so this week, i helped stop 3 shoplifters. for me, thats alot. i might every now and then see somebody shoplifting, and stop them, or help management stop them. but three in one week? thats alot...these all happened last week, but i just got around to posting today..
You owe me a new sweater
First one was last sunday.This young man(TO for theif one) came into the store, wanting to apply for a job. our computer messes up alot, and we usually have to refresh the page before anybody can use, but no person applying can ever figure out how to refresh a page. so this guy comes over, and has me help him.
a few minutes later, i hear my AM in aisle one speaking to TO,and i thought it odd, cause there wasn't enough time to finish the application, but just ignored it. maybe he decided not to apply. but, after my AM left, i heard a noise from the same aisle, and it sounded like a plastic bag being moved alot. so i walk over there at the same time TO is coming down aisle one. i see him, and he looks at me. he then opens up the black sack he had, and showed me the socks inside.
TO: oh, im going to pay for these.
Me: ok....
TO:im going to go pay for these...right going to go pay for these!
.....yeah something is up. so he walks down aisle one, and i follow. my AM walked around the corner jsut before i started following him, so i waved him over. he caught up and i started to explain. but TO kept looking back at us, and walked straight down aisle one(aisle one leads to the doors). TO kept looking over his shoulder at us, and when it came time to either turn right to go check out, or go straight to the door, he went straight, so AM and I started to go after him.
TO takes off full force now, right for the entrance door....which only opens one way. I can't explain how awesome it was to see him slam full force into the entrance door. he realizes quickly though that he can't get out that way, and runs around to the exit. my AM and i are running out, and my AM yells for me to get him. so i take out into the street after him. as im running, i hear my AM yelling,"SIR! MA'AM! SIR! MA'AM!" and was confused, until i looked at the corner...
right as im about to shout out as well, i trip. i don't know what i tripped on, but one moment im running, the next im falling in the street. as im getting up, i get the chance to yell,"HEY COP! THAT GUY JUST STOLE FROM US!" as the police officer was getting out of the car. the police officer then runs over and gets the guy by throwing his arm around TO's neck.
so i get up, and go over to the squad car and the cop is taking TO to the they were walking, TO is literally crying and sobbing to me,"im so sorry! you scared me!i wouldn't have ran but you scared me so bad! im soooo sorry!"
the cop hands me the black sack, and i take out four packs of socks. the cop calls for backup so one cop can take him down, the other can take a statement. the cop asks if im ok. and when i tell him that i tihnk my knees are scraped up, he gets TO back out of the car. the cops says,"you think im pissed? ill show you pissed. i wasn't going to put these on, but now i am. turn around and face the car." To then turns to me and keeps on with his crying, saying i scared him(come a 5'4 unimposing female. im not scary.maybe my AM..but not the cop tells him to turn around two more times, and finally says,"turn around and face the car, or y our going to kiss the car." TO turns around, much to my disappointment...i wanted to see that.
so i go inside and assess my injuries. both knees are scraped up, my left elbow is scraped up, my right hand is scraped and has a bit of road rash, and my pants are slightly torn at the knee, and my fave sweater is horrible ripped under the elbow. the next couple days, my right wrist hurt, but everything is fine now.
but TO has priors, which includes battery(thankfully i didnt corner him alone) so he is going away.
seriously...was it worth that?
So a couple days after incident above, this young man comes in(TT for Thief Two). he has a black Nike bookbag. im keeping an eye on him for awhile, but get called away. the same AM from above, calls me and says,"you know that guy you were watching? he has a bottlecap gun in his pocket" ok...seriously...a bottlecap gun??
so AM watches him from the office, where we have a big one way mirror that we can watch over the store. TT is down aisle five. AM calls me,"ok. he down aisle five...he has a bottle cap gun, bottlecap refills, and a sweater...ok he is opneing his bag....and shoving them in there..."
so me and AM go to the front door, and he comes up, asks the head cashier for the time(ok?) and tries to walk out. we stop him. hes 17, and hasn't had any priors. cop comes, and calls his parents. mother comes, and calls the dad. dad is LIVID and leaves work early to deal with him....wish i could have been a fly in the wall in that house...
Can you be any mroe obvious?
this one happened friday. a lady came in and was asking me tons of questions about random cosmetic items. she kept mentioning that she was short on money, and would come back for alot of stuff. im not going to go on about everything, cause she was asking me questions for about 45 minutes. but there was just something about her that made me suspicious. im not sure what. so at one point, i had to walk down an aisle away from her, and she walked into the next aisle. a few minutes later, she comes back to ask me a question. im talking to her, and since i was suspicious, just try to look at her pockets and see....Revlon foundation just poking out of her pocket.
it wasn't even hiden well! it was just sticking out! i almost said...are you serious? if you are going to steal, at least try. so i inform my manager and they stop her at the pharmacy counter and make her pay.
One more i forgot,t hat im just going to kinda touch on...a couple weeks ago, on Valentines day, this guy walked in the store, and ran out with a HUGE four foot teddy my Manager sent our 17 female cashier who couldn't hold on her own, after him, instead of calling for me. when im finally informed, i run after as well, but can't find them. so i get scared, amd think that he knocked her out and dragged her down an alley. nope...he went into a bar...and she followed....and got the teddy bear back. long story short, the cops came, couldn't find him. went to another local bar, found a guy who matched the description. the guy sid it wasn't him. cops came back to us, watched the video, and it was the guy the spoke to. they got him.
