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"Stop ogling my ass!" And a few other assorted tales from textbook Hell!

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  • "Stop ogling my ass!" And a few other assorted tales from textbook Hell!

    That's right, folks, I'm back!!

    Life still sucks, but I figured I'd post a quick thread with a few stories concerning some of the SCs I've had to deal with in the last couple of weeks. Brace yourselves, and away we go!!

    Story the first: What part of "out of order" are we not getting? or "You sexist bastard!"

    Guy enters store. Guy goes to the bathrooms, both of which have Out of Order written on them. (Something in the sewer system causing problems with the toilets, but not the sinks. Property manager is sending out plumbers sometime this week) He stops at the men's restroom door. Reads the sign, tugs on the door, which is naturally locked. Turns to the women's restroom, sees the sign, tugs on the door (the lock is broken) and goes inside.

    I was unaware of this, so I head to the women's restroom and go to rinse out the mug we were storing Goo Gone in from a broken bottle, and boy do I get a surprise...

    DB: Douchebag male customer

    DB: Hey, do you mind? I'm taking a leak here!
    Me: Uh...sir...? The toilet's aren't working. That's why the signs are on the doors.
    DB: Yeah, well this one was open, so it's fair game. <Zips up> Besides, I figure the women's can't be busted. Girls can't hold it like guys can, so they obviously need somewhere to go, and go often.
    Me: <speechless, both at his insult, and the irony that he couldn't hold it long enough to go else where, either...>
    DB: <Flushes...and gets the burbling bowl o' doom spewing noxious ooky stuff all over his skechers. He yelps and jumps back> What this shit?
    Me: Yep, probably what it is, now would you kindly get OUT of the busted bathroom!!
    DB: <Makes some generic rabble about how we're not giving good customer service, owe him compensation, etc, know, the usual. Luckily, he's promptly ignored and is escorted out of the store, smelly skechers and all>

    Story the Second: Again, read much...? or "cooler go 'splodey!"

    So, it's a Sunday. I'm restocking coolers, cleaning the store, it's quiet, and very few customers. As I'm cleaning out one cooler, I notice that some of the drinks are turning WAY to frosty, as I'm looking for the switch to adjust the temperature, I hear a weird, muffled bang. Yeah, the rootbeers exploded. They're the old-fashioned glass bottle kind, so when they went boom, they went EVERYWHERE. Including all over me! I got drenched, and between cleaning that up, and cleaning tags off books with goo goon, I alternated between smelling like rootbeer and rabid oranges. FUN.

    So, I cleaned what I could, unplugged the machine, and MOD said he would call the vendor to fix the machine. Great. I made an out of order sign, put it on the door and closed it.

    Naturally, about an hour later, this woman comes in, goes straight to that cooler, LOOKS AT THE SIGN, and pulls out some drinks. I warn her when she's checking out why it was out of order, that we couldn't gaurantee the drinks, and she said that was fine and bought them anyway. Twenty minutes later, she's back...

    Her: The illiterate EW

    EW: I want a refund!! <Snarlrantwhine> they's no good!
    Me: <Sticky, smelling like rootbeer and generally unhappy that something blew up on me> No. You were warned. You bought them anyway. And it looks like you drank most of them.
    EW: Gimme your manager!
    Me: <I page MOD, whom I'd kept informed of the whole situation, because we figured she'd be back...>
    EW: <Opens her mouth to scream>
    MOD: <Cuts her off> No. Sorry, ma'am, but you were told the situation, and you bought them anyway, and drank them, we can't refund the cost.
    EW: <Insert more snarling/ranting/swearing to get us fired, burned at the stake and hung for treason, etc, etc...again...the usual...>

    We gave her our corporate number, but MOD already sent them an email apprising them of the cooler incident, so as soon as she left, he was writing off another email and sending it to our district manager. So far, no word that she's been rewarded, we're getting fired, or of firewood being gathered, so I think we're safe.

    Variations on a theme...
    so, our registers are set up so we swipe credit cards on the actual machine (so we can verify ID, etc) and debit cards have their own machine to swipe on. Unfortunately, it's two different keys I push, and I have to set it up. On the debit machines, we have HUGE printed signs, saying "Debit Cards Here ONLY" and still people start swiping and doing whatever before I can set up the machine. Generally, I'll ask, "Is that debit or credit?" And these are some of the more...colorful responses I've gotten...

    SC1: None of your business! I already ran it!
    Me: Actually, ma'am, it isn't run until I set up the program to run, or debit?
    SC1: Debit!!


    SC2: It doesn't matter! <Cheerfully swipes before I can do anything and plunks the card back into the wallet/purse o' doom.
    Me: Um...I have to set up the machine, ma'am, I need the card so it can be run again.
    SC2: <Huffs> Well, you're pretty useless then, aren't you?
    Me: :Confused:


    SC3: Credit! <Swipes, and when nothing happens, KEEPS swiping!!>
    Me: I'm sorry, sir, I need to run credit cards up here, on a separate--
    SC3: I told you, it's credit!!!
    Me: I know, sir, I need to--
    SC3: Your F@%ING machine is BROKEN!!
    Me: Well, let me run it straight through the register then, shall I, and manually push it through?
    SC3: Fine! <Finally sees the sign> What? Debit only here?Why didn't you say something before??!!!11?!?

