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Yummy green things with a side of suck

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  • Yummy green things with a side of suck

    Subtle suckiness at its finest!

    So I was checking this lady out, and so far throughout the transaction she had been making small talk with me, and was being polite. And here’s the part where it all went wrong.
    SC: So is your day just starting or are you almost done?
    Me: Well, I’m about halfway done. I started at noon today.
    SC: Did you get to sleep in?
    Me: Yeah, until 10.
    SC: I wish I could sleep in too, but unfortunately, I have a real job and need to wake up at 6 every morning.

    I glanced at my bagger, who gave the cat butt face. I turned back to the customer and replied, “Let’s see, I get a check every other week and I pay my taxes, so I would say this is a real job.”

    She didn’t say anything to that, just handed me the money to pay, and left. I ended her transaction with a big, cheery “Have a great day!” After she left, my bagger whispered to me, “What a bitch!” I agreed.

    Really, just because I work different hours every day, means my job isn’t real? I fail to see her logic behind that one. Whether it’s part-time or full-time, it’s still a job, right??

    Would you like some Beano for your brain farts?
    WL: Weirdo Lady

    *phone rings*
    Me: Thank you for calling (grocery store), this is Buzzy, how can I help you?
    WL: Yeah, I wanna talk to one of them ladies that makes them yummy green things.
    Me: I'm sorry, I don't understand what you’re looking for, can you be more specific?
    WL: You know, they make them green things and they're pretty tasty, and the ladies back there make 'em and such and you can watch ‘em.
    Me: Ma’am, would you be talking about the bakery? (nobody else in the store does any decorating things... except Floral, but that's in the FRONT of the store, not the BACK)
    WL: Yeah, the bakery! Send me to the bakery!
    Me: Ok, please hold.

    I put her on hold, paged Bakery, and then told my coworker about the call. We lol’d. I had no idea what they make in the bakery that's green. Perhaps she meant an organic cake or something? I guess I'll never know.

    I don’t need your unsolicited advice, thanks.

    I was at the customer service desk one day, and a customer had just asked me if I could write out a rain check for a couple of items. Sure, no problem. I began to write them out, when she nearly shouted, “You really shouldn’t write like that!”
    Me: *confused*
    SC: The way you are holding the pen is bad for your hands! You’re going to get arthritis! I used to hold my pen like that and now I have horrible arthritis!
    Me: I’m sorry to hear that… (honestly, I couldn’t think of anything else to say!)
    SC: I really think you should change the way you write! Immediately!
    Me: *thinking, “YES MA’AM, RIGHT AWAY MA’AM!”* Here are your rain checks, ma’am, have a good one!

    Wha…? Don’t most people get arthritis as they age? I’m pretty sure I’ll get it no matter how I hold my pen when I write.

    Delicious manners! You should try some!

    This guy I had to check out today was really annoying.

    Me: Hi, did you find everything you needed?
    Annoying Guy: *looks at me and says nothing*
    Me: (okay, not a talkative one, whatever. I scan his things and tell him the total)
    AG: *whips out his checkbook* PEN!!! *motions with his hand towards where I keep the pens, and glares at me*
    Me: *gives him the pen* Here you go, sir.
    AG: *begins writing out his check. He glares at me again* DATE!!!
    Me: The Sixteenth.

    He slams the check down at me and just fucking glares at me. I don’t know what his problem is, but I just take the check and finish the transaction, and give him his receipt, which he balls up and drops on my register, still glaring at me. I tell him to have a good evening, and he replies with a grunt.

  • #2
    Ugh...who crapped in that last guy's cornflakes...

    The first SC sounds like my husband. I work part time at home and no, compared to him (he's a software developer) I don't make a lot, but I do make SOMETHING. Next time he tells me to get a real job I'm going to tell him I'm taking my fake paychecks back!
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


    • #3
      Quoth Buzzy View Post
      AG: *begins writing out his check. He glares at me again* DATE!!!
      I don't think I could have resisted the urge to reply, "Sorry, you're really not my type."


      • #4

        Quoth Buzzy View Post
        Subtle suckiness at its finest!

        I had no idea what they make in the bakery that's green.
        I feel a sneeze coming on, that should provide them with something green.


