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Well I wound her clock

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  • Well I wound her clock

    Let's just say I'm bit of an asshole myself. No, I'm not gonig to say "If you want respect give me respect" but I will say if you ignore me I'm going to bring the artillary.

    So last Tue. night I am making my rounds on the floor, seeing if anyone needs help. I see a boy (maybe 8) asleep on one of our sofas and about equal amount of distance from him are people at tables. I can't tell who he belongs to, since any adult are about 20 ft away . And you are not suppose to sleep at the library, unless you are an infant.

    So I get close to him and say, "Hi, you can't sleep in the library" maybe 4x. I'm looking around, hoping a parent will notice me. Finally a woman on her laptop and with earphones on looks up and says, "he's with me." I get close (not in her face close) and tell her he can't sleep in the library. She ignores me.

    Now, if she said something like, "Some of the librarians let him sleep" or "some librarians told me depending on the circumstances a kid can sleep here" I might have still told her he can't sleep here. But if we could have started a conversation, maybe she tell me her point without being an sc, then I probably be ok. Heck, if she just nodded her head, like she understood what I was saying, I would just ignore the kid.

    Now I will admit, I shouldn't have said anything about an 8 year old asleep. Parents are on the most part jerks. They will complain about other kids but if anyone says anything about their kid they will jump up like mad hyenas and try to tear your face off. So I figured this isn't going well.

    I decided to get security to talk to her. Maybe if she talks to them they will be more comfortable with her. They did take training to talk to people.

    Of course bitch says to them "Some librarians say it's ok for kids to sleep depending on the circumstances". And she was loud. Luckily she didn't come looking for me, but I have a feeling she is one of those people who think everyone is full of shit and she is a victim because she doesn't do anything.

    And she wrote a letter and an email saying that she and her child was threatened with expulsion (which I certainly didn't tell her) and that we threaten to throw her and her son out when there was someone else around playing loud music-which I'm surprised she heard since she had her headphones on (no one was playing loud music when I was on the floor. I will tell people to lower their music).

    So today I get a talking to. *sigh*

    You know, if I stop telling people to wake up, not to take our stuff into the bathroom, not to eat or drink, not to destroy our property, just because I'm afraid someone will get all bent out of shape and complain, then our library will become hobo city. It's bad enough the cops don't want to come in here, and the cops want to speak with the manager to tell him how to keep problems from happening in here, but I don't want to play favorites and only bother the hobos. Some hobos are nicer than some ties who walk in here.

    But maybe I should just keep my eyes closed here.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    My goodness. Since when did library "customer's" EW-like opinions trump safety and security? Your managers drive my brain crazy. Yipes. *headdesk*
    1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
    ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)


    • #3
      Maybe you should start documenting all of these occurences and then have a meeting with your supervisor. Then you can ask what are the rules regarding those situations and ask how they would like you to handle it in the future. The sneaky part about it is that since you are following the rules they shouldn't be able to come up with anything to tell you. If those are the rules you should tell them that in the future you would appreciate them backing you up.

      Or to be even more sneaky, compile everything and then ask your boss about how to handle "hypothetical" situations and then when they tell you to do exactly what you did, ask them why they didn't back you up in the real situation.

      It's worked for me. Usually bosses end up so flummoxed that they don't know what to do other that point out the obvious that you are in fact doing your job correctly.


      • #4
        In the meeting, they (it was my supervisor and my manager) asked me why we have the rules. Then they said that though we don't just aim the rules for the homeless people, that I should be more lenient toward the elderly, students who were working on homework and they were tired, and I forget what else.

        Also, how a kid might feel with a security guard looming over him. That the kid might be scared.

        In other words, I'm suppose to not bring any problems so if we all ignore patrons doing wrong, we will be ok.

        What burned me was the mother wasn't listening to the rules, she was hearing someone attacking her parenting. And the chief of the library treated this like it was something serious. When all it is is the mother is blowing this up out of proportion.
        Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

        Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

        I wish porn had subtitles.


        • #5
          That just sounds like they are inviting complete and utter chaos and double standards. It's one thing to have them ask you to use your own judgement on a case by case basis, but it's quite another to outright have double standards. That's really sucky management.

          The mom is no prize either. That's still a management issue too. They should believe your word over the patrons.

          I'm sorry you have to deal with such sucky management.


