Party girl of about 31 or thereabouts walks into my store at 1:30 AM, wanting a pack of cigarettes. Pathetic girl wobbles as she stands and half of her speech is so badly slurred that I wonder how the hell she made it to my station in one piece.
So I decided to something a tad bit different, while she isn't looking, I quietly picked up the phone and dialed 911 and left the headset laying on the counter.
So I get her talking and used my deafness (really I am deaf) to get her to talk louder than normal, hoping the dispatch listening gets the idea what I am dealing with.
So I stall her a bit by talking with her, asking how the party was and some small topic conversation, while praying in the back of my mind that a cop gets his or her butt down here before she attempts to leave.
3 minutes later a cop comes walking in, the drunk gal hears a ding from the door and she turns around towards the sound. Didn't even take a second for her to turn as white as a sheet seeing this cop coming her way.
While she wasn't looking, I nudged my head towards her while I'm looking at him. So he eyeballs the lady and starts talking to her.
With her back turned, I quietly then hung up the phone.
Reason for that is because, with her drunken state, I was afraid if I called the cops in front or near within earshot, she may panic and leave the store.
On top of that, I wasn't sure if she walked or drove as the store does have a parking space at the side of the building, so I won't necessarily see a car pull up the side. So I wasn't gonna take any chances of her bolting and may harm herself or someone else in the process.
So with a sigh of relief that a cop is there and he's in the process of checking her out.
I come to find out while listening to her story to the cop, she had gotten a ride with someone from a bar she just met and asked to be driven home.
On the way to her destination, he pulls a "by the way" trick (oldest one in the world), he asked that when they arrive at her place, he wanted to have sex. So when she said no, he suddenly stopped his car and told her to get out.
And so you know the rest.
So, the cops then have her 2 options, call someone to pick her up and take her home or end up going to jail.
So she grabs her cell and called 2 people. Both said no and I don't blame them. Who likes getting called at 2 AM listening to her beg and plead because she didn't want to go to jail.
The girl then admittedly said she can't find a ride. He told her she's going to jail.
She screams and covers her eyes, "Oh, no!" and she then pulls a fake fainting spell and comes crashing down on a stand containing bags of nuts. Flattens the whole damn thing.
I swore she broke it, but (whew) it wasn't. The frames slid away from each other instead of hanging on together, most of it supported by an eraser head sized pegs. So luckily for me I was able to reassemble the whole thing and put my back in a wringer picking up all these bags of nuts off the floor.
Anyway, so there she lays on top of the flattened shelf with the cop standing directly her fake "motionless" body. He starts rolling his eyes and gritted his teeth with obvious refrain of a few choiced words. He then yells for her to get her ass up off the floor and so she did.
He whirls her around and gets into the handcuffing position. I told the cop if I can't reassemble the shelf, I'm gonna need a damage report. He said he'll send someone in for that while he's taking her ass over to jail. (and not a happy camper at that.)
So about an hour after I finished reassembling the shelf with the bags of nuts back in place, the cop comes in with a damage report sheet. There are some cracks on the shelf, so to be on the safe side, to get the damage report in case the owner of that shelf wants to replace it and file the damage to his insurance company.
What a dozy of a night
So I decided to something a tad bit different, while she isn't looking, I quietly picked up the phone and dialed 911 and left the headset laying on the counter.
So I get her talking and used my deafness (really I am deaf) to get her to talk louder than normal, hoping the dispatch listening gets the idea what I am dealing with.
So I stall her a bit by talking with her, asking how the party was and some small topic conversation, while praying in the back of my mind that a cop gets his or her butt down here before she attempts to leave.
3 minutes later a cop comes walking in, the drunk gal hears a ding from the door and she turns around towards the sound. Didn't even take a second for her to turn as white as a sheet seeing this cop coming her way.
While she wasn't looking, I nudged my head towards her while I'm looking at him. So he eyeballs the lady and starts talking to her.
With her back turned, I quietly then hung up the phone.
Reason for that is because, with her drunken state, I was afraid if I called the cops in front or near within earshot, she may panic and leave the store.
On top of that, I wasn't sure if she walked or drove as the store does have a parking space at the side of the building, so I won't necessarily see a car pull up the side. So I wasn't gonna take any chances of her bolting and may harm herself or someone else in the process.
So with a sigh of relief that a cop is there and he's in the process of checking her out.
I come to find out while listening to her story to the cop, she had gotten a ride with someone from a bar she just met and asked to be driven home.
On the way to her destination, he pulls a "by the way" trick (oldest one in the world), he asked that when they arrive at her place, he wanted to have sex. So when she said no, he suddenly stopped his car and told her to get out.
And so you know the rest.
So, the cops then have her 2 options, call someone to pick her up and take her home or end up going to jail.
So she grabs her cell and called 2 people. Both said no and I don't blame them. Who likes getting called at 2 AM listening to her beg and plead because she didn't want to go to jail.
The girl then admittedly said she can't find a ride. He told her she's going to jail.
She screams and covers her eyes, "Oh, no!" and she then pulls a fake fainting spell and comes crashing down on a stand containing bags of nuts. Flattens the whole damn thing.
I swore she broke it, but (whew) it wasn't. The frames slid away from each other instead of hanging on together, most of it supported by an eraser head sized pegs. So luckily for me I was able to reassemble the whole thing and put my back in a wringer picking up all these bags of nuts off the floor.
Anyway, so there she lays on top of the flattened shelf with the cop standing directly her fake "motionless" body. He starts rolling his eyes and gritted his teeth with obvious refrain of a few choiced words. He then yells for her to get her ass up off the floor and so she did.
He whirls her around and gets into the handcuffing position. I told the cop if I can't reassemble the shelf, I'm gonna need a damage report. He said he'll send someone in for that while he's taking her ass over to jail. (and not a happy camper at that.)
So about an hour after I finished reassembling the shelf with the bags of nuts back in place, the cop comes in with a damage report sheet. There are some cracks on the shelf, so to be on the safe side, to get the damage report in case the owner of that shelf wants to replace it and file the damage to his insurance company.
What a dozy of a night