You owe me a new sweater
First one was last sunday.This young man(TO for theif one) came into the store, wanting to apply for a job. our computer messes up alot, and we usually have to refresh the page before anybody can use, but no person applying can ever figure out how to refresh a page. so this guy comes over, and has me help him.
a few minutes later, i hear my AM in aisle one speaking to TO,and i thought it odd, cause there wasn't enough time to finish the application, but just ignored it. maybe he decided not to apply. but, after my AM left, i heard a noise from the same aisle, and it sounded like a plastic bag being moved alot. so i walk over there at the same time TO is coming down aisle one. i see him, and he looks at me. he then opens up the black sack he had, and showed me the socks inside.
TO: oh, im going to pay for these.
Me: ok....
TO:im going to go pay for these...right going to go pay for these!
.....yeah something is up. so he walks down aisle one, and i follow. my AM walked around the corner jsut before i started following him, so i waved him over. he caught up and i started to explain. but TO kept looking back at us, and walked straight down aisle one(aisle one leads to the doors). TO kept looking over his shoulder at us, and when it came time to either turn right to go check out, or go straight to the door, he went straight, so AM and I started to go after him.
TO takes off full force now, right for the entrance door....which only opens one way. I can't explain how awesome it was to see him slam full force into the entrance door. he realizes quickly though that he can't get out that way, and runs around to the exit. my AM and i are running out, and my AM yells for me to get him. so i take out into the street after him. as im running, i hear my AM yelling,"SIR! MA'AM! SIR! MA'AM!" and was confused, until i looked at the corner...
right as im about to shout out as well, i trip. i don't know what i tripped on, but one moment im running, the next im falling in the street. as im getting up, i get the chance to yell,"HEY COP! THAT GUY JUST STOLE FROM US!" as the police officer was getting out of the car. the police officer then runs over and gets the guy by throwing his arm around TO's neck.
so i get up, and go over to the squad car and the cop is taking TO to the they were walking, TO is literally crying and sobbing to me,"im so sorry! you scared me!i wouldn't have ran but you scared me so bad! im soooo sorry!"
the cop hands me the black sack, and i take out four packs of socks. the cop calls for backup so one cop can take him down, the other can take a statement. the cop asks if im ok. and when i tell him that i tihnk my knees are scraped up, he gets TO back out of the car. the cops says,"you think im pissed? ill show you pissed. i wasn't going to put these on, but now i am. turn around and face the car." To then turns to me and keeps on with his crying, saying i scared him(come a 5'4 unimposing female. im not scary.maybe my AM..but not the cop tells him to turn around two more times, and finally says,"turn around and face the car, or y our going to kiss the car." TO turns around, much to my disappointment...i wanted to see that.
so i go inside and assess my injuries. both knees are scraped up, my left elbow is scraped up, my right hand is scraped and has a bit of road rash, and my pants are slightly torn at the knee, and my fave sweater is horrible ripped under the elbow. the next couple days, my right wrist hurt, but everything is fine now.
but TO has priors, which includes battery(thankfully i didnt corner him alone) so he is going away.
seriously...was it worth that?
So a couple days after incident above, this young man comes in(TT for Thief Two). he has a black Nike bookbag. im keeping an eye on him for awhile, but get called away. the same AM from above, calls me and says,"you know that guy you were watching? he has a bottlecap gun in his pocket" ok...seriously...a bottlecap gun??
so AM watches him from the office, where we have a big one way mirror that we can watch over the store. TT is down aisle five. AM calls me,"ok. he down aisle five...he has a bottle cap gun, bottlecap refills, and a sweater...ok he is opneing his bag....and shoving them in there..."
so me and AM go to the front door, and he comes up, asks the head cashier for the time(ok?) and tries to walk out. we stop him. hes 17, and hasn't had any priors. cop comes, and calls his parents. mother comes, and calls the dad. dad is LIVID and leaves work early to deal with him....wish i could have been a fly in the wall in that house...
Can you be any mroe obvious?
this one happened friday. a lady came in and was asking me tons of questions about random cosmetic items. she kept mentioning that she was short on money, and would come back for alot of stuff. im not going to go on about everything, cause she was asking me questions for about 45 minutes. but there was just something about her that made me suspicious. im not sure what. so at one point, i had to walk down an aisle away from her, and she walked into the next aisle. a few minutes later, she comes back to ask me a question. im talking to her, and since i was suspicious, just try to look at her pockets and see....Revlon foundation just poking out of her pocket.
it wasn't even hiden well! it was just sticking out! i almost said...are you serious? if you are going to steal, at least try. so i inform my manager and they stop her at the pharmacy counter and make her pay.
One more i forgot,t hat im just going to kinda touch on...a couple weeks ago, on Valentines day, this guy walked in the store, and ran out with a HUGE four foot teddy my Manager sent our 17 female cashier who couldn't hold on her own, after him, instead of calling for me. when im finally informed, i run after as well, but can't find them. so i get scared, amd think that he knocked her out and dragged her down an alley. nope...he went into a bar...and she followed....and got the teddy bear back. long story short, the cops came, couldn't find him. went to another local bar, found a guy who matched the description. the guy sid it wasn't him. cops came back to us, watched the video, and it was the guy the spoke to. they got him.