    Seriously, I'm NOT askign for my health, people, if you want the transaction completed answer the damn question and stop acting like I'm trying to steal your soul!!!

    And finally..."Stop ogling my ass!!"
    So, we're in the middle of returns here at the store, meaning we've got boxes and pallets of books EVERYWHERE. In the aisles, on the endcaps, on the counter, etc. As such, we generally keep the section closed off, since it's a safety issue for customers. Had a guy come in looking for a book, and when I found out it was in an aisle containing a pallet, I told him I'd get it for him. He follows me, ( i didn't realize this). I climb the pallet, bend over the shelves and snag the book. It was literally the ONLY way to get to it, because there wasn't walking room in this section of the store.

    I bring the book back, and hand it to him, and apologize for the delay.

    Him: That's all right, I was enjoying the view!
    Me: Uh...what...?
    Him: You have a VERY lovely ass...
    Me: ....
    Him: Seriously, it's beautiful
    Me: ....???
    Him: often are you here? <He says, with a strange gleam in his eye>
    Me: can pay for your book at the front registers, sir, thankyouforshoppingwithushaveagoodday,ohlook,Igoov ertherenowandstockbooks!! kthxbye!! <Flees>

    I...don't quite know what to make of it, but he was really obsessed with my butt. Thankfully, he hasn't been back in the store, and I was able to point him out to the textbook manager, who says next time he's there, if I'm there, I'll have a special project in the back room until he's gone...

    That's all for now, I'll try to post a few more stories tonight!! Off to lunch with a friend, who's starting to stare laser beams into my back...Laters!!

  • #2
    well, bathroom guy basically got what he deserved, though the mess sucks.

    And there's worse things to smell like than root beer.

    Finally, at least the last guy had good taste.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      sexist bathroom guy got what he deserved. I'm surprised he didn't ask for you to clean up his shoes.

      Root Beer woman is a total asswipe. She got a warning. I'm glad the blowing glass didn't hurt you (I guess the flying glass didn't)
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #4
        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
        I bring the book back, and hand it to him, and apologize for the delay.

        Him: That's all right, I was enjoying the view!
        Me: Uh...what...?
        Him: You have a VERY lovely ass...
        Me: ....
        Him: Seriously, it's beautiful
        ...creeper much?.... ew...
        I'd have been tempted to say something along the lines of
        "uh. Thanks. But that was totally inappropriate.... and my rear end is not part of the merch... so please dont look at it."
        "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


        • #5
          Quoth Broomjockey View Post
          Finally, at least the last guy had good taste.
          Aw, thanks!! flattery will get you EVERYWHERE....

          Quoth depechemodefan View Post
          I'm glad the blowing glass didn't hurt you (I guess the flying glass didn't)
          Yeah, the glass bottles were thankfully behind some cans of drinks called Purple Stuff, which apparently, were also bulging as the contents froze. But at least they made good shields and caught all the bits of glass. Didn't do much to stop flying rootbeer slushie, though... >.>

          Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
          ...creeper much?.... ew...
          I'd have been tempted to say something along the lines of
          "uh. Thanks. But that was totally inappropriate.... and my rear end is not part of the merch... so please dont look at it."
          See, if I'd been quicker on my feet, I might've said something, but at the same time, it's not like I wanted to invite him into a dialogue with me. I just wanted him gone...


          • #6
            Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post

            Him: That's all right, I was enjoying the view!
            Me: Uh...what...?
            Him: You have a VERY lovely ass...
            My response:
            "Thank you. I just had it shaved today."
            I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


            • #7

              Nurian, so glad I finished my iced tea before reading your comment!!


              • #8
                Darn. Another missed opportunity. I'm just going to have to keep trying
                I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


                • #9
                  Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                  And finally..."Stop ogling my ass!!"
                  At least he wasn't googling your ...
                  I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                  Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                  Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Nurian View Post
                    My response:
                    "Thank you. I just had it shaved today."
                    That was awesome!

                    Sadly I don't think it would have worked. He might have found that notion a turn-on
                    Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                    • #11
                      Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                      sexist bathroom guy got what he deserved. I'm surprised he didn't ask for you to clean up his shoes.
                      If he had, I woulda got out the hose...but I should warn you, my aim isn't very good....
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        or don't get too close to it.... it's loaded.


                        • #13
                          Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                          That's right, folks, I'm back!!

                          Story the first: What part of "out of order" are we not getting? or "You sexist bastard!"

                          Story the Second: Again, read much...? or "cooler go 'splodey!"
                          Aren't your titles from a cartoon show or something...? the setup sounds the same...anyway,

                          My dear lupo, don't you know SC's cardinal rule of shopping is never to read the signs?

                          Variations on a theme...
                          [sigh] our setup is similar. it irks me so much when ppl say 'debit' and end up doing credit; mostly because i have to ask for ID when credit is used (See US Code, Title 18 for more info).

                          And finally..."Stop ogling my ass!!"

                          Sorry, it is kinda funny.

                          I don't ogle; I stare at reverence for I the Lupo, Keeper of the Tomes


                          • #14
                            That last dude was least the sexist jackass and the rootbeer EW got what they deserved.
                            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                            • #15
                              Maybe put on a deep voice and say, "I used to be a man"?
                              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                              My DeviantArt.

