Will someone please tell me if there's any position that requires someone to man a business's phone after hours to tell callers that they're closed?
Seriously. I'll get calls where I'll answer the phone with the intent of taking an order and the first thing out of their mouth is "Are you open?"
Pretty much when I or one of my colleagues answers the phone it's a great indicator that we're open. After about the umpteenth time of getting such a lame inquiry I decided to explain this fact to a caller (smile in voice of course)
His response: "Not necessarily."
So unless the aforementioned position exists, I don't see how this guy or anyone else could equate my answering the phone "Can I take your order?" with the possibility that we might not necessarily be open.
BTW here are the indicators that we're closed:
You call the main line and you get an answering machine
You call on another line and are told we're closed
You call and get no answer at all.
Oh and another thing: I only answer the phone to announce we're closed after the phone has rung incessantly for about a minute. Get a clue folks.
Seriously. I'll get calls where I'll answer the phone with the intent of taking an order and the first thing out of their mouth is "Are you open?"
Pretty much when I or one of my colleagues answers the phone it's a great indicator that we're open. After about the umpteenth time of getting such a lame inquiry I decided to explain this fact to a caller (smile in voice of course)
His response: "Not necessarily."
So unless the aforementioned position exists, I don't see how this guy or anyone else could equate my answering the phone "Can I take your order?" with the possibility that we might not necessarily be open.
BTW here are the indicators that we're closed:
You call the main line and you get an answering machine
You call on another line and are told we're closed
You call and get no answer at all.
Oh and another thing: I only answer the phone to announce we're closed after the phone has rung incessantly for about a minute. Get a clue folks.