This call started out bad and it just got worse. Background: Sometimes I help people get connected to our website. I am by no means a cimputer technician. Mostly, I tell people not to use AOL.
Psycho McBatty calls in as she's having issues. Well, I'm having issues with her: she interrupts me, talks way to fast and gets melodramatic over the stupidest things. I determine her issue is not something I can help with. The procedure is to send this to a technician.
Me: Well, Ma'am, what I need to do is send this to a technician. I'll get some information and have someone call you-
PMB: Nonono, seethat'snotgoingtowork. Idon'thavetimetositherewaitingforacallbecauseyoune verknowwhenthey'regoingtocallandIhavetogooutandbeg orpanhandlebecauseallmymoneygotstolen.
Me: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but there's isn't anything else.
PMB: WellIneedtotalktosomeonerighhtnow! Don'tyouhavesomeonethere?
Me: No, Ma-
PMB: Wherearethey?
Me: They're not at this location. I'm sorry.
PMB: Wellhowsorryareyou? Youshouldbesosorryyouneedtohelpme.
Me: Ma'am, I'm trying to help you. If you don't want to do this, then there's nothing I can do.
PMB: Well....then
you! *click*
Psycho McBatty calls in as she's having issues. Well, I'm having issues with her: she interrupts me, talks way to fast and gets melodramatic over the stupidest things. I determine her issue is not something I can help with. The procedure is to send this to a technician.
Me: Well, Ma'am, what I need to do is send this to a technician. I'll get some information and have someone call you-
PMB: Nonono, seethat'snotgoingtowork. Idon'thavetimetositherewaitingforacallbecauseyoune verknowwhenthey'regoingtocallandIhavetogooutandbeg orpanhandlebecauseallmymoneygotstolen.
Me: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but there's isn't anything else.
PMB: WellIneedtotalktosomeonerighhtnow! Don'tyouhavesomeonethere?
Me: No, Ma-
PMB: Wherearethey?
Me: They're not at this location. I'm sorry.
PMB: Wellhowsorryareyou? Youshouldbesosorryyouneedtohelpme.
Me: Ma'am, I'm trying to help you. If you don't want to do this, then there's nothing I can do.
PMB: Well....then

