This lady just really blew me out of the water with her horrendous cacophony of bullshit and served as a wonderful joke for a regular and I for months afterward.
I used to wotk at the local Goodwill as a cashier and here in Ohio we have something called the "Golden Buckeye Card" for senior citizens. Apparentlyt he Department of Agiing is supposed to send these things to people when they turn.. I think it's 65. This happened to me last autumn, I was only 16 at the time.
Me: *rings lady up" That'll be *total here* (not there's a huge line forming behind this woman by now, because some people don't sort out their damn shopping carts unilt they get up to me which was the biggest pain in the ass)
Hag:: *has been rather irritating up to thise point but pays me and starts off on her way*
Next lady up, a regular:: I have my Golden Buckeye Card, so I get the 10% off
Me: Alright *starts ringing her up*
Hag:: Wait a minute!
Me: *looks at her* yes?
Hag: I have a Golden Buckeye Card too and you never gave me a discount
(Note: My grandmother is 65 and she NEVER got a card, My policy was that if yo u didn't show it to me, you didn't get the discount. i'm not about to ask every lady I see if they have a GB card because, well, that's awkward to ask women something like that. So I assumed she was like my grandmother and didn't get one)
Me:: Well, I'm sorry ma'am but you never mentioned it and once I ring you up I can't give it to you
Hag:: Well I want my 10%! You should ahve given it to me!
Me: I'm sorry miss, but I can't
Hag:: *goes on an irate rant about how she didn't get her 10% discount and how the service was lousy and all this crap*
Regular:: *looks absolutely astoudned at this woman by this point*
Hag:: I want to speak with your manager!
Me: *goes and gets her, continues with job while this Hag CONTINUES bitching*
Hag: *finally leaves, can be heard bitching all the way down the sidewalk*
So that was one of the most "wtf" moments I'd gotten working there. If you DON"T tell me you have a discount, then how the hell am I supposed to know? I'm not a mind reader.
This hag became a joke for the Regular who would come up and go "And don't forget to give me my 10% off!" and other quips like that
Such a shame the managers weren't as easily to make fun of T_T I really hated that job.
I used to wotk at the local Goodwill as a cashier and here in Ohio we have something called the "Golden Buckeye Card" for senior citizens. Apparentlyt he Department of Agiing is supposed to send these things to people when they turn.. I think it's 65. This happened to me last autumn, I was only 16 at the time.
Me: *rings lady up" That'll be *total here* (not there's a huge line forming behind this woman by now, because some people don't sort out their damn shopping carts unilt they get up to me which was the biggest pain in the ass)
Hag:: *has been rather irritating up to thise point but pays me and starts off on her way*
Next lady up, a regular:: I have my Golden Buckeye Card, so I get the 10% off
Me: Alright *starts ringing her up*
Hag:: Wait a minute!
Me: *looks at her* yes?
Hag: I have a Golden Buckeye Card too and you never gave me a discount
(Note: My grandmother is 65 and she NEVER got a card, My policy was that if yo u didn't show it to me, you didn't get the discount. i'm not about to ask every lady I see if they have a GB card because, well, that's awkward to ask women something like that. So I assumed she was like my grandmother and didn't get one)
Me:: Well, I'm sorry ma'am but you never mentioned it and once I ring you up I can't give it to you
Hag:: Well I want my 10%! You should ahve given it to me!
Me: I'm sorry miss, but I can't
Hag:: *goes on an irate rant about how she didn't get her 10% discount and how the service was lousy and all this crap*
Regular:: *looks absolutely astoudned at this woman by this point*
Hag:: I want to speak with your manager!
Me: *goes and gets her, continues with job while this Hag CONTINUES bitching*
Hag: *finally leaves, can be heard bitching all the way down the sidewalk*
So that was one of the most "wtf" moments I'd gotten working there. If you DON"T tell me you have a discount, then how the hell am I supposed to know? I'm not a mind reader.
This hag became a joke for the Regular who would come up and go "And don't forget to give me my 10% off!" and other quips like that
Such a shame the managers weren't as easily to make fun of T_T I really hated that job.