Just need to vent; it seems that all my pet peeves were visited upon me today. -.-
1. People who do it wrong and have an attitude. If you're Doing It Wrong, ie not putting the nozzle in the car, then don't get all nasty when you're told as much. Especially since I generally prefer to go out and tell customers personally rather than use the intercom; some of these people's reactions make me wish I'd chosen to humilate them instead. -.-
2. Mobile phones. Look retard, there's a sign on every pump with a pictorial warning about not using mobiles on the forecourt. I don't give a crap about you seeing on Science Abuse or Top Gear that mobiles are safe, it's the law, dammit.
3. Asking over and over. This is something that a lot of people do. They ask for a VAT receipt at the beginning of the transaction; I say "Sure" and continue. They then ask again at the end. -.- I am not stupid, or forgetful, or deaf. Sure, if I've obviously forgotten, then yeah, remind me. But I do have to press a button to get the receipt, so it's not going to come out instantaniously. Repeating your request over and over is not going to get it to come out any quicker, it's only going to make you look like a dick.
4. Personal remarks. Such as, "Why do you have your hair like that?" or "Why did you get all those holes in your ears?". I would prefer it if you kept your inane comments to yourself. You wouldn't say these things to a stranger in the street, so please don't say them to a cashier.
5. Repetition. The only reason why I should ever have to repeat myself is cuz a) the customer is deaf or has hearing problems or b) there's background noise. If a customer doesn't hear me cuz they're either yacking on a mobile, cooing over their havoc wrecking children, bitching about something which I have zero control over or just staring into space, it irritates me to death and makes me feel like breaking something. -.-
6. Children. Not all of them, mind; just the ones that cause chaos by running up and down the shop, grabbing stuff off the shelves and screeching like banshees while their parents just stand there and do nothing to control them. If you can't make your children behave in the petrol station, then lock them in the car before you come in to pay. There was once this child who grabbed a load of chocolate bars off the shelf; I pointed this out to the mother, and all she did was pull the chocolate from her child's hands and drop it on the floor. -.- She didn't tell him off or anything; worse, when he started screeching and bellowing cuz she'd taken the chocolate, she bought him some sweets.
7. Moaning about the queues. There are busy times and quiet times. If you happen to come during a busy time, then suck it up cuz there isn't anything we can do about the queues. Sometimes there's just two of us in the shop, so we can't magic an extra staff member out of midair to put on the third till.
8. Money throwers. I've had people just throw their money down and leave, often pushing in, cuz they're too impatient to wait in line like everyone else. I even had some arsehole throw a wadded up couple of notes at my head. O_o
9. Demanding cashback. We have a sign on every till stating we don't do cashback, it would be nice (tho asking the impossible) if people could, you know, READ THE EFFING SIGN rather than asking for cashback and getting all pissy cuz we don't and never have done it.
10. Last-minuters. There have been some very rude and abusive SCs who have rolled up after closing time and then started hurling abuse just cuz we refused to reopen the petrol station for them. These idiots are why I hate working Sundays (we close at six on Sunday) cuz we always seem to get a dozen of them. Not to mention the less vitriolic but almost as irritating people who wander into the shop to dawdle around and look at everything, delaying my cashing up and getting the hell out of there. -.- I'm not paid after six, so I resent having to work after six cuz of people who can't just grab something, pay for it and get the hell out.
There will probably be more as they come to me. XD Feel free to add on to this list if you have another petrol peeve.
1. People who do it wrong and have an attitude. If you're Doing It Wrong, ie not putting the nozzle in the car, then don't get all nasty when you're told as much. Especially since I generally prefer to go out and tell customers personally rather than use the intercom; some of these people's reactions make me wish I'd chosen to humilate them instead. -.-
2. Mobile phones. Look retard, there's a sign on every pump with a pictorial warning about not using mobiles on the forecourt. I don't give a crap about you seeing on Science Abuse or Top Gear that mobiles are safe, it's the law, dammit.
3. Asking over and over. This is something that a lot of people do. They ask for a VAT receipt at the beginning of the transaction; I say "Sure" and continue. They then ask again at the end. -.- I am not stupid, or forgetful, or deaf. Sure, if I've obviously forgotten, then yeah, remind me. But I do have to press a button to get the receipt, so it's not going to come out instantaniously. Repeating your request over and over is not going to get it to come out any quicker, it's only going to make you look like a dick.
4. Personal remarks. Such as, "Why do you have your hair like that?" or "Why did you get all those holes in your ears?". I would prefer it if you kept your inane comments to yourself. You wouldn't say these things to a stranger in the street, so please don't say them to a cashier.
5. Repetition. The only reason why I should ever have to repeat myself is cuz a) the customer is deaf or has hearing problems or b) there's background noise. If a customer doesn't hear me cuz they're either yacking on a mobile, cooing over their havoc wrecking children, bitching about something which I have zero control over or just staring into space, it irritates me to death and makes me feel like breaking something. -.-
6. Children. Not all of them, mind; just the ones that cause chaos by running up and down the shop, grabbing stuff off the shelves and screeching like banshees while their parents just stand there and do nothing to control them. If you can't make your children behave in the petrol station, then lock them in the car before you come in to pay. There was once this child who grabbed a load of chocolate bars off the shelf; I pointed this out to the mother, and all she did was pull the chocolate from her child's hands and drop it on the floor. -.- She didn't tell him off or anything; worse, when he started screeching and bellowing cuz she'd taken the chocolate, she bought him some sweets.

7. Moaning about the queues. There are busy times and quiet times. If you happen to come during a busy time, then suck it up cuz there isn't anything we can do about the queues. Sometimes there's just two of us in the shop, so we can't magic an extra staff member out of midair to put on the third till.
8. Money throwers. I've had people just throw their money down and leave, often pushing in, cuz they're too impatient to wait in line like everyone else. I even had some arsehole throw a wadded up couple of notes at my head. O_o
9. Demanding cashback. We have a sign on every till stating we don't do cashback, it would be nice (tho asking the impossible) if people could, you know, READ THE EFFING SIGN rather than asking for cashback and getting all pissy cuz we don't and never have done it.
10. Last-minuters. There have been some very rude and abusive SCs who have rolled up after closing time and then started hurling abuse just cuz we refused to reopen the petrol station for them. These idiots are why I hate working Sundays (we close at six on Sunday) cuz we always seem to get a dozen of them. Not to mention the less vitriolic but almost as irritating people who wander into the shop to dawdle around and look at everything, delaying my cashing up and getting the hell out of there. -.- I'm not paid after six, so I resent having to work after six cuz of people who can't just grab something, pay for it and get the hell out.

There will probably be more as they come to me. XD Feel free to add on to this list if you have another petrol peeve.