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"I'm calling corporate!!"

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  • "I'm calling corporate!!"

    These stories took place on Saturday. Hadn't had the time to post them, but now, I can!

    The first one that occurred dealt with salt and pepper. If someone asks for salt and pepper, I give them one of each, unless they specify a number. These packets hold alot (don't be fooled!). So, this lady comes up to my window and has been rude from the start. So, at the end, I begin to tell her to have a great day when she interrupts me.

    "Can I have salt and pepper?"

    Kind of annoyed at the interruption, I grab a packet of each, since she did not specify a number and hold them out to hand to her. She gets the catbutt face.

    "I'm sorry ma'am, did you want more?"

    *snooty tone* "Well yeah! At the very least one for each of us!"

    So, I grab another packet of salt and another packet of pepper and hand them to her. All the while, she has the catbutt face.

    "Geez. It's not THAT hard."

    As she drove off fast, I said "Bitch."

    The second story just made me laugh. We have large sweet teas for a dollar. However, if you want a sweet tea with a meal, you will be charged for a regular drink. We cannot ring in the dollar sweet tea with a meal. The computer will tell me that I need a drink for the meal.

    So this lady orders a meal with a sweet tea and then orders a sandwich and a sweet tea. I ring in the normal medium one for her meal, as to save her money and not get yelled at. I ask her if everything is correct on her screen. She confirms that her order is indeed correct and pulls forward.

    My coworker is now on cash and opens the window. The lady starts yelling


    I tell her the system and take another order.

    After she drove off, my coworker, Sherlock, smiled and was shaking her head.

    "McGoddess, you will love this one. She yelled about going to corporate over this."

    I laughed and said "Good luck with that one. They made the rules."

    "Yeah. She said that the other McD's don't do what you did."

    "Wow. She's going to rat them out. Now where will she get her dollar sweet tea with a meal?"

    I DON'T CARE what other McD's do. This is our store. We follow rules (for the most part). We don't want to get in trouble just for you.

    Go to corporate. I can hear them laughing at you already.

    I'm surprised that I still have a soul left or faith in humanity. I would rather clean my friend Tattoos house all day than work where I do now. I get paid more for cleaning anyway.
    "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

    I belly dance with tall Goblins!

  • #2
    I don't think we have the sweet tea here. So what I want to know is would it be cheaper to order the burger and fries seperatley with the 1.00 sweet tea or is it cheaper in the meal deal?

    Just Curious.


    • #3
      I'd bet any amount of money corporate gives her a gift certificate for her "inconvenience"
      "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


      • #4
        It's cheaper with the meal.

        She most likely won't go to corporate. People who threaten to do it, usually don't do it.
        "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

        I belly dance with tall Goblins!


        • #5
          Unless it's a corporate owned store they won't do anything but forward her complaint to the owner operator. I know that my boss would stick up for me on something like that. He likes making money more than he likes making assholes happy.


          • #6
            I don't know if I would go to corporate for something as small as a minor price difference in a drink. It's so small and insignificant and I don't have the energy to be enough of a pain in the ass. I could use that energy to knit or yell at the hubby. Plus I would end up looking like an ass (or sounding like one).
            "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


            • #7
              We don't even have the dollar sweet tea. We did it for the summer of 2007 and realized it was more trouble than it was worth. We actually managed to convince our owner/operator that we shouldn't do it anymore!! It was awesome however people still try to order it and get pissed when they can only get a small for a dollar.

