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for the math impaired: $25 =/= $200

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  • for the math impaired: $25 =/= $200

    and i am seriously bad at math.


    one from a coworker:

    little old lady comes up, buys like $7 of stuff, pulls out a $100 bill. Dangles it in front of my coworker, giggles a bit, goes “ooh, hehehehe, look what you get to do.” referring to make an assload of change, of course.


    the mumbler

    guy the other night is mumbling everything he says, so I keep saying, “sorry?” “could you repeat that, sir?” etc. He gives me $7 or something, then pulls out a bunch of change for the 13 cents or whatever it is he owes me. He finally gets the right amount of change, and mumbles something at me. So as I pick up the change, I say something like, “I'm sorry sir, I didn't hear you?”

    he yells, “TAKE IT, I SAID. damn, you're not hearing a word i'm saying, are you?” (YELLS.)

    three cashiers and their assorted customers turned around to see what this douche was yelling about. I recovered from my shock quite quickly and gave him a dirty look with his receipt. my manager (who was RIGHT THERE, bagging for me) told me not to worry.

    maybe it's just me, but don't you think that if the cashier has to ask you multiple times to repeat yourself, you should maybe, I dunno, SPEAK UP instead of getting angry?

    i'm tired, so sue me

    I yawned the other day. i'd been working five hours after having three classes, no lunch, and no sleep the night before. not to mention I've been having this issue lately, where I'm tired all the time. I was Fucking Tired. So I yawned, waiting for customers (we were dead at the time) and just my luck, this guy comes up lugging a colossal carton of beer.

    “Wake up!”

    he was trying to joke, which makes it worse, somehow.

    what I wanted to say: “I'm so sorry that my lack of sleep and busy day combined with low blood sugar and mysterious lethargy made me tired. I'll just perk the hell up for you at nine-thirty at night so I can happily take twenty dollars of your hard-earned money and so you can go home and get drunk without having the blemish of a tired cashier on your day. BITE ME.”

    what I said: “...” *scans* “will that be credit or debit.”

    oh, for the love of god

    new record. lady and her son come in, wander aimlessly for a bit, come to my register and pick out some gum. their purchase: three packs of gum. total: 2.07. TWO OH SEVEN. so what does this lady hand me?

    if you guessed a hundred, you are depressingly correct.

    to make it even better, it was maybe a half hour after my shift started. her change was 97.93. it was divided into 1 twenty, several tens, several more fives, two singles, and appropriate change. so when she left I had some singles, two fives, and a ben fucking franklin in my drawer. AWESOME. I so love having to go request large amounts of change.

    put the phone down, dammit

    guy answers his cell phone just as he comes up to my lane. in a mischeivous mood, I decided to see if I could annoy him as much as he annoyed me.

    me: hi! how are you this evening?
    guy: good. hey bill, what are your plans for monday the sixteenth?
    me: that's good. would you like paper or plastic bags?
    guy: whatever. *to his friend* so do you wanna go to lunch or something that day? blah blah blah
    me: and would you like your milk and orange juice in bags?
    guy: no. *continues on the phone*

    and so on, until he gave me sort of a dirty look when I told him to have a wonderful day.

    the next guy that came up opened with “isn't it SO annoying when people talk on their phones in line? like, how rude can you be?”

    *jawdrop* someone who gets it! I shared my plan with him and we had a good laugh.

    and i'm vegetarian T_T

    My store has bags for meat. you know, like the vegetable bags, only by the meat section. yeah. so that in case a package of meat is leaking out the bottom, as is often the case, it stays in the bag and not on the customer's hands, the cashiers' hands, the rest of the customer's groceries, our belts, etc.

    NO ONE USES THEM. it's so disgusting to pick up a package of chicken and not only see the gigantic red-tinged wet spot on the belt beneath it, but to also see it dripping from the package and smeared all over your hands. I can practically FEEL the salmonella crawling through my skin.

    so please, save a vegetarian's sanity. use the bags. dammit.

    are you this much of a bitch to everyone, or am i special?

    and now for annoying people of the night.

    couple of trailer-trash stereotypes come up, grumpy from the start. I say, “Hi! how are you doing tonight?” all happy cos I just got off my break, and they go “unghh.” I say, “Would you like paper or plastic bags?” they say “dun't care.” undeterred, I ask, “Would you like your milk in a bag?” they say, “unh, no, don' bother.”

    well alright then.

    so fast forward, I had given up talking to these idiots, until I finish scanning and hit the total button.

    me: Your total is $xxx.xx. will that be debit or credit?
    guy: *grunts* EBT.
    Me: ok.
    Me: um, it looks like you only have $25.29 on your EBT account.
    lady: *with a sudden spring into the land of the living* Um, no, more like $200!
    guy: this same thing happened last night! it said we didn't have any money on the card, so we tried on a different machine, and *blah blah ranty blah*
    lady: so we called and they said we had over $200.
    me: *at this point is on the phone trying to find supervisor J, missing in action* Well, it says you only have $25, so--
    lady: it's *EBT*, not cash benefits.
    me: ok, ok, try it again. maybe I hit the wrong button by mistake.

    not a chance. same thing came up.

    both of them: *rant rant rant*
    me: hey, (sup R)? c'mere, we have a problem *explains*
    R: well, if it's not going through, it's not going through. there's really nothing I can do, unless you want me to call it in...?
    lady: no, don't bother. you reshelved $100 of groceries last night, you'll be reshopping $100 of groceries tonight. *storms away with her husband*
    me and R: don't blame us, it's not our damn fault.

    best part: if they come back in tomorrow (and if there is any sort of higher being, they won't) i'll be there. allllll afternoon.

    help me~~~....
    verily, i doth be a buckete.

