This is a story from when I worked at my last retail job, which was at a drugstore.
I was stocking shelves on a Sunday afternoon when this man in his early twenties approached me. He was holding a balled-up sweatshirt to his crotch, and wore a look of wild desperation.
"I gotta use your bathroom, man."
"I'm sorry, the bathrooms are for employees only." I responded.
He accepted this, then said, "Where are your Depends?"
I walked him to the aisle that included adult diapers, then went on my merry way, wondering how a grown man could have possibly peed his pants. Was he drunk and had accidentally voided his bowels? Did he have an uncontrollable medical condition?
About a half-hour later I passed the same aisle, discovering that one of the packages of adult diapers had been torn open and a few of its contents strewn on the floor. I figured he had stolen what he needed, but when I consulted with one of the cashiers, she told me that he had bought some! So why did he open the other package? Had he been trying them on?
I was stocking shelves on a Sunday afternoon when this man in his early twenties approached me. He was holding a balled-up sweatshirt to his crotch, and wore a look of wild desperation.
"I gotta use your bathroom, man."
"I'm sorry, the bathrooms are for employees only." I responded.
He accepted this, then said, "Where are your Depends?"
I walked him to the aisle that included adult diapers, then went on my merry way, wondering how a grown man could have possibly peed his pants. Was he drunk and had accidentally voided his bowels? Did he have an uncontrollable medical condition?
About a half-hour later I passed the same aisle, discovering that one of the packages of adult diapers had been torn open and a few of its contents strewn on the floor. I figured he had stolen what he needed, but when I consulted with one of the cashiers, she told me that he had bought some! So why did he open the other package? Had he been trying them on?
