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Just Order The Footlong Already

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  • Just Order The Footlong Already

    Last night was a zoo. It was only my coworker, a new girl, and me on the line. So already things were going slow. Not the new girl's fault she is only been there a few days. So my coworker and I are jumping in there trying to get them out quickly as we can. I am down in setups and ask my standards questions. Lady gets a footlong and wants one six inch. Course I ask her if she wanted the footlong cause to be honest your only paying like .50 more for the footlong. Nope she don't want it. Ok cool no problem, your loss. I get her set up and toasted. I jump down to topping to help the new girl struggling. Then after I top the sandwiches I hear this boom from the other side of the glass "I have more sandwiches" I stop what I am doing and just stare at her. Ummm didn't I ask you how many sandwiches in all way down there. So I yell down to my coworker to set up the additional two 6 inches this woman wants. Now as mentioned before we are getting swamped at this time. Said coworker is already trying to set up 6 subs that someone just ordered. So I had to run back to set up and get these additional subs set up. Again informing this lady it is cheaper to get the footlongs but not in a nice tone as before. I finally get it all set up and run back to topping cause course she wants black olives on it before it gets all toasty. Finally I get to ring this mess of an order up.

    Me: That will be 21.40
    SC: (blank stare) How is that?
    Me: You got ***** footlong and three 6 inches at 4.49
    SC: (snatches reciept) Well if I am paying that much I might as well get the other halves.
    Me: (trying not to snatch the woman head off) Thats why I told you to get the footlongs when you first ordered
    SC: I want them now then

    *head slam into counter* She is holding up the lines and my other two coworkers are drowning in the sea of footlongs cause you done took 15 minutes of my time wtf??? Just to be an I did charge her the difference of the 6 inch and footlong for both. Came to 1.08 or something, course I had to explain to her WHY I was charging that. Finally she snatched the bags out of my hands muttering how I have wasted her time.

  • #2
    I would have told that bitch to get to the back of the line. Nothing infuriates me more than people not telling me how many sandwiches they want at the beginning. Seriously, tell us how many M-Fkin sandwiches you are getting at the start so I can do them all at once! Yes, we can multitask!

    It's so anger inducing that that's probably what sets me off the most out of all the stupid things people can do there. Like someone else here said, Subway really is a stupid people magnet.
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    • #3
      I would have just said "No, you got what you ordered. If you'd like to order three more six inch subs, there is the back of the line, we'll help you when we're done with everyone in front of you."

      You gave her and rang her up for exactly what she had ordered. She's done now, so tough s*** for her.


      • #4
        "I want them now then".

        No Freaking Way.

        Not that I work at Subway, but if I did, once I cut your roll, you're getting a 6". Want the other half? Fine - that's two 6" subs then, not a foot-long.

