I am SO thankful that I did not have to deal with this guy directly.
Towards the end of my shift a co-worker walked past mumbling to himself.
Me: What's that?
CW: Oh, I just got of the phone with a fucking grouch.
So this guy had called and immediately started screaming about how his printer wasn't working. It was a Samsung b/w laser. He paid TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for it (
First of all, he bought it three months ago. In that three months, did he call Samsung tech support to see if they could help him? Did he have a tech-savvy friend or family member stop by the house? Did he go online to Samsung's website to find additional information? Or did he simply return the printer?
No, none of the above. Instead, he wrestled with it on his own for three months until he finally lost his patience and called us, screaming.
At first my co-worker tried to get him the toll-free number for Samsung, but no, that wasn't good enough. He wanted us to get his printer working, because BY GOLLY we sold it, therefore WE ARE FOREVER RESPONSIBLE FOR IT!!
Oh, and should go without saying that he didn't buy our service plan. Even if he had, I doubt he'd have called the tech support number for it.
Co-worker tells the guy that yes, we can set up the printer for him. However, he will need top bring his computer and printer into the store, and he will be charged $39.99 for the service.
SC: $40?!?!? Why the hell shoudl I pay $40 to set it up?!? I already paid TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for it, and I've been out of work a long time now!!
CW: Well I'm sorry to hear that, but regardless, we HAVE to charge for the service. There's no way around that.
SC: But why should I have to PAY $40 when I ALREADY PAID TWO HUNDRED?! I've been out of work!
Yeah, you and MILLIONS of other people in this country alone, fuckstick. You know what? I don't like this job that much. If better work was available for me, I'd take it in a heartbeat! But there isn't, so I thank my lucky stars that I have A job, that pays me enough that I can afford to blow some money now and again on useless stuff like classic video games and a B-17 model kit (
). It's unfortunate that you are out of work, but that doesn't entitle you to JACK SHIT from a company such as Staples. You know why? Because we are a FOR PROFIT COMPANY!!! We offer products and SERVICES for a FEE. If we gave away services like this for free, we wouldn't make money, and our bosses would FIRE US. Then, we'd be in the same boat as you. We do not want to join you in that boat because the boat sucks hard enough in and of itself without entitlement-minded DOUCHEBAGS like yourself as fellow passengers.
Besides, since you've already ruled out calling Samsung tech support, and apparently have no friends or family willing to help (big surprise there given the attitude), what other option do you have? If you don't have the wherewithal for such a prosaic task as getting a printer set up and working, then you really don't have the right to complain that a FOR PROFIT COMPANY has the gumption to CHARGE YOU to do it for you.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with not having basic computer skills, but that's not MY problem. My grandmother can't drive, but that doesn't mean she expects Yellow Taxi to chauffeur her around for free BECAUSE she can't drive. On those occasions where she needs a cab or the bus, she pays, because they exist for just that reason. Similarly, our tech services exist for those who are unable to do these things for themselves, either because it's beyond their capability or because they don't have the time to do it themselves.
So yes, YOU HAVE TO PAY!!!!
Yes, I'm getting overly worked up about this, but you should have seen my co-worker. He was so spun up he was talking to himself.
A short time later, the guy actually came in. He brought his computer and printer in, but he left the damn driver CD at home.
SC: It's in the drive.
I open the drive and remove the TurboTax Home & Business disc inside and show it to him.
Me: This is TurboTax.
He doens't even LOOK at it.
SC: No, that's the printer disc!
Me: Sir, this is TURBOTAX *all but thrusts the disc into his face*
SC finally looks.
SC: Oh, shit.....does that mean I have to go back home for the disc?
CW: Yes.
SC: Do you REALLY need it?
I let my co-worker handle it while I went back to hooking his computer up to the bench for a boot check. And I can't get video output. Terrific. He actually had two VGA ports - the factory port, and an aftermarket video card - and neither of them worked, at all. I tried calling the guy back over but he was already out the door.
I pretty much gave up at that point, as I am not a technician, nor was I the one dealing with this customer. My unfortunate co-worker was the one who was going to do the setup, and I had other customers to help and other tasks to accomplish. However, I did learn later that the second VGA port (on the card) was broken because the customer had overtorqued the connector. He'd literally tightened the retaining screws so much he snapped off one of the nuts. And in doing so he damaged the port.
When he came back in, he of course played the "it works fine with MY monitor!" card. Apparently if you insert the cable just so, it works, but after diddling with it for several minutes, even the customer couldn't make it work.
CW: Sir, it's broken. It's not going to work.
SC: But it works at home!
CW: Sir, you need a new video card.
SC: But it works!
No, no it doesn't. And how much are you willing to bet that the reason he has that other video card is because he did the same damn thing to the factory VGA port and broke it?
