On this first Wednesday in March, and thus another damn Senior Day, one of the cashiers relayed to me this encounter she had with some old codger:
Cashier: (scanning his items and doing the usual cashier-y things) Did you find everything you were looking for today?
Customer: Geez, you ask the stupidest questions, you know that? There were plenty of those ugly green shirts (meaning employees) walking around I could've asked and I didn't need to ask any of them.
...I'm just doing my job.
That was a new one on me, I have to say.
Cashier: (scanning his items and doing the usual cashier-y things) Did you find everything you were looking for today?
Customer: Geez, you ask the stupidest questions, you know that? There were plenty of those ugly green shirts (meaning employees) walking around I could've asked and I didn't need to ask any of them.

That was a new one on me, I have to say.