sighs and reaches for a legal script* that is just a piece of stationary, this *holds up a perscription* is a legal perscription in this state.
SC: How do you know this is fake?
RPhx: Well, you did spell oxycodone wrong for one thing. * it also aparently had miss spelled directions instead of medical shorthand* I could allways call the doctors office in the heading and get a script for a 5 days supply if you like?
Sc: *huffs and snatches the sheet of stationary out of her hands* I'll just go get another one.
