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No, I will not make them stop laughing

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  • No, I will not make them stop laughing

    It's no secret that I'm a receptionist. I get to deal with all manner of idiots customers on a daily basis.

    It never fails that a customer will complain about the wait for customer service to request service, order supplies or bitch about their bill.

    But there was a customer who called today that made me go "huh?"

    Apparently there was a small outage at the call center and the phones went down for about half an hour. Half an hour in customer waiting terms= an eternity. Oh noes!

    After wading through the calls from customers and telling them for the umpteenth time that no I did not know when the phones would be back up I get a cranky customer who demands that I take his service call. I tell him I can't, but I can take his info and e-mail it to call center, because they can at least page the techs via online to try and lessen the load.

    As I'm getting his info, a group of reps get off the elevator by the front desk, all laughing over something. They were a bit loud, but not so loud that I couldn't hear the customer. That's when he really started bitching.

    Me: [confirming customer's info] I'll pass this on to the service center. If you don't hear from a tech in two hours, please call back and we'll get you to a service manager
    Customer: Are they laughing at me? Make them stop laughing!
    Me: Sir?
    Customer: You are laughing. This is not funny! My machine is down, I need it..rabble rabble rabble
    Me: Sir, I'm sorry those were just some reps. Sometimes they're loud
    Customer: Make them stop laughing! They are not allowed to laugh. Make them stop now!
    Me: I'm sorry sir, I can't do that. I don't possess the capability to physically snip each and everyone's laugh center of the brain. Is there anything else you need today?
    Customer:.... *click*
    Random conversation:
    Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
    DDD: Cuz it's cool

    So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

  • #2
    Quoth fma_fanatic View Post
    Me: I'm sorry sir, I can't do that. I don't possess the capability to physically snip each and everyone's laugh center of the brain. Is there anything else you need today?
    Customer:.... *click*
    *bows* that was awesome!
    Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum! - Don't you dare erase my hard disk!

    This is Tech Support, not Customer Service.
    What's the difference?
    We're allowed to tell you "no".


    • #3
      Better than swallowing them whole because you got spurned by the young girl who invited you into the bath house...
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        My very first job was working fast food. The assistant manager at the time would chew people out for laughing. That's right, we weren't allowed to enjoy ourselves while working.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Quoth rose_metal_nz View Post
          *bows* that was awesome!
          Thank you. Thank you. There are some days where I'm at a loss for a good quip. Other days it just happens.

          I'm almost sorry the manager who sits near my desk wasn't in. He's in Hawaii. He gets a kick out of how I handle the customers some days.
          Random conversation:
          Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
          DDD: Cuz it's cool

          So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


          • #6
            Quoth Juwl View Post
            Better than swallowing them whole because you got spurned by the young girl who invited you into the bath house...
            Are you sure? Because that would totally work.....but then they'd probably taste pretty bad.............
            Now a member of that alien race called Management.

            Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.

