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Give me the bloody information!

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  • Give me the bloody information!

    Some of you may be aware that in my spare (Ha!) time I do volunteer for <First Aid Charity>, we cover sports events and other gatherings of people in any one place.

    Last week I was at one such event, one of the largest in our calenders, this event is so large it takes five and half thousand staff just to run it.

    So I'm there doing my thing when we called to a person who has collapsed, we get there are fast as our little legs will carry us and find a little old lady sat on a sofa. One thing that we need to know is any past medical history, this (for obvious reasons) is quite important.

    I'm chatting to the partner of <Little Old Lady> and ask if there is any history of cardiac problems, he says "No".

    I then hear my collegue talking to said little old lady about her previous heart attack. Hang on.

    A heart attack is a fucking cardiac condition, this form is no longer worth the paper it's written on. We don't ask these very specific questions for the sheer fun of it, it's for a damn good reason, tell us so we can treat you in the best possible manner!
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

  • #2
    Cardiac condition... are you sure he'd understand this expression?
    Them's mightily difficult words, after all...
    I still miss my ex.
    But my aim is getting better.


    • #3
      Oh yer, he was an intelligent chap, I did explain it in laymans terms too though, just to be sure...
      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #4
        Sad as it is, perhaps it was a brain fart. I went to the dentist and they asked me if anything had changed in my medical history since they last saw me. I said no. ...wait a minute. I had surgery, didn't I? I guess that might be a change.

        Granted, it's not something I think about and it certainly doesn't affect my day to day or future life. The little old lady having a heart attack and now having some other medical emergency is a bit different.

        But hey, perhaps the guy's just an idiot.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          I did a bone scan on this old guy once and a couple of his ribs were lighting up. So, I asked if he'd ever had cancer. No. Any recent injuries or falls. No. So I go get one of the techs, S, to take a look.

          S: *looks at the image* Sir, have you had any falls recently?
          OG: Well, I fell off my ladder a couple weeks ago.

          Grr. Way to make me look bad, old guy.
          I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)

