Am I the only one here who keeps getting comments from customers that "the girls are faster" or that "a girl provides better service" as opposed to the guys? They aren't doing it to be deliberate I know, but it's more of a subconscious suck. Although they seem to shut up when I mention that "our manager is male, our store manager is male and the fastest scanning rates happen to belong to males."
(all of the above are true, my rate hovers around the 14-16 IPM mark, while one of my male coworkers has a scanning rate of about 19-20)
And my stupid shoplifting tale of the week: bear in mind that I work in a supermarket. We do not keep big boxes hanging around freely, for loss prevention purposes, but the smaller ones we may give to a customer on occasion if they POLITELY ask.
Anyway, customer loads up a box with about $300 worth of goods and attempts to walk out. Simple. Not you really think that we wouldn't notice you walking around with a big box? And we're also required to check big unsealed boxes (the local department stores usually seal the boxes so that they can check for tampering). Needless to say, that made for a fun reshop.
They weren't doing it for profit...or so I thought at the time. When I went to do the reshop later, I discovered that they'd made off with about 8 razor cartridges (the boxes were there but tampered with). Among the lot was a LOT of food, but also two DVDs (we sell DVDs that don't get unlocked, but they're shrinkwrapped), some baby products, three loaves of bread, an avocado and some buk choy.

And my stupid shoplifting tale of the week: bear in mind that I work in a supermarket. We do not keep big boxes hanging around freely, for loss prevention purposes, but the smaller ones we may give to a customer on occasion if they POLITELY ask.
Anyway, customer loads up a box with about $300 worth of goods and attempts to walk out. Simple. Not you really think that we wouldn't notice you walking around with a big box? And we're also required to check big unsealed boxes (the local department stores usually seal the boxes so that they can check for tampering). Needless to say, that made for a fun reshop.
They weren't doing it for profit...or so I thought at the time. When I went to do the reshop later, I discovered that they'd made off with about 8 razor cartridges (the boxes were there but tampered with). Among the lot was a LOT of food, but also two DVDs (we sell DVDs that don't get unlocked, but they're shrinkwrapped), some baby products, three loaves of bread, an avocado and some buk choy.