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I nearly lost my temper today *rant

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  • I nearly lost my temper today *rant

    I work in a very busy pharmacy, as my previous stories have said. Tonight, I met a customer that litterally nearly made me blow my top.

    So there I was, on intake, allways. A lady had just come up with her two year old's amoxicillin script and was anxious to start the baby on it so I gave her a fill time of 20 minutes as we are supposed to for emergincy meds, or meds for children if the parents need them quickly.

    The next "person" comes up.

    Me: Hello, thank you for coming to our pharmacy, have you ever been here before?
    Asshat: Yeah, I just want a refill.
    Me: Sure, I just need your name and birthdate.
    Asshat: *gives them to me and tell me he want to refill his viagra*
    Me: Okay sir, that will be forty five minutes.
    Asshat: what? You just told that lady 20 minutes!
    Me: I am sorry sir. That is for an antibiotic, and that is of priority.
    Asshat: I have been a customer here since the store opened, I should be the priority, not some kid.
    Me: I am sorry sir, but that is the rules. Antibiotics for children take are the priority.
    Asshat: That is still bullshit.
    Me: *I can feel my temper rising through my body* I apologize that you feel that way, sir.
    Asshat: I want to speak to the pharmacist!
    Me: *Looks over and sees the pharmacist is allready there* Here she is sir. *goes to the next window to help the next person while he's taking to the pharmacist*
    Asshat: How rude are you girl? I was not done with you yet!
    Me and pharmacist: huh?
    Asshat: She told the lady in front of me 20 minutes, and then told me 45. I have been a customer at this store since it opened. Tell her I am the priority.
    RPhx: I am sorry sir, but for a this medication, I am going to have to tell you the standard wait time of 45 minutes.
    Asshat: *makes catbut face* That is BULLSHIT. I demand to speak to your manager!
    RPhx: ** Sure sir, I'll call him right now.

    Our Assitant manager comes, says the same thing, guy makes further catbut faces and expresses his displeasure through profanity. Assitant manager smiles like a trooper taking it like water off a ducks back. Mean while, guess what happens? His medicine gets filled *afer the anibiotics of course* and the clerk calls his name.

    Asshat: About time! If you think I am not going to call your coperate number and telling them about this blantant disreguard for customer service, you are mistaken.
    Assitant manager: You have a fantastic day sir!

    Morale of the story:

    Don't let the Asshats piss you off, then they win and they know it.

    My pharmacist told me to tell another story too that happened on my day off.

    A lady comes up to the consel window and hands the pharmacist a piece of paper with a medical office letter head and a sloppy sort of script on it asking if she could fill it.

    RPhx:I am sorry ma'am. That is not a legal perscription.
    SC: Why not?
    RPhx: *sighs and reaches for a legal script* that is just a piece of stationary, this *holds up a perscription* is a legal perscription in this state.
    SC: How do you know this is fake?
    RPhx: Well, you did spell oxycodone wrong for one thing. * it also aparently had miss spelled directions instead of medical shorthand* I could allways call the doctors office in the heading and get a script for a 5 days supply if you like?
    Sc: *huffs and snatches the sheet of stationary out of her hands* I'll just go get another one.
    RPhx: Have an awesome day!
    There are no stupid questions, just stupid customers.

    "Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience." - George Washington

  • #2
    Hmmmm... Which is more important here, medicine to keep some grouchy old SC's wee-wee up or an antibiotic to help a sick child get better.

    SC and his wee-wee can friggin' wait.
    "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


    • #3
      Do you have to give forged scripts back to the non-customer? Shouldn't this be reported? Of course, just like underaged people trying to buy beer, it may not be worth the time or effort for a crime that didn't really happen. Just wondering.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        If it had been on actual prescription pad paper, I'm sure they'd have kept it. No one's likely to be fooled by a 8.5x11 sheet of paper with a doctor's masthead on it.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          Quoth reirei View Post
          Asshat: That is still bullshit.
          Me: I'm sorry that you'll have to wait for your ERECTILE DYSFUNTION medication, sir, but those are the rules.


          • #6
            I was recently given a grown-up's perscription for amoxicillan capsules. I want the kids' stuff. It tastes like bubble gum. We used to ask for the "bubble gum medicine" anytime we were sick.
            I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


            • #7
              maybe if he wouldn't be so pissed off and angry all the time,his wee wee would not need help standing up...


              • #8
                Quoth reirei View Post
                Asshat: *gives them to me and tell me he want to refill his viagra*
                The way the guy acted, I imagine that when he did take his viagra, he got a bit taller.
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  Quoth MadMike View Post
                  The way the guy acted, I imagine that when he did take his viagra, he got a bit taller.
                  Or at least stood up straight.
                  I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                  Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                  Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                  • #10
                    Quoth MadMike View Post
                    The way the guy acted, I imagine that when he did take his viagra, he got a bit taller.
                    And he broke the condom he sleeps in, seeing as he's such a giant dick.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Quoth MadMike View Post
                      The way the guy acted, I imagine that when he did take his viagra, he got a bit taller.
                      Nah . . . it travelled upward and lodged in his brain, therefore giving him a hard head.
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
                        Nah . . . it travelled upward and lodged in his brain, therefore giving him a hard head.
                        Even if that jerkoff managed to get the Viagra to work, he'd only be able to piss on his balls.
                        The New Orleans Saints are your 2009 NFL champions.

                        Believe dat.


                        • #13
                          Well you were politer than I'd have been.

                          "Sir, your limp-dick is not an emergency. You will NOT get sick or die without your penis pills. Even if you're carrying on as if you might."


                          • #14
                            I'm having a hard time believing there's some poor idiot out there who actually SLEEPS with that fool.

                            Or maybe he's just stockpiling it on the off chance he'll get laid someday, after his personality transplant.
                            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                            • #15
                              Quoth jedimaster91 View Post
                              I was recently given a grown-up's perscription for amoxicillan capsules. I want the kids' stuff. It tastes like bubble gum. We used to ask for the "bubble gum medicine" anytime we were sick.
                              Alas, I'm allergic to the bubble gum stuff...only kid out of five in my family that is. I got to take either stuff that made me want to throw up from the taste, or hugeass pills that I had to break in half to swallow as a kid. I was so jealous of my siblings for getting medicine that smelled yummy.
                              It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.