        • #5
          On the whole "real job" thing. I actually had someone say that to me back when I worked graves. The funny thing is that I made about $5 more per hour then they did.
          I guess my job isn't a real job, I don't have to take my work home/on vacation with me, I get to sleep in, I can call off pretty much any time I want, and I work 4 ten hour shifts. So every weekend is a 3 day weekend. Yup, poor me and my fake job. /sarcasm
          "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

          ...Beware the voice without a face...


          • #6
            Quoth Stryker One View Post
            I feel a sneeze coming on, that should provide them with something green.
            hehe! I love it!

            I've had a few customers like SC #1. They'll had me their card and tell me to call them when I feel like really working. I'm sorry I must have imagined my 60 hr work weeks!

            The last guy just needs a good smack upside the head! ( I wish I could whip out my beating spoodle!)
            Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


            • #7
              In my mind when I says "I need to get a real job", I usually mean one that doesn't suck. I never use it in reference to anyone else's job, because it's not my place to say that.


              • #8
                I had no idea what they make in the bakery that's green.
                special brownies perhaps?


                • #9
                  Maybe the yummy green things were produce trays?

                  As for the real job part, you're working several hours later than her.


                  • #10
                    Quoth malmalthekiller View Post
                    In my mind when I says "I need to get a real job", I usually mean one that doesn't suck. I never use it in reference to anyone else's job, because it's not my place to say that.
                    Word. Although I'm pretty sure a monkey could do my current job.
                    I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                    • #11
                      Quoth Buzzy View Post
                      SC: I wish I could sleep in too, but unfortunately, I have a real job and need to wake up at 6 every morning.
                      I bet you she'd be pretty angry if there were no more people doing your job since it isn't "real".
                      It's like the people in Vegas who have sex in video-monitored elevators.. -MoxisPilot
                      The elevators are monitored?!!! OH CRAP!!! -Sheldonrs


                      • #12
                        Quoth Danno View Post
                        I don't think I could have resisted the urge to reply, "Sorry, you're really not my type."
                        Thanks, I just sprayed snot out of my nose.


                        • #13
                          The whole "real job" thing sorta reminds me of my parents who did accept I would take a break from college for one semester, but are now doing all they can to send me back there, when I came to realize that a job that requires a higher level of education would probably not make me happier. And they look at me like I'm a weirdo whenever I try to explain this and the fact what I want to do with my life is to keep a woman emotionally and physically happy. On that topic, I have all the trouble in the world even approaching a hot woman, but I'm working on that REAL hard.
                          Long days, short nights, a bottle of NOS makes it all right.

                          Canadians Unite !


                          • #14
                            Quoth Buzzy View Post
                            SC: I wish I could sleep in too, but unfortunately, I have a real job and need to wake up at 6 every morning.
                            Ah yes, the ever-popular "sleep deprivation is a virtue" stance. It doesn't matter if you worked till midnight and got home at two a.m.; in these people's view, you are simply being slothful if you sleep past 7:00. And of course any job that does not run from 8 am-5 pm is not a real job; it is an excuse for sleeping in and being lazy. (Usually these are the same people who will say you are "selfish" for making any choice that is not identical to their own, I find).

                            Of course, you KNOW these are the first people to complain that they are being "inconvenienced" when the shops aren't open 24 hours...

                            I had to break my own mother of that attitude. It wasn't pretty.
                            Last edited by Buglady; 03-17-2009, 05:47 PM. Reason: forgot something


                            • #15
                              I've gotten the 'Real Job" thing over and over.

                              Because the Library is only open to the public on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10AM to 4:30 PM, people think those are the only hours we work. Like Retail, 70 to 90% of Library work is stuff that the public never sees.

                              It was about 17 years into our marriage before my SIL realized that I had a full-time Monday to Friday job.

                              When I'm getting ready to leave work I see security people coming in for the 4 PM to Midnight shift. When I arrive in the morning I see people checking out from their Midnight to 8AM shifts.

                              I don't envy them but I salute people who must work at odd times. Sometimes, they have to shift their shifts around in ways I know I couldn't do. Kudos to them!
                              Research is the art of reading what everyone has read and seeing what no one else has seen.

