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I saw you.

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  • I saw you.

    Dear asshole at Home Depot.

    I saw you.
    I saw you idling.
    I saw you idling while triple parked.
    I saw you idling while triple parked across 3 handicapped spots.

    I hope you burn in hell.

    yeah that's pretty much all I wanted to say.

  • #2
    Quoth Icelator View Post
    I saw you idling while triple parked across 3 handicapped spots.
    Dear lord, how could he manage that, was he driving a bus? I'd be in awe if he/she/it wasn't such a jerk.
    "This isn't a home, this is a swirling vortex of entropy." - Sheldon "The Big Bang Theory"


    • #3
      back in high school i sometimes parked in four spaces. other times i was just late and parked in the space the cop left, right up front

      ya i was a dumbass, never got in trouble, though
      To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.

      my blog -->
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      • #4
        Quoth Calie View Post
        Dear lord, how could he manage that, was he driving a bus? I'd be in awe if he/she/it wasn't such a jerk.
        sideways across three spots, his front quarter in one, middle half in another and last quarter in the third.


        • #5
          Am I the only one who read that and thought of The Simpsons episode where Marge becomes a cop?

          "You have the right to remain silent."
          "I choose to waive that right. AHHHHHHHHAHAHHH!!!"
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...


          • #6
            Swift kick in the shins would do him some good.... But I think a parking ticked would be better served.
            "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


            • #7
              Quoth Icelator View Post
              Dear asshole at Home Depot.

              I saw you.
              I saw you idling.
              I saw you idling while triple parked.
              I saw you idling while triple parked across 3 handicapped spots.
              Do you see that pretty Indian deity behind you winding up to hit you? Her name's Karma.


              • #8
                Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
                But I think a parking ticked would be better served.
                I don't know about you, but I'm thinking that 3 spots = 3 tickets.


                • #9
                  and a tow

                  i personally hate when people take up multiple spots. i don't care if their car is fancydancy... the rest of us need to park too.


                  • #10
                    Used to be assholes in school, if we saw someone parked like that, we nudged in as close as we could so they couldn't leave..... then there was the forklift story but that's for a different thread
                    Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
                    pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


                    • #11
                      Quoth PepperElf View Post
                      and a tow

                      couldn't, he was in the car, I think he was waiting for someone in the store, I didn't see if he had a handicap sticker or not (not that that would make it ok)

                      This was a few months ago and it was really cold out so I didn't realize what I had seen until I was already inside.

                      I should have told a manager or something.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Icelator View Post
                        I saw you idling while triple parked.
                        I saw you idling while triple parked across 3 handicapped spots.
                        Does "triple parked" refer to the fact he was taking up 3 spaces, or was there someone else double parked, also?
                        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                        • #13
                          There seems to be a bit of confusion over this from multiple people this should help illustrate:


                          • #14
                            Quoth Icelator View Post
                            couldn't, he was in the car, I think he was waiting for someone in the store, I didn't see if he had a handicap sticker or not (not that that would make it ok)
                            I'm wagering not. I think a truly handicapped person would be considerate of others who might have legitimate need for those spots.

                            Bet it was a substitute penis SUV/big fancy sports car or Mercedes or something also.

                            A person really ought to be allowed to wail on handicap parking offenders with a baseball bat to within an inch of their life. If you're not handicapped when you pull into the space, you'll definitely be handicapped after having done it.
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              While in principle, I agree, and certainly this particular douche-bag invited it, there have been so many good examples, on this very forum even, of people who validly use the space whilst appearing not to be valid users.

                              If you see someone parked in just the one disability space, and either they don't have the tag or they "don't look disabled", let it be. Report the plate to the cops for not having the tag if you want, but don't engage.

                              Chances are some disabled person is about to come and get in that car, and has the tag with them or something. Or they're genuinely disabled but don't look it. Or heck, they just flail right back at you with the knife or gun you didn't know they had.
                              Last edited by One-Fang; 03-13-2009, 05:52 AM. Reason: added a very essential 'not'