  • #2
    Quoth Fleur View Post
    he was trying to joke, which makes it worse, somehow
    I hate it when people try to joke around. They're never funny and chances are that thy telling a joke I've heard a million times.
    Most often used: *product doesn't scan* "Oh hey, I guess it's free! Ha ha ha!"
    Seriously, STFU.
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


    • #3
      Quoth Apathy View Post
      Seriously, STFU.
      I think Penn said it best (LOUD and NSFW)
      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

      RIP Plaidman.


      • #4
        Ah yes. I've dealt with that many times where they try to run a debit card through. And when it gets declined they act all shocked and surprised and start saying things like "But there's plenty of money in there!" And then they think staring at us and getting mad will automatically make the register approve the transaction.
        I think that sometimes these people just try to cover it up with a lie saying that they have enough money in their account when they really don't, just so they don't sound poor.


        • #5
          Quoth Fleur View Post

          little old lady comes up, buys like $7 of stuff, pulls out a $100 bill. Dangles it in front of my coworker, giggles a bit, goes “ooh, hehehehe, look what you get to do.”
          Hehehehe, I get to send you to someone else to start all over again since I don't have enough change in the till. Unless of course you've got anything smaller...
          "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington


          • #6
            Quoth Fleur View Post
            so please, save a vegetarian's sanity. use the bags. dammit.
            Being a vegetarian has nothing to do with it. I've got the opposite problem at my grocery store as a customer. The meat's good, but packaged cheaply, so it leaks more often than not. There's no bags around to stick it in, because that'd make scanning it at the checkout a pain. And the the cashiers wanna just stick it straight in my reusable bag along with all my other stuff, some of which are boxes with oh-so-pointy corners. Gee thanks for trying to get my bag all nasty and disgusting, and all the rest of what I'm buying at the same time. PUT IT IN A SEPARATE BAG IN CASE IT LEAKS. Ew.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Quoth BowserKoopa1 View Post
              I think that sometimes these people just try to cover it up with a lie saying that they have enough money in their account when they really don't, just so they don't sound poor.
              You're telling me that they lie about how much money is in there welfare account so that they don't sound poor. Do they really think that fools anyone.
              Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


              • #8
                If there's no bags near the meats I'll go back to the produce section and get one. They're clear...they shouldn't interfere with scanning the barcode.
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                  They're clear...they shouldn't interfere with scanning the barcode.
                  There's reality, and there's the reason given. Rarely do the two bear resemblance to each other
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #10
                    Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                    And the the cashiers wanna just stick it straight in my reusable bag along with all my other stuff, some of which are boxes with oh-so-pointy corners. Gee thanks for trying to get my bag all nasty and disgusting, and all the rest of what I'm buying at the same time. PUT IT IN A SEPARATE BAG IN CASE IT LEAKS. Ew.
                    That's exactly why I make sure I have a small supply of the little plastic bags at-the-ready at my checkstand. Gross!!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Fleur View Post
                      oh, for the love of god

                      new record. lady and her son come in, wander aimlessly for a bit, come to my register and pick out some gum. their purchase: three packs of gum. total: 2.07. TWO OH SEVEN. so what does this lady hand me?

                      if you guessed a hundred, you are depressingly correct.

                      to make it even better, it was maybe a half hour after my shift started. her change was 97.93. it was divided into 1 twenty, several tens, several more fives, two singles, and appropriate change. so when she left I had some singles, two fives, and a ben fucking franklin in my drawer. AWESOME. I so love having to go request large amounts of change.
                      I know I mentioned it before, but I got one better. Try having them pay for a .99 can of iced tea with a $100. At least I had some change in my register but they still ended up taking my twenties, tens, some fives and some ones.
                      Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


                      • #12
                        I hate when customers give us a $100. I understand if they bought a lot of things at my job. One time this lady came in and I forgot what she ordered, but she pulled out a $100 and she was the first customer of the day so we only had $100 in the register. I had to tell her to go to the deli and break it. It annoys me when people expect us to have change at the drop of a hat.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Fleur View Post
                          guy answers his cell phone just as he comes up to my lane.
                          I am so guilty of being on my phone while I am checking out. I know that some people consider it to be rude but I have this one friend who just talks and talks and talks and talks....I always apologize to whoever is cashing me out if I am on my phone.
                          "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                          • #14
                            Quoth Apathy View Post
                            I hate it when people try to joke around. They're never funny and chances are that thy telling a joke I've heard a million times.
                            Most often used: *product doesn't scan* "Oh hey, I guess it's free! Ha ha ha!"
                            Seriously, STFU.
                            This happens at my job too. Whenever I ask someone if they want a donut, they'll say, "No. Do you?" A lot of customers do that. It's like I heard this joke a million times and it's even funny.


                            • #15
                              Hehe. I had a guy do something like that to me. I was stuck back in FR during the last hour of my 8 hour shift and a customer service return cart had just been hurtled my way. I try to help out the people who have to run these things by putting any toys/books etc away since that section is RIGHT THERE. So I picked up this book looked at the cover and was hit by this huge yawn. this guy walking buy has the urge to say ((really sarcastic and snark-ily) "Geeze dont work too hard now"

                              ....... I almost threw the book at him
                              "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

