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Like I Care....

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  • Like I Care....

    Me: Thank you for calling blah-blah-blah. This is Wade - how may you abuse me, today?

    SC: YeahIjustcamefromthebranchdownthestreetanditwasonl yfiveminutespastclosingandhteywouldn'tevenansweras implequestionandI'mnothappyifthisishowyoutreatpeop lethanI'mgoingelsewhere! !!!ELEVENTY!!!

    I have now been subjected to the power of the verbal orgasm of wrath.

    So.... you're pissed because the branch closed? And it's our fault you didn't make it on time?

    And.... what the hell am I, in a call center two states away, supposed to do about it? Sorry, all out of fairy dust - apparently I can't break the curse of our store employees having that dreadful aflliction known as "having a life."

    I let him decompress. I guess he realized what a dork he was being, 'cause he said he was going to visit another branch to use their dropbox to make his payment....

    ....but the manager WOULD be getting a call in the morning!

    VCR - PLEASE stop sending your customers to me!

  • #2
    VCR is not sending you his customers silly! the only place he wants to send them is to the bottom of the ocean floor...not that he would mind you but he would never inflict them on us if he could.

