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  • Complaints

    I don't mind a legit complaint every now and then, but I don't understand why some people can't ever give GOOD comments. I know personally I've bent over backwards for some customers including a life saving event or two, and not once did any of the douchebags ever call and give a kind word about me.

    But god forbid you didn't have the proper angle at your lips when you smile, or they'll spend the rest of their lives trying to get you fired.

  • #2
    We were out to eat for my Mother's birthday yesterday, at Bob Evans. While we were in the lobby waiting for a table to open up, a young man brought out two chairs for my parents to sit down. Our waitress was also absolutely perfect, so I made a point of finding the manager and telling her how wonderful they were. Good things should never go unmentioned.
    Even if someone has a complaint, they should try not to be a big ol' CS about it. But, then this site wouldn't need to exist.


    • #3 Legitimate complaints are one thing, but "being rude" or something unspecific annoy us all at this tax office.

      A CW had one who got PO'ed b/c she got audited over understated income from a debt cancellation and 401k withdrawl. Did SC bring the 1099's? Need I answer?
      I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

      Who is John Galt?
      -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

