So this guy comes in about 2-3 times a week and hes a complete prick.Well this girl comes in about once a week and shes a bitch.These two are father and daughter I found out through this story.Proof that the rotten apple doesn't fall far from the rotten tree. On to the story.....
This jackass comes in with his daughter ,but you never would have guess they were related at all.They never said one word to each other or even made eye contact.They also said nothing to me the whole time they were in the store.Well the jackass comes up to pay for a .75 newspaper with a 20.00 bill(how I hate 20.00 bills).Well he leaves as I'm making his change.I think oh well lots of pop and candy money for the employee jar.Well about 2-3 mins later his daughter comes up and throws her validation card at me and holds out her hand
as if shes expecting change. And this conversation happens.
Me-Kill me now
BD-Bitchy daughter
Me-Can I help you?
BD-Yeah I need validation and my daddys change.
Me-What huh(I was really confused).
BD-That was my daddy and I want that change.(she looked like a three year old getting ready to throw a fit)
Me-Oh that was you're dad.You two never said anything to me about who got the change,he walked out.You need to go get him.
BD-No I want the change,Thats my daddys money
Me-No sorry I need some proof,you need to go get him.
BD-Runs out the door,screaming Daddy,Daddy in the lobby.
Well the jackass and BD comes back and he says "give my baby her change,anyone would have known to do that "
I tell him VERY FIRMLY that next time he has to open his mouth and tell me what he wants next time,that .I don't pay that much attention to customer's lives to know who related and whos not. That he had plenty of time to tell me the situatuion while being waited on. BD got her daddys change and they left while saying typical SC thing like stupid and moron under their breath.
This jackass comes in with his daughter ,but you never would have guess they were related at all.They never said one word to each other or even made eye contact.They also said nothing to me the whole time they were in the store.Well the jackass comes up to pay for a .75 newspaper with a 20.00 bill(how I hate 20.00 bills).Well he leaves as I'm making his change.I think oh well lots of pop and candy money for the employee jar.Well about 2-3 mins later his daughter comes up and throws her validation card at me and holds out her hand
as if shes expecting change. And this conversation happens.
Me-Kill me now
BD-Bitchy daughter
Me-Can I help you?
BD-Yeah I need validation and my daddys change.
Me-What huh(I was really confused).
BD-That was my daddy and I want that change.(she looked like a three year old getting ready to throw a fit)
Me-Oh that was you're dad.You two never said anything to me about who got the change,he walked out.You need to go get him.
BD-No I want the change,Thats my daddys money
Me-No sorry I need some proof,you need to go get him.
BD-Runs out the door,screaming Daddy,Daddy in the lobby.
Well the jackass and BD comes back and he says "give my baby her change,anyone would have known to do that "
I tell him VERY FIRMLY that next time he has to open his mouth and tell me what he wants next time,that .I don't pay that much attention to customer's lives to know who related and whos not. That he had plenty of time to tell me the situatuion while being waited on. BD got her daddys change and they left while saying typical SC thing like stupid and moron under their breath.