          • #6
            Quoth RootedPhoenix View Post
            My goodness. Since when did library "customer's" EW-like opinions trump safety and security?
            You should see the library where I work. I was pretty good buddies with one of the guards awhile back, and he told me stories all the in the world won't make go away. That and the library director has a spine that makes jello look sturdy. I've been petitioning for years to give the local cops a desk to do their paperwork and save us the phone calls.
            I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


            • #7
              Quoth depechemodefan View Post
              You know, if I stop telling people to wake up, not to take our stuff into the bathroom, not to eat or drink, not to destroy our property, just because I'm afraid someone will get all bent out of shape and complain, then our library will become hobo city.

              I know when you became a librarian, this isn't what you had in mind.


              • #8
                Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                In the meeting, they (it was my supervisor and my manager) asked me why we have the rules. Then they said that though we don't just aim the rules for the homeless people, that I should be more lenient toward the elderly, students who were working on homework and they were tired, and I forget what else.
                I would suggest asking why they feel that the homeless should be treated with less respect than anyone else in the library. And if they keep pulling this kind of crap, maybe you should contact someone from higher up about your manager's policies, if that's possible.


                • #9
                  Quoth Mordecai View Post
                  I would suggest asking why they feel that the homeless should be treated with less respect than anyone else in the library. And if they keep pulling this kind of crap, maybe you should contact someone from higher up about your manager's policies, if that's possible.
                  I can see management's view on the double standard. They don't want to run a hotel for the homeless so instead of kicking them out, they've made a blanket rule...BUT, at the same time, they want to be available to those who really need the library and sometimes those people nod off. Reading for me is simply the best sleeping pill. Five pages and I'm out (made some of my history classes in college painful). The blanket rule is better than the discrimination and I don't think the OP is out of line in enforcing it. If they want to be fair, then they need to be fair. Period. The only leniency I would show, I would show to everyone: if you're out for less than 20 mins, you're safe but if you're down for more than 20, you're getting a wake-up and a booting if necessary.

                  I often feel like giving the SCs the right answer on these threads. The correct response should have been: "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. He's a bit knackered; been so busy today. Do you mind if I give him a few more minutes before I wake him?" There. Polite and asking for your way at the same time. Peoples, it ain't that difficult.

                  DMF, I think you did a fine job. Sorry your manager didn't give you the right amount of support.
                  Interesting Fodder:


                  • #10
                    Quoth bloodrose View Post
                    I can see management's view on the double standard. They don't want to run a hotel for the homeless so instead of kicking them out, they've made a blanket rule...BUT, at the same time, they want to be available to those who really need the library and sometimes those people nod off. Reading for me is simply the best sleeping pill. Five pages and I'm out (made some of my history classes in college painful). The blanket rule is better than the discrimination and I don't think the OP is out of line in enforcing it. If they want to be fair, then they need to be fair. Period. The only leniency I would show, I would show to everyone: if you're out for less than 20 mins, you're safe but if you're down for more than 20, you're getting a wake-up and a booting if necessary.

                    DMF, I think you did a fine job. Sorry your manager didn't give you the right amount of support.
                    Thanks everybody for the encouragement. I thought I was bordering on being a bitch. I guess this job mind-wipped me into thinking I am.

                    The management want us to be customer friendly, but they are confussing assertiveness for agressiveness on my part. And confussing agressiveness on the customers' part as the customers' right.
                    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                    I wish porn had subtitles.


                    • #11
                      Sheesh. It's a library, not their home. My county's public libraries don't put up with any non-sense (Thank God).
                      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                      • #12
                        Well at the library I do security at generally we are some what lenient when it comes to sleepers. Generally if they appear intoxicated or it's obvious they came into the library for the sole purpose to have a snooze we will give them a warning and if they go back to sleep they get told to leave. The situation you described I would of most likely would looked for a parent to make sure the kid hadn't of came in on his own but wouldn't of woke the kid up as he really isn't harming anybody, kids get tired it really isn't a huge deal . Now If there was no one around obviously I would gently wake the kid up and ask who he came with and where they are. Pretty much it's case by case with us. If we see a student who fell asleep we leave him be or if they been asleep for a while we will check on them to make sure there ok


                        • #13
                          Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
                          My county's public libraries don't put up with any non-sense (Thank God).
                          My local library doesn't tolerate it either. Cause trouble, you'll be asked to knock it off. Continue to do it, and you'll be asked to leave. Refuse...and they call the cops. I should mention that we don't have a problem with the homeless....mainly because people don't hesitate to "run them off." Also, since our libraries are taxpayer-funded...they have no choice but to chase the "bums" out. Otherwise, they'd soon find themselves out of work
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

