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"Hydrogen Peroxide Will Make My Dog Throw Up, Right?" And Other Bumfuckery.

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  • "Hydrogen Peroxide Will Make My Dog Throw Up, Right?" And Other Bumfuckery.

    Today I have three tales from Aid of Rite, starting with the earliest happening one.

    "My Kids Make Me Steal".

    So today was the last day of the BOGO Friskies cans and this guy, Cat Food Man, (CFM), middle aged mild mannered type of guy, comes up to my register with a box of it, asks the price and if the sale only applies to the single cans. CFM buys a load of single cans and seems kind of nervous and rushed, and I don't think anything of it as he half runs to the door. Half a second later, LP Guy Anthony is shoving CFM guy towards the backroom and chatting with the police on his cellphone. All the managers run off to the backroom so I'm thinking, "Hm, big bust" in my mind. All confirmed when friendly police officer comes in and gets directed to the backroom.

    Later on I'm bringing the trash to the backroom and Store Manager fills me in on what happened. CFM is in handcuffs chatting to the police and Anthony The guy had been caught stealing superglue and batteries and yelling that his kids make him steal it and this was such an OMG HOOJ inconvenience to him and blah blah blah. Later on I see CFM running past us with his catfood and no police following him, so I don't know the outcome.

    "So...About That Accident..."

    Why is it that people always assume that when there's a car crash in front of any location that the employees inside automatically know what happened. An accident happened in front of the gas station across the street. The only way I knew ANYTHING about it was that someone came in and told us. My register faces away from the street and there's no windows behind me, only the cigarette case. But EVERYONE for the next half hour after that kept asking me if I knew what happened, who hurt who, whatever.

    And finally, my title story.

    "The VET Recommended It!"

    As I'm leaving (after a blessedly long day, ugh....", I'm stopped by a woman who asks if we have syrup of ipecac. When i tell her no, its no longer for sale because it's ineffective for poisoning, she says, "Ok, then I'll pour hydrogen peroxide down my dog's throat. It'll make him throw up, right?" When I say, it's OT a good idea, she says, "Oh but the VET recommended it. It must be safe."

    >_< Whiskey tango foxtrot! Does she NOT get it might KILL him? Oh, and she wanted him to throw up because he ate bad mayonnaise. The dog will end up throwing up ANYWAY.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Ya know theres this really neat thing most animals do if they need to throw up. They eat a bunch of grass a viola instant puke.... well not instant but I say let nature take its course.


    • #3
      If bad mayo didn't make the dog throw up i doubt anything else will.


      • #4
        Hydrogen peroxide will make you safely throw up. I had drank way to much one night and my brother wanted to make me throw up. He gave me a glass of "water" that turned out to be half hydrogen peroxide, minutes later her felt horrible for the extreme wretchig and vomiting noises I was making in the bathroom. Minutes later I was stone sober and he vowed never to put me through that ever again.


        • #5
          Does it? i heard that it would react with your stomach acid much like vinegar does to baking soda.
          Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


          • #6
            It's AWFUL, I could feel lit bubbling up my stomach and then BLECH! Never ever again, I don't allow hydrogen peroxide in the house anymore.


            • #7
              Quoth ralerin View Post
              Does it? i heard that it would react with your stomach acid much like vinegar does to baking soda.
              I wouldn't exactly call it safe. But the by-products of vinegar and baking soda are both safe, same with the by-product of the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and stomach acid. The danger comes from how rapidly it expands. If it expands quickly enough, you could damage your stomach before you vomit.
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



              • #8
                My idiot ex-roommate's dog ate about two pounds of wrapped chocolates. We called the vet. Vet recommended we give the dog hydrogen peroxide by the tablespoonfull till she threw up.

                It worked. No harm done by either the peroxide, the chocolate, or the multicolored aluminum foil wrappers the dog ate. She threw it all back up.


                • #9
                  Hydrogen Peroxide is actually the safe way to induce emesis (make 'um puke) in dogs. The Dosage is something like 1 tablespoon per 10lbs of dog, up to 10 tablespoons. When we have clients call saying their dog ate chocolate or got into the garbage, or something similar, we'll often recommend hydrogen peroxide. That said, we still have clients who will call saying their dog ate rat bait hours ago, if they make the dog vomit, will it be ok? NO... no it will not...

                  And it wouldn't surprise me if the dog didn't throw up the bad mayonnaise. Or at least not until the dog was very sick and vomiting from the damage the mayo had caused.
                  Last edited by Oberonsshadow; 03-08-2009, 09:27 AM. Reason: forgot something
                  Cats are like greatness, Some are born into cat-loving families, some achieve cats and some have cats thrust upon them...


                  • #10
                    How would a dog get bad mayo? Surely the lid of such a horrid substance would be screwed on tight.


                    • #11
                      I just wanted to say that "bumfuckery" is my new favorite word.


                      • #12
                        Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                        How would a dog get bad mayo? Surely the lid of such a horrid substance would be screwed on tight.
                        You'd be amazed what some dogs can get into.
                        I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                        • #13
                          yes, dogs are four footed garbage cans, for all that we love them so much.

                          yes, you can give your dog hydro peroxide to make them vomit, BUT:

                          it must be fresh (from a just opened bottle)

                          given immediately

                          it is a vet recommendation, but given how many idiots there are out in the world with pets, i wouldn't recommend they use it.
                          look! it's ghengis khan!
                          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                          • #14
                            Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                            How would a dog get bad mayo? Surely the lid of such a horrid substance would be screwed on tight.
                            First guess? Sitting on the table (or counter) all nice and closed until dog knocks it off table, breaking the container in the fall.
                            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                            Hoc spatio locantur.


                            • #15
                              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                              My idiot ex-roommate's dog ate about two pounds of wrapped chocolates. We called the vet. Vet recommended we give the dog hydrogen peroxide by the tablespoonfull till she threw up.

                              It worked. No harm done by either the peroxide, the chocolate, or the multicolored aluminum foil wrappers the dog ate. She threw it all back up.
                              My dog ate foil wrapped easter eggs, we didn't know for sure tho. A couple of days later we found 'party shit' in the back yard....(poo with colored foil all through it) so we had our proof. The candy had such low chocolate actually in it that it did not make the dog sick at all.
                              We still make jokes about 'party shit' tho....
                              I no longer fear HELL.
                              I work in RETAIL.