By the way, this computer was ANCIENT. So old that he was using a PARALLEL PORT to connect to the printer. He'd purchased one of the very few printers we sell that still has a parallel port on it.
He wound up leaving without a printer setup. Though he undoubtedly did so after declaring it all OUR fault.
Yet another person who should not own a computer.
Towards the end of my shift a co-worker walked past mumbling to himself.
Me: What's that?
CW: Oh, I just got of the phone with a fucking grouch.
So this guy had called and immediately started screaming about how his printer wasn't working. It was a Samsung b/w laser. He paid TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for it (

First of all, he bought it three months ago. In that three months, did he call Samsung tech support to see if they could help him? Did he have a tech-savvy friend or family member stop by the house? Did he go online to Samsung's website to find additional information? Or did he simply return the printer?
No, none of the above. Instead, he wrestled with it on his own for three months until he finally lost his patience and called us, screaming.
At first my co-worker tried to get him the toll-free number for Samsung, but no, that wasn't good enough. He wanted us to get his printer working, because BY GOLLY we sold it, therefore WE ARE FOREVER RESPONSIBLE FOR IT!!
Oh, and should go without saying that he didn't buy our service plan. Even if he had, I doubt he'd have called the tech support number for it.
Co-worker tells the guy that yes, we can set up the printer for him. However, he will need top bring his computer and printer into the store, and he will be charged $39.99 for the service.
SC: $40?!?!? Why the hell shoudl I pay $40 to set it up?!? I already paid TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for it, and I've been out of work a long time now!!
CW: Well I'm sorry to hear that, but regardless, we HAVE to charge for the service. There's no way around that.
SC: But why should I have to PAY $40 when I ALREADY PAID TWO HUNDRED?! I've been out of work!
Yeah, you and MILLIONS of other people in this country alone, fuckstick. You know what? I don't like this job that much. If better work was available for me, I'd take it in a heartbeat! But there isn't, so I thank my lucky stars that I have A job, that pays me enough that I can afford to blow some money now and again on useless stuff like classic video games and a B-17 model kit (

Besides, since you've already ruled out calling Samsung tech support, and apparently have no friends or family willing to help (big surprise there given the attitude), what other option do you have? If you don't have the wherewithal for such a prosaic task as getting a printer set up and working, then you really don't have the right to complain that a FOR PROFIT COMPANY has the gumption to CHARGE YOU to do it for you.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with not having basic computer skills, but that's not MY problem. My grandmother can't drive, but that doesn't mean she expects Yellow Taxi to chauffeur her around for free BECAUSE she can't drive. On those occasions where she needs a cab or the bus, she pays, because they exist for just that reason. Similarly, our tech services exist for those who are unable to do these things for themselves, either because it's beyond their capability or because they don't have the time to do it themselves.
So yes, YOU HAVE TO PAY!!!!
Yes, I'm getting overly worked up about this, but you should have seen my co-worker. He was so spun up he was talking to himself.
A short time later, the guy actually came in. He brought his computer and printer in, but he left the damn driver CD at home.
SC: It's in the drive.
I open the drive and remove the TurboTax Home & Business disc inside and show it to him.
Me: This is TurboTax.
He doens't even LOOK at it.
SC: No, that's the printer disc!
Me: Sir, this is TURBOTAX *all but thrusts the disc into his face*
SC finally looks.
SC: Oh, shit.....does that mean I have to go back home for the disc?
CW: Yes.
SC: Do you REALLY need it?
I let my co-worker handle it while I went back to hooking his computer up to the bench for a boot check. And I can't get video output. Terrific. He actually had two VGA ports - the factory port, and an aftermarket video card - and neither of them worked, at all. I tried calling the guy back over but he was already out the door.
I pretty much gave up at that point, as I am not a technician, nor was I the one dealing with this customer. My unfortunate co-worker was the one who was going to do the setup, and I had other customers to help and other tasks to accomplish. However, I did learn later that the second VGA port (on the card) was broken because the customer had overtorqued the connector. He'd literally tightened the retaining screws so much he snapped off one of the nuts. And in doing so he damaged the port.
When he came back in, he of course played the "it works fine with MY monitor!" card. Apparently if you insert the cable just so, it works, but after diddling with it for several minutes, even the customer couldn't make it work.
CW: Sir, it's broken. It's not going to work.
SC: But it works at home!
CW: Sir, you need a new video card.
SC: But it works!
No, no it doesn't. And how much are you willing to bet that the reason he has that other video card is because he did the same damn thing to the factory VGA port and broke it?
By the way, this computer was ANCIENT. So old that he was using a PARALLEL PORT to connect to the printer. He'd purchased one of the very few printers we sell that still has a parallel port on it.
He wound up leaving without a printer setup. Though he undoubtedly did so after declaring it all OUR fault.
Yet another person who should not own a computer.